Seite 2: Nightingale hat seit Release 96 Prozent seiner Spieler verloren, ein lange gewünschter Modus soll viele zurückbringen

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Nightingale: Patchnotes (Englisch) zu Update 0.3


  • * Offline Mode [more details]
  • * Build from storage
  • * Skip tutorial
  • ‘A Spark of Hope’ Community Event [more details]
  • New Bound: Marksman
  • New NPCs: Joan of Arc, Edgar Allan Poe, Taliesin the Bard
  • * New player character loadouts and body types
  • * Edit existing player character from the menu
  • Introduction of soft/hard caps on crafts [more details]

Game Changes


  • Visual changes to tree felling animations
  • Extended range of torch light
  • Updated block icon
  • Changes to Grenade Tier 1 & 2 VFX


  • Added sound effects to additional tickbox toggles
  • Added sound effect for double click on the Realm Card Machine
  • New sound effects for spells when tools are charged with new alternative actions from 0.2 (ex. Sickle throw)
  • Applied cooldowns on weapon audio effects when there are multiple triggers in a short timespan
  • Suppressed audio when creatures impact with other creatures of the same type accidentally
  • Change to medium creature impact sound
  • Added foliage foley sounds


  • Can enable “Build from Storage” on storage containers to use its contents on nearby blueprints
  • Craft from Storage range has been increased


  • New Essence Trader in Abeyance Realms for the Spark of Hope event
  • New quest NPCs: Edgar Allan Poe, Joan of Arc, and Taliesin the Bard
  • Added voiceover for Aurelio
  • Adjustments to Aurelio’s questline
  • Nellie has additional lore dialogue if some Codex entries are unlocked
  • Minor adjustments to NPC dialogue
  • New Bound unit: Marksman
  • New Bound variants: Bound Sunderer and Bound Caprine
  • New AOE VFX for Bound Darkweaver knockback ability
  • New tiered variants of Apex creatures, Eotens, Swamp Giants and Bound that drop higher quality item drops
  • Wisps can now be interacted with in the Realms

Player Character

  • New player outfits, body types, and professions are now available in character creator
  • Players can now edit existing character visuals in the character select menu
  • Players can skip the tutorial by selecting a ‘Start Point’ under the character creator ‘Difficulty’ section
  • Various balance changes to the tutorial quest flow
  • Balance pass on fishing
  • Changed shove animation


  • Changes to tree-felling behaviour, they will now always fall away from the player
  • Mushrooms now yield mushrooms when removed from tree trunks
  • Lowered resource requirements and/or crafting time for various T1-T3 items


  • Recruited NPCs now have a radial menu for quick behavior commands
  • Recruited NPC menus now show their name rather than “Survivor”
  • Changed Map UI for larger map size
  • “Reset Portal” and “Reset Realm” have additional confirmations and warn the players of the effects of the actions
  • Changes to tool tip and inspect subscreens: Characteristics and tier can now be viewed on tool tip. Extraction info, infusion details and tool and clothing descriptions have been moved to the item inspect subscreen
  • Tiers for crafted items can now be viewed in the guidebook
  • Benches display Tier in the default UI when players are nearby
  • Various UX/UI adjustments


  • Ornate Blunderbuss recipe can now be unlocked in the Watch
  • Added Tier 3 & 4 Throwing Knives and Grenades
  • Items now have a soft cap on stats that will see diminishing returns on stats added to the item, and eventually hit a hard cap on the stat
  • New Track magick available in Swamp Astrolabe Realms


  • New POI encounters have been added
  • New Hunt codex entries
  • Capped loading screens to 60 fps and set default frame cap to 120 fps rather than infinite (but can be changed in the settings to be uncapped)
  • Performance improvements

Bug Fixes


  • Mushrooms and ivy should now disappear when an NPC fells a tree they're attached to
  • Various animation polishes and bug improvements
  • Grenades now inherit gem glass appearance


  • Knife and Sickle positional audio adjusted in 1st person


  • Estate foundations should no longer be blocked from being placed when they are too close to uneven ground


  • NPCs restored from persistence will now correctly change visuals when their clothing is changed.
  • Boss summoning Mechanisms at Sites of Power are no longer destructible
  • Creatures should no longer spawn near Estate Cairns
  • Creatures should no longer spawn out of bounds in Forest Vaults

Player Character

  • Fishing rods above Gear Score 255 can catch fish
  • Players should no longer get duplicate companion NPCs


  • Removed former ESC menu from being accessed while downed


  • Blunderbuss secondary attack should now utilize elemental ammo effects


  • Crafting stations requiring fuel will no longer complete all crafts upon logging back in if they have no fuel.

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