Seite 2: Minecraft: Archäologie-Expertin bemängelt kleine Ungenauigkeit, Patch fixt es prompt

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  • All Pottery Shards has been renamed to Pottery Sherds
  • If a vibration is scheduled to be received by a Sculk Sensor or Sculk Shrieker, they will stay queued until all adjacent chunks are loaded and ticking
  • Prevents vibration resonance setups from breaking when unloading their chunks from a distance
  • The game's application icon has been updated
  • This will be a Grass Block in release versions, and a Dirt Block in snapshot versions


  • Sniffers can now be tempted by Torchflower seeds

Trails Ruins

  • Reworked structures based on community feedback
  • Added more structure variants
  • Sand no longer generates within the structures
  • Tweaked the amount of gravel and dirt
  • Tweaked the amount of Suspicious Gravel
  • Split the loot tables for the Suspicious Gravel within the structure. There is now a dedicated loot table for Rare loot items (e.g. Pottery Sherds, Smithing Templates), and a dedicated loot table for more common loot drops (e.g. Tinted Glass Pane, Tools, Candles, etc.)
  • Due to these changes you might see errors like Failed to get element ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/processor_list / minecraft:trail_ruins_suspicious_sand] in an old snapshot world. These are harmless, but existing Trail Ruin structures that was not previously fully loaded might be missing parts of the structure.

Technical Changes

  • The data pack version is now 14, accounting for item display orientation changes
  • Added a return command
  • Added recipe_crafted advancement trigger



The return command can be used to control execution flow inside functions and change their return value. Effects:

  • Remaining separate top-level commands in the currently executing function (if any) are skipped
  • The result value of the function command that triggered the function is changed from the number of commands executed to value
  • The result value of the return command is also value


  • return <valuey


  • value: An integer return value


New Triggers

  • Triggered when crafting a recipe
  • Conditions:
  • recipe_id - the resource location of the recipe crafted
  • ingredients - an array of predicates for the item stacks used in the recipe
  • A single item stack can only be used to fulfill one predicate
  • Each predicate needs to be fulfilled to trigger the advancement. This allows for seperation between recipes that have same identifier but use different ingredients.
  • This field is optional. When not provided, or left empty, only the recipe_id will dictate the success of the trigger


  • Added villager_plantable_seeds to represent which kind of seeds Villagers can farm
  • Added maintains_farmland to represent which blocks will not cause farmland to be converted into dirt when placed on top of it

Display Entity

Rendering Changes

  • item_display items have been rotated 180 degrees around Y axis to better match transformation applied when rendering items on armor stand head and in item frames
  • For reference, order of transformations applied to model (starting from innermost) is item_transform, rotate Y 180, transformation field, entity orientation (billboard option + Rotation field + Pos field)

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