Europa Universalis IV

Dieses Thema im Forum "Spieleforum" wurde erstellt von Zauberpilz, 31. Januar 2013.

  1. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    8 Jahre EU4

    "Bald" soll es neue Infos geben, Björn hat aber schon geschrieben das sie sich erstmal auf kostenlose Patches konzentrieren und bisher an keinem neuen DLC gearbeitet wird.
  2. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DDs gehen wieder los.
    Erstmal nur Statistiken

    51% aller Spiele sind normale Singe Player
    44% sind Ironman
    5% sind Multiplayer

    An einem durschnittlichen Tag spielen
    62,3 % der Spieler Single Player
    38,7% Ironman
    13,7% Multiplayer
    (>100% weil Spieler mehrere Spiele am Tag spielen)

    Top 20 der meistgepielten Nationen:
    1. England 11.17%
    2. Ottomans 9.65%
    3. Frankreich 9.58%
    4. Kastilien 7.91%
    5. Byzantium 6.60%
    6. Österreich 6.43%
    7. Custom Nation 6.41%
    8. Brandenburg 5.81%
    9. Ming 4.93%
    10. Muskau 4.78%
    11. Portugal 4.62%
    12. Poland 3.83%
    13. Spanien 3.71%
    14. Prussia 3.44%
    15. Großbritannien 3.29%
    16. Russland 3.24%
    17. Schweden 3.24%
    18. Venedig 2.38%
    19. Holland 2.10%
    20. Timuriden 2.06%
    Die meistgenutzten Mods:
    1. Graphical Map Improvements 11.8%
    2. Chinese Language Mod for 1.31 11.3%
    3. Extended Timeline 6.4%
    4. Missions Expanded 4.3%
    5. The Great Exhibition 3.5%
    6. Governments Expanded 1.31 3.4%
    7. EU4 Russian localisation LITE by GEKS 3.3%
    8. Anbennar: A Fantasy Total Conversion Mod 2.8%
    9. Flavour and Events Expanded 2.7%
    10. Ages and Splendor Expanded 2.4%

    Rückblickend findet Johan es schade das EU4 nicht gleich auf Chinesisch und Russisch übersetzt wurde. Und er freut sich auch das mit Anbennar eine Total Conversion in der Top 10 ist (Kann die Mod nur empfehlen).

    Was macht das Tinto Team? Es fixt bugs.



    Wie geht es mit EU4 weiter?

    Die Skripter, Musiker, usw von Tinto machen einen kleinen Bezahl DLC. Die Missionen werden in den nächsten DDs vorgestellt.
    Die Code arbeiten weiter an Bugsm QoL Updates, Balancing und KI.
    Es wird einen 1.31.6 Patch geben, der ist aber nur für Kompabilitätszwecke da.
    Nächster großer Patch ist 1.32 im letzten Quartal dieses Jahres mit einem überarbeitetem Concentrate Development und den ganzen Bugfixes die in der Zwischenzeit gemacht wurden.

    Und Tinto stellt weiterhin Leute ein (Entwickler, Künstler und UI Designer)
    KleinTee gefällt das.
  3. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Das Content Pack geht um Nordafrika
    DD zu Mali


    Mit Mali ging es geschichtlich im 15ten Jahrhunder abwärts was auch im Spiel reflektiert wird.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Und das ist nur der Anfang

    Der Missionsbaum hat 3 Pfade. Rückeroberung der verlorenen Gebiete von Songhai, die Desaster rückgängig machen und etwas Kolonisierung

    Die Desaster haben auch was gutes, solange sie laufen gibt es jedes mal wenn man Kerne von Mali zurückerobert +1 Stabilität, etwas was man laut Missionen eh machen muss.
    Und wenn man bestimmte Provinzen erobert gibt es ebenfalls Events.


    Hat man Mali erstmal stabilisiert kann man einen auf Musa 2.0 machen und die Gold und auch Elfenbeinproduktion ankurbeln.


    Und wenn man viel Gold hat kann man es verschenken und dadurch die Wirtschaft eines anderen Landes crashen
    KleinTee gefällt das.
  4. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD über Songhai


    Songhai war sehr militaristisch weswegen sie viele Eroberungsmissionen haben sowohl gegen Mali im Westen und gegenüber "Gelegenheitsziele" im Osten und Norden
    Bei manchen Nationen gibt es besondere Events wenn man sie besiegt.

    Wenn man im Missionsbaum weit genug voranschreitet kann man einen weiteren Zweig freischalten

    Man hat die Wahl zwischen Religiösen Missionen

    Oder Toleranz Missionen

    Die Toleranz Missionen geben auch neue Edikte
    Und man kann von Islam auf Fetisch wechseln

    Es gab auch einige Änderungen an Mali verglichen zum letzten DD.
    Was Mali zu Spielstart sieht:
    Das geänderte Goldminen Edikt
    Ein paar geänderte Missionsnamen

    Und anstatt das man für 15k Gold die Wirtschaft einer Nation crashen kann, wird man eine Pilgerreise wie Mansa Musa veranstalten können
    Die Reise dauert etwa 5 Jahre und alle 100 Tage kommt ein Event
  5. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu Ajuuraan und Äthiopien

    Die Missionen von Ajuuraan sind aufgeteilt in Eroberung der Region und Handel.
    Für den Handel muss man erstmal Mogadischu erobern, kann dann anfangen Münzen zu prägen (wenn man eine Goldprovinz hat oder mit jemanden der eine hat verbündet ist.
    Dann geht der Handel los. Nach Indien
    Über die Molukken bis nach China

    Erobert wird die Küste und das Horn.

    Und einen neue Nation die man gründen kann gibt es auch

    Ajuuraan war auch für sein fortgeschrittenes Wassermanagement bekannt was durch ein Dekret repräsentiert wird

    Der Missionsbaum für Äthiopien ist etwas größer.

    Zu der damaligen Zeit hatte Äthiopien keine feste Hauptstadt, sondern der Herrscher hat sie immer dahin verlegt wo er gerade meinte ein Auge drauf haben zu müssen. Das wird mit einer speziellen Regierungsform repräsentiert.

    Dort wo die Hauptstadt gerade ist gibt es Boni
    Allerdings überall sonst:

    Durch eine bestimmte Mission kann man auch eine normale Hauptstadt haben

    Es gab auch einen großen Krieg mit Adal welches von den Osmanen ünterstützt wurde während Äthiopien Hilfe von Portugal bekam.
    Da es in vielen EU4 Partien so aussieht:

    wollte Paradox nicht die kompletten Staaten in den Krieg reinziehen. Daher bekommen Äthiopien und Adal spezielle Söldner welche die Holfstruppen aus Portugal/Osmanen repräsentieren und vergleichsweise gut/günstig sind.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Äthiopien bekommt auch eigene Spezialtruppen, die Cawa welche ähnlich wie Janissari rekrutiert werden, nur das die Provinzen keine andere Religion haben müssen

    Es gab auch ein Update zum letzten DD. Einige Länder in der Region Mali/Songhai wurden aufgespalten und der Missionsbaum etwas verändert.
  6. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Lol, nächste Woche gibt es EU4 kostenlos bei Epic.
  7. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu Patch 1.32

    Diese Woche kommt Patch 1.31.6 raus, das ist aber nur ein Kompabilitätspatch für den Epic Game Store da man dafür eine stabile Platform brauchte (EU4 gibts auch kostenlos bei Epic)

    1.32 kommt noch dieses Jahr und soll die Probleme von Leviathan beseitigen

    Concentrate Development
    Die Mechanik das man Entwicklung von einem besiegten Gegner stehlen kann wird überarbeitet.
    Stiehlt man jetzt Entwicklung von einem Gegner wird die "Provinz niederbrennen" Mechanik auf die Hauptstadtregion des Gegners angewandt was deren Entwicklung um 20% reduziert. Dadurch bekommt man "virtuelle Monarchiepunkte" mit denen dann automatisch Entwicklung in deiner Hauptstadt gekauft wird. Überschüssige Monarchiepunkte verfallen.
    Dadurch bekommt man nicht mehr 1:1 Entwicklung und die Effektivität lässt nach je teurer die Entwicklung in deiner Hauptstadt wird.

    Buff für Katholiken
    Die Kurie der Katholiken wird gestärkt.
    Bless Ruler: Gibt zusätzlich +10% Moral
    Indulgence for Sin: Zusätzlich +10% Beziehung verbessern
    Send Papal Legate: Zusätzlich -10% Annektionskosten

    Amerikanische Ureinwohner:
    Bekommen jetzt langsamer Regierungsreformen damit sie nicht alle reformiert sind wenn die Europäer kommen. Auch braucht die Reform in ein Königreich usw. den Feudalismus
    Auch gibt es jetzt einen Cooldown wenn man in Gebiet migriert das nicht dir gehört und hält man sich im Gebiet eines anderen Stammes auf verschlechtert sich die Beziehung kontinuierlich
    Auch die Entwicklung der Ureinwohner wird reduziert

    Änderung an den Institutionen:
    Bisher erhöhen sich die Kosten für Technologien sobald man eine Institution die auf der Welt existiert nicht hat. Sprich nur weil in Florenz die Renaissance anbricht wird es für Aborigines schwerer Militärtaktiken zu erforschen.
    In Zukunft hat jede Technologie eine Voraussetzung welche Institutionen sie braucht. Für jede Voraussetzung die man nicht erfüllt erhöhen sich die Kosten um 50%.
    Wer also mit der Technologie etwas zurückliegt ist erstmal nicht davon betroffen wenn eine neue Institution irgendwo entsteht und wer weit in die Zukunft voraus techt wird zusätzlich bestraft.

    KI Änderungen
    Paradox verspricht das sie die KI verbessert haben. Hauptsächlich indem sie die ganzen unabhängigen Systeme die über die Zeit entstanden sind zusammengefasst haben da diese sich immer gegenseitig blockiert haben wenn die KI Entscheidungen fällte. Daher sollte die KI jetzt nicht mehr kopflos hin und her rennen.
    Früher war es so:

    Auch kann die KI wieder besser Landeoperationen ausführen können was auch der Kolonisierung hilft.
    Aus einem Beobachterspiel:
    Die Wirtschaftski soll auch überarbeitet worden sein, allerdings gibt es da keine Änderung die besonders heraussticht.
  8. Alex86 Nick der Schlitzer McGurk

    Registriert seit:
    10. März 2015
    Das Grundspiel.
    Im entsprechenden GS Artikel wird darauf leider auch nicht hingewiesen.
    Im Falle von EU4 wäre der Hinweis mMn äußerst wichtig gewesen.
  9. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu den Missionen von Kongo

    Der Missionsbaum hat 3 Pfade und 2 "End Game" Missionen mit starken Belohnungen
    Die einzelnen Zweige drehen sich um:
    - Eroberung der Kulturregion
    - Beziehung zu Europäern (inklusive permanente Ansprüche auf alle Provinzen in Afrika welche von europäischen Mächten gehalten werden)
    - Fetischismus

    Wenn man dem Fetischismus folgt kann man jetzt dem Erben schon einen Kult verpassen und den Shamanen per Entscheidung losschicken neue Kulte zu finden.

    In Kongo waren europäische Missionare sehr aktiv

    Konvertiert man zum Christentum wie es historisch passiert ist dann ändert sich der Zweig im Missionsbaum.

    Mit einer entsprechenden "Spende" an den Papst kann man sogar einen Kardinal bekommen

    Übrigens, der Katholizismus bekommt auch einen anderen Grundbonus:

    Zurück zum Horn von Afrika, Adal bekommt ebenfalls eigene Missionen um länger gegen Äthiopien durchhalten zu können

    Und auch eigene Ideen
    ADA_ideas = {
    start = {
    land_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    trade_efficiency = 0.1

    bonus = {
    diplomatic_reputation = 1

    trigger = {
    tag = ADA
    free = yes

    ada_our_infinite_struggle = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1

    ada_a_monarchial_imamate = {
    legitimacy = 1

    ada_zeila_and_harar = {
    global_trade_power = 0.15

    ada_mujahiduir_cavalry = {
    cavalry_power = 0.05
    cavalry_cost = -0.1

    ada_unite_the_clans = {
    years_of_nationalism = -5

    ada_yahu_yahu = {
    land_morale = 0.1

    ada_embrace_the_cannons = {
    artillery_power = 0.1

    Das Horn von Afrika bekommt eigene generische Ideen:
    horn_of_african_ideas = {
    start = {
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.1 global_tax_modifier = 0.1 }

    bonus = {
    prestige = 0.5

    trigger = {
    culture_group = cushitic NOT = {primary_culture = somali } NOT = { primary_culture = tigray } NOT = { tag = ETH } }
    free = yes
    horn_of_african_punt_legend = { trade_range_modifier = 0.2 }
    horn_of_african_aksumite_legacy = { global_unrest = -1 }
    horn_of_african_highland_cultivation = { development_cost = -0.05 }
    horn_of_african_oromon_warriors = { infantry_power = 0.1 }
    horn_of_african_religious_melting_pot = { tolerance_heathen = 1 }
    horn_of_african_cushitic_language = { improve_relation_modifier = 0.15 }
    horn_of_african_religious_defensive_nature = { defensiveness = 0.2 } }

    Und Somalia auch
    SOM_ideas = {
    start = {
    may_perform_slave_raid_on_same_religion = yes
    cavalry_power = 0.1
    bonus = {
    capture_ship_chance = 0.33
    trigger = {
    tag = SOM
    free = yes
    SOM_land_of_punt = {
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
    SOM_african_silk_road = {
    caravan_power = 0.2
    trade_steering = 0.1
    SOM_african_minting = {
    inflation_reduction = 0.15
    SOM_zeila_and_berbera = {
    center_of_trade_upgrade_cost = -0.1
    SOM_blue_nile = {
    global_supply_limit_modifier = 0.33
    SOM_indian_merchants = {
    merchants = 1
    mercantilism_cost = -0.25
    SOM_faithful_to_allah = {
    missionary_maintenance_cost = -0.2
    Einige Provinzen bekommen auch eine anderes Gelände und Cawa Einheiten andere Werte
    Es gibt auch 2 Edikte um Cawa noch stärker zu machen
    • Cawa Peacekeeper:
      • Land Maintenance Modifier: -15.0%
      • Rebel Suppression Efficiency: +25.0%
      • Movement Speed: -10.0%
    • Cawa Conquerors:
      • Discipline: 2.5%
      • Recover Army Morale Speed: +10.0%
      • Reinforce Cost: +25.0%

    Nächste Woche: Neue Monumente
  10. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 11. Oktober 2021
  11. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
  12. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
  13. Nobody606 Ist ein Niemand

    Registriert seit:
    27. April 2011
    Am 11. November soll "Origins" kommen: Ein Immersion Pack für die afrikanischen Nationen inklusive dem obligatorischen Patch. Von ausführlichen DDs über Monate wie bei HoI und CK scheint Tinto wohl nichts zu halten. Hoffen wir mal, dass der kurze Zeitraum nicht so endet wie bei Leviathan. :ugly:
  14. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Wie bereits gesagt wurde kommt am 11. November das nächste mini DLC "Origins" raus.
    Es kostet 10€
    Neue Missionen für:
    • Mali
    • Songhai
    • Kongo
    • Äthiopien
    • Ajuuraan
    • Kilwa
    • Mutapa
    • Ein paar kleinere Nationen
    Der jüdische Glaube bekommt neue Mechaniken
    Und neue Einheitengrafiken und Musik

    DD zu den Missionen von Kilwa und Mutapa (+sonstiger Inhalt des DLC)
    Missionen für Kilwa:

    Kilwa hat einen gemischten Handel und Kolonisierungs Missionsbaum.
    Zuerst muss man Südafrika kolonisieren. Das geht auch ohne Ideen da die Missionen dir temporär einen Conquistador und Kolonisten geben.
    Man muss auch sein Reich aufbauen, die Afrikaküste erobern, vor allem Zanzibar und seinen Handel nach Osten ausbauen bis man unter anderem Australien erreicht und da kolonisiert.

    Vor allem mit Persien kann man durch Events guten Handel treiben

    Und Handel ist nicht das Einzige was man bekommt

    Durch diesen Kontakt kann man zu Shia wechseln
    Und dann behaupten das Persien eigentlich dir gehört

    Kilwa bekommt auch neue Ideen (Handel + Wirtschaft, kein Militär)
    ZAN_ideas = {
    start = {
    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.25
    global_ship_trade_power = 0.2

    bonus = {
    global_trade_power = 0.1

    trigger = {
    tag = ZAN
    free = yes

    zan_kilwa_latitude_staves = {
    trade_range_modifier = 0.25
    range = 0.2

    zan_shirazis_legacy = {
    legitimacy = 1

    zan_the_deal_with_almuli = {
    diplomatic_reputation = 1
    trade_company_investment_cost = -0.1

    zan_kilwa_the_melting_pot = {
    idea_cost = -0.05

    zan_gold_of_sofala = {
    monthly_gold_inflation_modifier = -0.2
    inflation_reduction = 0.03

    zan_trade_center_of_zanzibar = {
    merchants = 1

    zan_center_of_migration = {
    development_cost = -0.1

    Die Missionen sind ähnlich denen von Kilwa. Gehe nach Südafrika und Handel ist nicht schlecht.
    Früher war Mutapa mal Zimbabwe, das aber zerfallen ist was man immer noch spürt.

    Also muss man sein Land wieder aufbauen (teilweise sogar wörtlich mit Gebäude).
    Schafft man das kann man alte Ansprüche wieder geltend machen
    Ziel ist natürlich Zimbabwe neu zu gründen und besser zu sein als das alte Zimbabwe
    Ideen für Zimbabwe (Gemischt)
    GZI_ideas = {
    start = {
    fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    land_morale = 0.15

    bonus = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.2

    trigger = {
    tag = GZI
    free = yes

    gzi_stone_masonry = {
    build_cost = -0.15
    great_project_upgrade_cost = -0.1
    gzi_ivory_trade = {
    global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    gzi_gold_deposits = {
    global_tax_modifier = 0.1
    monthly_gold_inflation_modifier = -0.2
    gzi_zimbabwes_walls = {
    defensiveness = 0.25
    gzi_lay_of_the_land = {
    hostile_attrition = 1
    gzi_tributary_system = {
    vassal_income = 0.2
    gzi_zimbabwe_birds = {
    production_efficiency = 0.15

    Man kann auch eine lokale Bevölkerungsgruppe bewaffnen und als Vassallen haben. Oder man kann sogar zu dieser Nation wechseln (KI macht beides nicht)
    Jeder Nation welche diese Prozinzen hält kann durch Events die Zulu entlassen und Anfang des 19ten Jahrhunderts wird das auch passieren wenn die KI dieses Land hält.
    Die Ideen der Zulu sind wie erwartet stark militärisch
    ZUL_ideas = {
    start = {
    army_tradition_from_battle = 1
    land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.25

    bonus = {
    discipline = 0.05

    trigger = {
    tag = ZUL
    free = yes

    zul_confederacy_of_clans = {
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
    zul_the_ukubuthwa = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.2
    zul_the_impi_warriors = {
    infantry_power = 0.1
    shock_damage = 0.1
    zul_zulu_expansion = {
    core_creation = -0.1
    years_of_nationalism = -3
    zul_warrior_culture = {
    land_morale = 0.15
    zul_shaka_reforms = {
    reform_progress_growth = 0.1
    governing_capacity_modifier = 0.1
    zul_conquest_through_patronage = {
    accept_vassalization_reasons = 10

    Es gibt noch ein paar neue Tags welche man gründen kann.
    KIT_ideas = {
    start = {
    infantry_power = 0.1
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.15

    bonus = {
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.15

    trigger = {
    tag = KIT
    free = yes

    kit_legacy_of_the_gods = {
    legitimacy = 1
    tolerance_own = 2
    kit_empire_of_the_light = {
    prestige = 1
    kit_memory_of_aksum = {
    embracement_cost = -0.2
    kit_lakes_dominance = {
    discipline = 0.05
    kit_bachwezi_earthworks = {
    build_cost = -0.1
    kit_nile_conquest = {
    core_creation = -0.15
    kit_rich_history = {
    culture_conversion_cost = -0.25

    NBI_ideas = {
    start = {
    land_morale = 0.15
    hostile_attrition = 1

    bonus = {
    prestige = 1

    trigger = {
    tag = NBI
    free = yes

    nbi_our_land = {
    global_unrest = -2
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.15

    nbi_religious_friction = {
    global_missionary_strength = 0.02

    nbi_desert_knowledge = {
    land_attrition = -0.1

    nbi_military_strength = {
    discipline = 0.05

    nbi_nile_control = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    production_efficiency = 0.1

    nbi_christian_ties = {
    tolerance_own = 2

    nbi_egyptian_relations = {
    adm_tech_cost_modifier = -0.1

    AKS_ideas = {
    start = {
    prestige_decay = -0.01
    land_morale = 0.15

    bonus = {
    global_manpower_modifier = 0.33

    trigger = {
    tag = AKS
    free = yes

    aks_stellae_builders = {
    prestige = 1

    aks_legacy_of_king_kaleb = {
    ae_impact = -0.15

    aks_persian_revenge = {
    province_warscore_cost = -0.25

    aks_christianity_stronghold = {
    tolerance_own = 2

    aks_mediterranean_contacts = {
    technology_cost = -0.1

    aks_trade_hub = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.15

    aks_coin_minting = {
    inflation_reduction = 0.1

    Plus ein paar weitere welche die Ideen nicht ändern.

    Neue Privilegien für Fetish Länder (DLCContent)

    Für Muslime (DLCContent)
    Und ein paar die mit dem Patch kommen

    Es gibt noch eine weitere Nation welche im Spiel mit dem DLC gegründet werden kann, allerdings nicht in Afrika
    ISR_ideas = {
    start = {
    legitimacy = 1
    religious_unity = 0.25

    bonus = {
    diplomatic_reputation = 1

    trigger = {
    tag = ISR
    free = yes

    end_of_diaspora = {
    global_unrest = -1
    church_power_modifier = 0.15
    national_myths_restored = {
    discipline = 0.05
    return_home = {
    production_efficiency = 0.2
    jewish_trade_tradition = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    trade_steering = 0.1
    pious_people = {
    tolerance_own = 2
    people_of_exile = {
    development_cost = -0.1
    the_chosen_people = {
    land_morale = 0.1
    Die jüdische Religion wird auch erweitert, das kommt aber in einem späteren DD
  15. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zum Judaismus und Missionen für kleinere afrikanische Nationen

    Judaismus funktioniert ähnlich wie Protestantismus. Man hat Glauben der sich langsam auffüllt und 3 Slots für Buffs.

    Anders als beim Protestantismus kann man die Buffs nicht frei aussuchen, sondern jeder Slot korrespondiert mit einer Manaart (ADM/DIP/MIL) und hat jeweils 3 Auswahlmöglichkeiten. Jede davon gibt einen traditionellen Buff und entweder aktive Fähigkeit oder einen "ungewöhnlichen" Buff.

    Auswahl zwischen - Unruhe, - Techkosten und - Zinsen.
    Man kann für 200 Glauben auch ein Fest feiern was je nach Buff +1 Stab, +5 Legitimität (auch für Erben) oder Geld und minus Inflation bekommt.

    Auswahl zwischen Toleranz für den Wahren Glauben, dasselbe für Heiden, oder - Entwicklungskosten
    Zusätzlich haben entweder Provinzen mit jüdischem Glauben keinen Malus bei falscher Kultur, Christen und Muslime geben keinen Abzug auf religiöse Einigkeit oder alle Christen und Muslime haben +35 Beziehung zu dir.

    Weniger Verschleiß, Festungsverteidigung oder Moral.
    Entweder bekommt man generell mehr Manpower und Glauben im Krieg, kann seine eigenen Festungen schneller zurückbelagern und bekommt Glauben für jede feindliche Festung die man besetzt oder Kämpfe zu gewinnen reduziert die Kriegsmüdigkeit und Kriege gewinnen gibt Glaube.

    Natürlich gehört auch dazu den Tempel wieder aufzubauen mit der Entscheidung wie sehr man den Muslimen ans Schienbein treten will

    Und es gibt Events für Feste

    In Westafrika wurden die Tags neu gemischt.

    Die kleineren Länder in der Region bekommen einen neuen, generischen Missionsbaum.

    Jolof bekommt eigene Missionen Mali zu verdrängen und mit Europa zu handeln.

    Es hat auch eine eigene Regierungsform weil es eigentlich ein Zusammenschluss mehrere Kleinstkönigreiche war und muss sich durch Missionen und Privilegien zentralisieren.

    Mossi und die Königreiche die es Formen können haben eigene Missionen die man auf "Plündere in alle Richtungen" reduzieren kann was schnell viel Geld gibt.
    Mossi selbst hat auch eine eigene Regierungsform mit der man sich Buffs mit Legitimität kaufen kann (dauert aber 6 Monate bis sie aktiv werden)
    Wer das nicht mag kann auch reformieren.

    In der Hausa Region bekommt man natürlich Missionen um Hausa zu gründen. Dann kann man die Provinzen in denen die 7 großen Städte der Hausa standen verbessern so das diese Provinzen eigene Buffs bekommen welche man alle paar Jahrzehnte erneuern muss.
    Gründet man danach Sokoto werden einige Missionen ausgewechselt.

    Oyo bekommt Buffs für Kavallerie Söldner und mit denen die Muslime aus der Region vertreiben.
    Durch ein spezielles Privileg können sie auch Tributstaaten haben.

    Die Nationen um Kongo herum bekommen auch einen gemeinsamen Missionsbaum der sich um Allianzen, Militäraufbau und Glauben dreht.

    Das Horn von Afrika bekommt ein neues Tag mit eigenem, kleinem Missionsbaum

    Adal bekommt ebenfalls eigene Missionen die darum gehen Äthiopien eins auf die Nase zu geben und sich bei den Osmanen einzuschleimen.

    Sofalan bekommt ebenfalls eigene Missionen groß und stark zu werden und um Handel mit China zu treiben.
  16. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD über zusätzliche Grafiken in Origin DLC
    Origin hat 16 neue Soldatenmodelle und 2 für Missionare.
    Da diese Modelle einer ganzen Region zugeordnet sind mussten die Grafiker einen Mix aus den verschiedenen Kulturen dieser Region erstellen.

    Diese wurden dann in 3D modelliert.

    Und so sieht das Ergebnis aus (mehr Bilder im Paradox Forum)

    Es werden auch Beraterportraits für die Regioen die Leviathan verbesserte (Polynesien usw.) nachgeliefert

    Und es gibt auch einen neuen Ladebildschirm (Königin Nzingha Mbande von Ndongo)
  17. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Changelog des Patch nächste Woche:
    ######################### 1.32 ##############################

    # Expansion Features
    - Added a new mission tree for Mali.
    - Added a new mission tree for Songhai.
    - Added a new mission tree for Jolof.
    - Added a new mission tree for the countries of the Mossi culture.
    - Added a new mission tree for countries of the Hausa culture.
    - Added a new mission tree for Oyo.
    - Added a new mission tree for Kongo.
    - Added a new mission tree for Ethiopia.
    - Added a new mission tree for Adal.
    - Added a new mission tree for Ajuuraan.
    - Added a new mission tree for Kilwa.
    - Added a new mission tree for Mutapa.
    - Added Generic Missions for West Africa nations.
    - Added Generic Missions for Central Africa nations.
    - Added Generic Missions for Horn of Africa nations.
    - Added Generic Missions for East Africa nations.
    - Added mechanics and flavor events for Judaism.
    - Added 11 new estate privileges (some generic, some specific for Songhai, Oyo, Ethiopia and Ajuuraan).
    - Added 16 new sprites (in 4 levels) for African culture groups (Congo, Great Lakes, East Bantu, Southern Africa).
    - Added 2 new missionary models (African Coptic, African Fetishist).
    - Added 2 music packs of 10 minutes each (West Africa and East Africa).
    - Added 3 new advisor portrait sets for Polynesian, Australian Aboriginal and South East Asian.

    # Free Features
    - Added 9 new government reforms for African countries.
    - Added 8 additional free estate privileges.
    - Added 8 new formable countries (Israel, Aksumite Empire, Great Zimbabwe, Kitara, Kush, Nubia, Somalia and Rozwi).
    - Reworked 3 already existing formable countries (Mossi, Hausa, Sokoto).
    - Reworked 4 already existing countries as reformables (Mali, Macina, Kongo and Ethiopia).
    - Added 1 spawnable country: Zulu.
    - Added new sets of ideas for all the new formable countries (except for Rozwi), Jolof, Oyo, Adal, Kilwa, and generic for Horn of Africa countries.
    - Added 52 new monuments for Leviathan DLC owners.

    # Performance
    - Fixed a lot of the performance degradation introduced in Leviathan.
    - Increased usage of the country's military access cache.
    - Fabricate claims and claim states actions don't need to run through every province.
    - Stopped "Create States" notification alert from causing significant performance issues.
    - Improved macrobuilder performance when a gigantic nation.

    # Gamebalance
    # Economy
    - Concentrate development: changed algorithm to convert dev stolen to monarch points in the pillaged province, then use those monarch points to buy dev at the capital so that after a point it won't buy you anything.
    - Fixed the "pillage state, release vassal, pillage it again" exploit.
    - Now you know what trade goods are in tribal land so you can't keep migrating around in your land until gold shows up.

    # Governments
    - Being over the Government Capacity now decreases the Tribal Development Growth (at 100% over capacity, the Tribal Development Growth is decreased by 100%).
    - Increased the settlement costs through Tribal Development, making it cost now 50 ADM, 50 DIP and 50 MIL.
    - Reforming into monarchies, theocracies or republics as a Totemistic horde will now swap your technology group with the North American tech instead of the Chinese tech. This also applies for Inti, Mayan, Nahuatla and Alcheringa countries, which will get their respective technology groups back.
    - Tribal reform into Kingdom, Theocracy or Republic require Feudalism to be embraced.
    - Tribal reform into the Horde requires Military Technology level 6.
    - Reduced Native tribal development gain.
    - HRE: Changed requirements for declaring Reichskrieg: development doesn't matter any more; can declare on countries with a neighbour country that is in the HRE not necessarily a neighbouring province.
    - Institutions effect on tech cost is now based on tech level instead of time.
    - Added a new government reform for the fith tier of the Native governments, which let the nation remain being a native instead of reforming into a monarchy or any other of the governments. This government is the default reform AI picks, making them a lot less likely to become a proper government.
    - Reduced tribal development growth, the growth will be now reduced by current tribal development.
    - Replacing the government reform "Settle Down" will now cause a Stab Hit.
    - The government reform "Settle Down" now reduces the Governing Capacity by 25%.
    - The government reforms "Seasonal Travel" and "War Band" can only be selected if you own only 1 province (Tribal Land does not count).
    - Militarists in power in Theocratic Open Public Elections do not cause elections.

    # Religion
    - Bless Ruler now gives additional +10% Morale of Armies.
    Comment from @Ogele: We had some additional playtests and we noticed that +5% Land Morale has been not efficient enough to make Catholicism a competitive religion regarding the military strength. Because of that we reverted the change from 5% to 10% again. We will keep a close eye on it though and observe how it performs in Singleplayers and Multiplayers.
    - Catholicism gives now +1% Missionary Strength against Heathens instead of -1 Tolerance of Heretics.
    - Fetishist provinces no longer have +2% Local Missionary Strength as they were historically not easier to convert than other religions.
    - Forgive Usury now gives -0.05 Yearly Corruption.
    - Indulgence for Sin is now available for every kind of government, increasing Devotion, Horde Unity and Republican Tradition too. Additionally, it now gives +10% Improve Relations.
    - Levy Church Tax for Catholics now gives additional -10% Building Cost.
    - Proclaim Holy War now gives additional -5% Army Maintenance.
    - Send Papal Legate now gives additional -10% Diplomatic Annexation Cost.
    - Shintoism now gives +1 Tolerance for Heathens so they too have two modifiers.
    - The relation penalty / benefit to Heretics during the Council of Trent has been halved.
    - The reformation speed of the Protestant, Hussite and Reformed reformation center has been increased by 25% in order to balance the reformation in HRE out due to the removed Tolerance of Heretics penalty of the Catholics
    Comment from @Ogele: In general we were quite pleased with the reformation change. However, Catholicism got eradicated a little bit too often during the nightlys. Because of this we tuned the reformation speed from 50% down to 25% in order to make the reformation stronger without replacing Catholicism entirely.

    # Units
    - Made it possible to turn Male consorts into generals.
    - Tweaked disembark speed modifier usage so hostile_disembark_speed and movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier stack multiplicatively.

    # War & Peace
    - Added feature to pillage capital to allow just malicious pillaging with no gain if what you're pillaging doesn't buy you anything at your capital.
    - Infiltrate Administration applies to allies in War.
    - Empire: HRE reform Geteilte Macht now prevents other HRE members from accumulating AE against the Emperor when they take non-HRE provinces.
    - Nations released through peace treaty will be guaranteed by the winning peace treaty negotiator for the duration of their.
    - Scaled back war score, AE and overextension to reflect the fact that there are many more provinces than there were when these things were first balanced. Allows taking slightly bigger chunks of land.
    - Currying favours made slower if you're militarily weaker than the target.

    # Other
    - Increased Kaaba's Prestige modifier.
    - Increased Potosí's interest per annum.
    - Ethiopia and Mali are now an Endgame Tags.
    - Lucky Nations gain additional +25% Governing Capacity Modifier.
    - The base Monthly Heir Claim has been reduced from 0.417 to 0.208 in order to make heirs with low and average claims more common.
    - The diplomatic policy "Faith Advisors" now gives +0.5% Yearly Patriach Authority instead of +50.0% and +0.05 Yearly Karma Decay instead of +0.5 Yearly Karma Decay.
    - The disaster "Crisis of the Ming Dynasty" is now much more lethal. It now cripples Ming's economy and increases the size of rebels spawned through the disaster.
    - The modifier "Rome Reborn" from uniting the Holy Roman Empire now has all the modifiers the Emperor would have kept the the vassal swarm.
    - The native building "Earthwork" now reduces Hostile Movement Speed by 25%.
    - The native building "Fortified House" now only increases the Land Force Limit by 5 down from 10.
    - The native building "Longhouse" now reduces the local Province Governing Cost by -25%.
    - Changed the requirements for the Imperial City of Hue, and changed the name of the Potosí monument.
    - Changed Jerusalem and Mecca max prestige to 0.5, as it was too easy for a muslim countries to stack +2 yearly prestige at max level coming from these two monuments.
    - Dishonoring call to arms from defender of faith now a -15 trust loss.
    - Chance of new countries being monarchies now depends on absolute number of institutions, not technology cost penalty.
    - Corruption gained from lagging tech no longer discounts with tech cost penalty (but situation should be more managable with new system).
    - Great Power score calculation changed accordingly to the changes in the Institutions.
    - Immunity from instant (10:1) stack wipe now requires 2 institutions ahead of enemy (previously 80% less tech cost penalty).
    - Maximum power storage is now based on tech cost penalty for the next tech level of given type.
    - Rebels no longer reinforce slower in countries with tech cost penalties.
    - Removed incorrect warning of losing monarch points when embracing institutions.
    - Trade League no longer disallowed for being behind > 4 institutions.
    - Forming Tibet while having Tibetan Ideas will no longer remove Tibetan ideas.
    - Favors actions are way too harsh if you miss them. Stab hit now 0 and opinion lost is minimal and capped.
    - Reduced migration cooldown
    - Removed ability to pillage capital on behalf of your subjects.
    - Subject type interaction fixes: can now rescind the upgrades for 100 ducats; fixed up script so that liberty desire isn't added as an effect; admin power taken from overlord, not subject.
    - Added a Buddhism alternative for the Imperial City of Hue monument.
    - Added +50% Monument cost when in Bankruptcy.
    - Changed Forbidden City requirement to having Celestial Empire government reform.
    - City of Khami religious requirement now works properly.
    - Cologne Cathedral religious requirement now works properly.
    - Heddal Stave Church religious requirement now works properly.
    - Increased Monument manpower speeding up cost to 10K.
    - Removed Alhambra requirements.
    - Swapped Himeji Castle and Sankin Kotai Palaces requirements.
    - Updated Culture requirements for all Monuments, so now it will always be required to have the same culture of the monument's province as a country's primary or accepted culture.
    - Countries inside HRE don't get relations penalty with Emperor if he is a Hegemon.
    - Player can now move monuments from his subject's provinces to his own capital.

    # AI
    # Diplomacy
    - Fixed bug where subsidies were being given far too much budget for no reason
    - Fixed it being possible to have AI nation subsidise your new nation by playing as a former colonial nation.

    # Economy
    - Fixed bug where advisors were always budgeted for, even when not required
    - Fixed AI budgeting of the forts
    - AI no longer gives budget for corruption when it's at 0
    - Made AI less interested in buildings without concrete value.
    - Added a mechanism to recall AI colonists promoting settlement growth if there's no budget for it.
    - Fixed AI countries with very low income and loans clinging on to forts they can't afford.
    - AI can now protect trade if they do not have any warships.

    # War
    - Made AI more likely to chase your armies.
    - AI more competent at hunting down smaller armies.
    - Better understanding of terrain effects on combat.
    - Fixed AI exiled armies could stand idle instead of going to a province that would clear the exile.
    - AI can now pick up and drop off troops in port.
    - Fixed bugs preventing AI from completing troop transports and invasions.
    - Made AI better at prioritizing between invasions.
    - Made AI better at sticking to sieges.
    - AI recruitment/disbanding issues - was disbanding regular troops before mercs.

    # Other
    - AI for settling and adding tribal land added.
    - Improved AI monarch point handling (tech).
    - Optimized Add/Remove strategy.
    - Added a few more modifiers for the AI to be more likely to take the Land Rights privileges.
    - Further improved AI fort building so that incremental improvements can be made to upgrade forts and improve the forts mapmode.
    - Toned down releasing of vassals from governing capacity. Now tolerates 50% over instead of 20% over, and won't release anything that gives way more of a reduction than it needs.
    - Some AI changes to consider using reform progress or estate privileges to boost governing capacity before releasing vassals.
    - AI can no longer take blessings assigned to a different religion.
    - Improved the AI decision making for Orthodox events, so they will be more likely to get authority.
    - Made AI less eager to select icons when at low Authority.

    # Interface
    # Country
    - Subject details displayed properly on lower resolutions.
    - Refusal to do favor actions is now defaulted to popup and pause to show you that you've done it.
    - Allow seeing ¨Sue for peace¨ window without needing a free diplomat.
    - Added Perpetual Diet location to HRE interface and mapmode.
    - HRE member shields now have a blue outline if they support the latest reform.
    - Added Centers of Trade page to the ledger.
    - New Filtering option called War Allies added in the Ledger.
    - Hovering over a shield of an non-existent nation on the cores list will now highlight all the cores that this nation still have.
    - Added new institution icons to tech view. Changed description of institution spawn event.
    - Add space for extra edict on the edicts list.
    - Condottieri while at peace alert doesn't need to popup if the price I'm paying is 0 ducats anyway.
    - Added an alert for when federation cohesion maxes out.

    # Icons/Art
    - Added the flag for the Alcheringa rebels.
    - Added new icon for Jewish mechanics.
    - Added icon for "global_rebel_suppression_efficiency.
    - Added new modifiers for "yearly_authority", "overlord_naval_forcelimit" and "all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium".
    - Added new UI Gfx for the new cawa regiments.
    - Added new icon for the institutions inside the great powers window.
    - Fixed social buttons for lower resolutions.
    - Fixed Sicily (SIC) and Two Sicilies (TTS) have mistakenly swapped flags.
    - Added new different institution icons for the technology window.
    - Added new alert icon for "Armies on missions too scared to engage Enemies".
    - Added new icons for auto-improve relations in the outliner.
    - Added new icon for "Convert consort to general".
    - Added more "consistency" to the papacy dip bonus icon.
    - Added new icons for disabled settlement growth.
    - Added new icon for waiting human response in war window.
    - Added new row to the edicts background.
    - Added new message icons for favor actions.
    - Added new icons for different cloud save states.
    - Added exceptions to lower resolutions in the Subject statics window.
    - Fixed great projects ledger background.
    - Recolored "Absolute Reichstabilität" icon for better reading.
    - Adjusted Hostile and maximize profit icons in the outliner.
    - Added New siege iamges to polynesian cities.
    - Added New alert icon for "Enemies sieging our provinces".
    - Added new Icons for "move_capital_cost_modifier" and "local_gold_depletion_chance_modifier".
    - Added new GFX for "Queen Nzingha Mbande of Ndongo and Matamba".

    # Mapmodes
    - Included nations that support a subject's independence on the diplomatic map mode.
    - Added stripes to provinces with separatism in unrest map mode.
    - Changed Development mapmode to use median as the colour anchor.
    - Modified the "Coalition" mapmode to be more useful. Reds = enough AE and low enough opinion to join coalition; Ambers = enough AE but not low enough opinion, so full Amber = improve opinion NOW; Greens = not enough AE to join a coalition.
    - Improved development mapmode so that yellow is still the median but now green is maximum instead of median x 2.
    - When hovering over rebel progress provinces affected are now highlighted.
    - Added Tribal Development to ledger and development mapmode.
    - The Jewish religion has now a blue map color instead of the red it used to have.

    # Tooltips
    - set_ruler effect shows the ruler's age.
    - The tooltip for faith tolerance tells precisely what Tolerance does now.
    - The tooltip of the banners has been adjusted and now mentions Jurchen culture and the Great Mongol State.
    - The tooltip on disasters lists "possible" progress increasing factors so you know what to avoid.
    - Fixed a missing tooltip for the demands of the Alcheringa rebels.
    - Fixed non-translated tooltip in suppress rebels interface.
    - Added a tooltip in outliner for kick players.
    - Improved building tooltips.
    - The army action tooltips have been tidied up.

    # Unitmodels
    - Florence and Venice keep their unique units while dynamic color versions are given to minors with Tuscan and Venetian/Dalmatian cultures.
    - French models from the Evangelical Union and Evangelical Majors unit packs no longer override Colonial French units in the Americas.
    - Savoy keeps its unique units even if you change to Occitan culture in the mission trees.
    - Tweaked some African country colors to fit the new unit models.
    - Mothballed fleets now have an icon next to the location name so you can see mothballed fleets in a stack.
    - Display a missionary model based on graphical culture AND religion.

    # Other
    - Malay, Tai, and Mon-Khmer culture groups given southeastasiangfx primary graphical culture, and their original asiangfx has been relegated to their secondary graphical culture.
    - Added a pop up for the first time you get an institution.
    - Added sound to Hussite and Alcheringa conversion and religion tab as well as sound for claiming the Defender of Faith for Hussite.
    - Don't set window to collidable at show if it is already collidable.
    - Added option for showing region names for parts of your country in other regions (e.g. 'Swedish Kongo' instead of 'Sweden').
    - Added "Your forts are under siege" alert.
    - Added an alert if your armies doing Rebel Suppression or Carpet Siegeing do not dare to engage Rebels.
    - Added a chat message from the system when a player is kicked.
    - Outliner: Added little Icon to show what Auto-improve relations task a diplomat is on.
    - Outliner: Added subject revolt progress in Outliner and Alert bar.
    - Added keyboard shortcuts to some often-used buttons.
    - Macrobuilder: Show Military Tech for each Mercenary Company on hiring list.
    - MP: added Mod and Version filter.
    - Trade favours for trust is now just auto-accepted.
    - Don't show claim shield if it's a core. The claim still being there is valid, but it just adds clutter.
    - The UI was just doing its own thing, not using any of the combatant's engaged ships data. Also took the opportunity to add some sanity to the inland sea/coastal sea/open sea types and make sure it was accounted for when assessing naval strength.

    # Usermodding
    # Commands
    - Console command ai can now be used to enable single country's AI again.

    # Effects
    - Added removed_effect for subject type upgrades.
    - Define ruler/heir to general supports traits.
    - Added add_favors effect { who = <tag> amount = <tag> }.
    - Added add_great_project { type = <tag> } can now use instant = yes/no; move_great_project added { type = <tag> province = <id> instant = yes/no }; destroy_great_project added { type = <tag> }.
    - Added female = yes/no to the create leader effects (instead of using negative tradition).
    - Added set_defender_of_the_faith and remove_defender_of_the_faith (both can take a who = <tag> and religion = <tag>).
    - Added define_consort country_of_origin works with tags and scopes.
    - Fixed add to war effect not working when trying to add your overlord to a war.
    - Added set_emperor = yes/no on current scope. yes sets it, no clears the emperor.
    - Added change_national_focus = ADM/DIP/MIL/none; changes the national focus for the country to either of these 4.
    - Added cawa_infantry = <country_scope>; adds a cawa infantry in the province for country scope.

    # Modifiers
    - Added global_rebel_suppression_efficiency - a modifier, which increases the efficiency of unrest reduced by the presence of a unit in a province or in an area if the "Manage Autonomous Rebel Suppression" is used.
    - Added cawa_cost_modifier - a modifier, which increases/decreases the mil power cost of conscripting Cawa regiments.
    - Added monthly_gold_inflation_modifier - allows to change the amount of inflation generated by gold mining.
    - Added gold_depletion_chance_modifier - allows to change gold depletion chance for a province.
    - Added global_monthly_devastation - increases or decreases the devastation of all owned provinces.
    - Added global_prosperity_growth - increases the prosperity of the country.
    - Added local_prosperity_growth - increases the prosperity of the province's area.
    - Added monthly_favor_modifier - increased amount of favour gained by the country.
    - Added tolerance_of_heretics_capacity - increases the maximum amount of tolerance you can have for heretics.
    - Added tolerance_of_heathens_capacity - increases the maximum amount of tolerance you can have for heathens.
    - Added move_capital_cost_modifier - reduces the amount of admin power needed to move the capital in %.
    - Can now use movement_speed_in_fleet_modifier as a country global modifer.
    - Added yearly_authority - allows to affect amount of yearly authority gained.
    - Added overlord_naval_forcelimit - extra force limit that goes to your overlord.
    - Added all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium - loyatly equilibrium applied to all estates.

    # Triggers
    - For custom_trigger_tooltip text, you can now add [Trigger.trigger_name] and it will replace it with the value in that trigger. Only works for simple triggers and there may well be cases where it's not implemented.
    - Added num_of_cawa which returns true if the country scope has at least x cawa troops.
    - Country Trigger Scope: has_cultural_union = yes/no.
    - Added current_war_losses trigger { who_with = <Tag>[optional] type = infantry/artillery/cavalry/heavy_ship/light_ship/transport/galley/men/ships/all[optional] cause = attrition/battle/capture[optional] amount = <number> }.
    - can_have_colonial_nations has province ID in the scope too.
    - on_mercenary_recruited can distinguish of what kind of merc has been recruited; ROOT is set to the usit id, and new trigger mercenary_company can be used to match to a merc company tag.

    # Other
    - Idea descriptions can have custom localizations.
    - can_change_primary_culture added to government reforms.
    - province_triggered_modifiers now uses on_activation and on_deactivation correctly.
    - can_be_established removed from subject_types files as it didn't do anything.
    - Added '&' to localisation system. & will act like % but won't multiply the value by 100.
    - Include .map files when uploading mod to Steam.
    - "supported_version" now requires at least 2 version numbers (e.g. 1.10 or 1.10.*).
    - Added CLEAR_PROVINCE_VARIABLES_ON_CLEAR_OWNER, CLEAR_PROVINCE_FLAGS_ON_CLEAR_OWNER and CLEAR_PROVINCE_SAVED_NAMES_ON_CLEAR_OWNER so modders can choose whether or not province variables/flags/saved names get cleared when a province loses its owner (old modder request from 2018).
    - Added a "on_force_conversion" on_action.
    - Fixed limit on number of electors

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The Achievement "No Trail of Tears" can now be achieved even after forming a federation.
    - Added 16 new achievements.

    # Decisions
    - Sokoto is now easier to form and does no longer require an event if you form them as Hausa.
    - The decision "Embrace Islam" can only be taken if the country is free or a tributary.
    - Canada can now be formed by Quebec, Alaska and Cascadia.
    - The USA can now be formed by Texas, Florida, California, Alaska, Louisiana, Illinois and Vermont.

    # Events
    - Added an AI chance for upgrading their monument.
    - The Imperial Reconquest and the Reintegration peace treaty give now proper amount of prestige.
    - Added a new, special casus belli for the Emperor in the Switzerland incident, which allows the Emperor to force Switzerland back into the Empire with no warscore issue.
    - Added a tooltip for the third option of the event "The Emperor Demands the Lowlands" which subjects gain their independence.
    - Coptic events do no longer trigger for Zoroastrian countries.
    - France now considers the strength of the Emperor and its subjects before suiciding themselves in the Burgundian Inheritance Incident.
    - The Portugese event "The Tower of Belem" will now charge 250 Ducats, but will now upgrade the Monument "Belem Tower" by one level. The event behaves as usual when Leviathan is not enabled.
    - The Slave Entrepot event will not fire for a country which abolished slavery or has the reform "War Against the World Doctrine".
    - The amount of rebels spawned by events "Deteriorating Relations with Clergy" and "Deteriorating Relations with the Nobility" will now consider twice the amount of your owned provinces.
    - The event "Convert Hagia Sophia into a Mosque" will now set the level of Hagia Sophia to level 2 instead (no effect if it is level 2 or higher already). However, the cost has been increased to 0.5 Years Worth of Income if Leviathan is enabled.
    - The event "Estate's Leadership Challenged" has now 1 year of cooldown before its intervals.
    - The event "Machu Picchu" will now set the level of Machu Picchu to level 2 instead of upgrading it (no effect if it is level 2 or higher already).
    - The event "More Repairs for the Great Wall" will now set the level of The Great Wall of China to level 2 (no effect if it is level 2 or higher already). Additionally, it will now apply +15% Locale Defensiveness for 50 years.
    - The event "Repairing the Great Wall" will now grant +15% Locale Defensiveness for 50 years to the province Ningxia and convert the culture to Xibei.
    - The event "The Alhambra Decree" will now grant you -25% Great Project Upgrade Cost if you decide against expelling the minorities.
    - The event "The Commissioning of Versailles" will now set the level of Versailles to level 2 instead of upgrading it (no effect if it is level 2 or higher already).
    - The event "The Commissioning of the Saint Peter's Basilica" will now set the level of Saint Peter's Basilica to level 1 instead of upgrading it (no effect if it is level 1 or higher already).
    - The event "The Tower of Belem" will now set the level of the Tower of Belem to level 1 (no effect if it is level 1 or higher already). Additionally, it will also apply the permanent modifier, which grants +25% Locale Defensiveness.
    - The event "Two of a Kind" triggers now only once per advisor category per consort life.
    - The event "Damarwulan's Victory" now correctly checks if Damarwulan has been involved in the battles.
    - Your armies will no longer sack your own cities. Took a while to teach them some manners.
    - Adjusted the localization of the Privilege Revoked events so it covers HRE empresses too.
    - lubeck_trade_power is now global event target. This change has been done in order to avoid awkward situations where the country, which should be embargoed, has no name.
    - Heavily lowered the MTTH of the Beatification of Joan of Arc event for Orleans players.
    - Swapped the Dhimmi loyalty effect for the options of the event "Popular Religion".

    # Ideas
    - Forming a federation will no longer swap your ideas if you already have the ideas of the tag you are forming into.

    # Missions
    - The English mission "Subjugate France" now gives +1/+1/+1 AMD/DIP/MIL stats to Henry VI if he has an heir, has subjugated France and is still alive.
    - The Korean mission "Freedom from Factional Strife" will now always remove the modifier "Factional Upheaval".
    - The Scottish mission "Central Belt Coal Mining" now gives +6 Base Production instead of +6 Base Tax to Ayshire.
    - Added flag "war_of_the_roses_ended" to events war_of_the_roses.101, war_of_the_roses.102 and war_of_the_roses.106 so that they allow to trigger the mission finishing the War of the Roses as it should.

    # Setup
    - Dai Viet's starting ruler is now a proper consort regent instead of a regency council. This change will allow Dai Viet to declare wars now without having to wait for their heir to grow up.
    - Added "City of Four Hundred and One Deities", a new triggered province modifier, to the province Ife.
    - Added the Tunjur culture for the provinces Waddai and Al-Junaynah.
    - Adjusted the setup of West Africa.
    - Arendaronon and Pekuakamiulnuatsh do no longer have the Arctic climate.
    - Changed the Climate and the Terrain of some provinces of the Horn of Africa.
    - One of the Noquet provinces has been renamed into La Pointe.
    - Zara Yakob of Ethiopia starts now with the Just personality instead of the Zealot personality.
    - Added a historical capital to Kilwa for consistency sake.
    - Kilwa now starts as a monarchy with the Eastern Plutocracy.
    - Increased the starting development of Adal to give them a better fighting chance against Ethiopia.
    - Added cores for Segu for a few provinces at game start.

    # Other
    - The greek names of the Turkish provinces are now dynamic instead of being locked behind Byzantium's mission tree.
    - Fixed an issue, which made the usage of the Feudal Theocracy unusable if you switch from Muslim to Zoroastrian.
    - Added and fixed ruler and consort names for the different governments.
    - Added more flavor names to the estates.
    - Added more flavor names to the parliaments.
    - Added the missing Alcheringa rebels.
    - All Modify Subject Relationship will now consider the admin power of the overlord instead of the subject as it is not very player friendly to have to wait for your subject to accumulate admin power.
    - Propagate Religion after finishing the mission "The Porch of Mecca" can now target Muslim, Christian and Jewish provinces.
    - The Subject Relationship "Increase Religious Control" will now motivate the colony to use their missionary to convert their provinces.
    - The province Weskarini will now named "Wright's Town" instead of "Hull" if a country with English as primary culture holds it.
    - Renamed the sea region "West African Coast" to "West African Sea".
    - The institution spread bonus from Innovativeness for Industrialization has been nerfed from 2 to 1.
    - Update country units when changing primary culture.

    # Bugfixes
    - AI can't use annul treaties on nation about to be a subject again during independence war.
    - AI will send a colonist to speed up the colonizing process of colonies that don't currently have one.
    - After PU'ing someone at war, nothing happens although peace deal said that you will join the war incorrectly. You'll only join the war if they're the defender. Fixed that text.
    - After becoming Emperor of China, changing tag doesn't reset the reforms.
    - Ajam mission wasn't completed after scornfully insulting Timurids, but it is now.
    - Ally doesn't count another ally's diplomatic reputation and favours for offensive war.
    - Army can train on subjects' land.
    - Break Alliance calculation does now includes Great Power subject's casus belli.
    - Can no longer raid your own coast even if it's occupied by someone else.
    - Changed AI Acceptance for Cede Province treaty so that if it will make them go over governing capacity they won't choose it.
    - Colony no longer keeps switching between revolutionary and crown colony; colonies can't embrace the revolution any more.
    - Countries with harem now fulfill 'government = monarchy' trigger.
    - Custom Setup Random Values for Development don't give only 1, 1, 1 Provinces after reloading front end any more.
    - Dai Viet Defy Ming mission no longer wrongly checks if the player's country is a vassal or a march instead of Yue.
    - Defender of the Faith shown in dialog as being called into war but isn't.
    - Diplomatic and Divine policy 'Faith Advisors' show correct tooltips.
    - Disbanding special units with Army Professionalism over 60% can't be used to get manpower.
    - Discounted advisor's hire cost no longer lower than it should be.
    - Drilling now works on actual troop levels rather than regiments so you can't get loads of professionalism from drilling empty regiments.
    - Electors' support for the Imperial Reforms is now shown even after proclaiming Erbkaisertum.
    - Fixed Farsi ruler's name + Bohemia, added better tooltips so you can see who's got an interregnum or regent.
    - Fixed attached army on an auto transport mission disappearing if unit it's attached to boards a navy on a different transport mission.
    - Fixed being unable to change the path of a unit when currently moving to a fort you don't have access to.
    - Fixed separatists enforcing their demands sometimes losing out on occupied provinces not connected to their target country's capital.
    - Great Powers can't use Influence when they have loans.
    - Helped AI collect their and their allies' units together to coordinate attacks.
    - Hordes don't get non-flat terrain penalties while attacking in savanna.
    - If being annexed the dip power tooltip no longer looks as if you're annexing yourself.
    - If you're not eligible for being Emperor, voting tooltips now say why.
    - Insults and scornful insults don't stack power projection.
    - It is no longer possible to negotiate with subject's rebels through the shields on the province view.
    - It is no longer possible to support heir to throne of player's personal union partner.
    - Knowledge sharing dialog no longer always says it's accepted.
    - Loading from front end didn't initialise governing capacity; loading from in game did. Now both do.
    - Made sure that great peasants' war variable is stored regardless of value.
    - Making Client State into a Client March doesn't raise liberty desire.
    - Maya doesn't get released as part of nation-collapso when doing religious reforms.
    - Muslim theocracies can't use Aristocratic ideas any more.
    - Protect Trade mission doesn't cancel with no explanation.
    - Refresh Rate and resolution no longer changeable in-game when they shouldn't be.
    - Releasing a colony now cancels any subsidies you'd given it.
    - Republican Tradition doesn't grow during dictatorship.
    - Stopped AI buying useless overseas provinces that aren't upstream of its trade nodes.
    - Stopped multiple nations getting 'New Guru' event at the same time.
    - Stopped the AI moving monuments to provinces that can't use them.
    - Subjects of Subjects no longer hate you if you're a Hegemon.
    - Syncretic Religion button works properly when you don't border someone from start, becoming active when you can choose one.
    - Vassal armies which were in overlord's Terra Incognita are no longer stuck when vassal is annexed.
    - Vassalising countries in wars will make them join your wars and quit their own even if you're already at war with the same countries.
    - War of Roses won't fire with Tudors on the throne after historical start.
    - When ruler's death triggers Personal Union the ruler no longer remains a general.
    - Annexed nations don't retain their corruption.
    - Can change control of a province from PU's colony as well as your own.
    - Can no longer select provinces in peace treaty that can't be cored.
    - Can't spawn historical nations in random nations setup by pressing enter on the ironman screen any more.
    - Can't use threaten war to bypass invalid CB.
    - Colonies have their religion and culture converted by colonists if the colonists outnumber the natives; or in the new world always, and in the old world if trade companies don't exist (Dharma/WoN). It's all now in script under on_colonist_boosting_colony.
    - Fixed issues with Siamese Revolution disaster's tooltips.
    - Message from unknown nation now won't let you click on the shield as it does nothing.
    - Negative goods produced efficiency can't go below -100%.
    - Prevent selecting provinces in a peace treaty that aren't corable.
    - Removed canal decisions, they're superseded by the great project alert.
    - Support rebels cost now reported correctly, also allows you to support rebels who would have a chance of revolting only with your help but wouldn't do otherwise.
    - When declaring war on a subject, UI shows overlord's other subjects are called in.
    - Fixed a scope issue for AI likeliness of building courthouses and town halls.
    - Fixed duplicate localizations and removed the pesky ^ from some German localizations.
    - Fixed save being loaded after restart if game was started via resume from launcher.
    - Fixed some province adjective IDs for French, German and Spanish localization so they can be seen in the game now.
    - Subject devotion and legitimacy displayed correctly on lower resolutions.
    - "Attach to a fleet" button is no longer greyed out when trying to use our ally's ship that has "allow allies on board" selected.
    - "Incompatible saved games" text no longer overlaps with top save when starting from save in SP.
    - "Innovation from Ideas" notification now has an "about to expire" notification.
    - "Intervene in war" alert shows up even if you don't have a free diplomat.
    - "On Monarch Death" tooltip shows correct dynasty if married to a country led by a consort regency.
    - "Special Interest" countries were poorly selected in some circumstances.
    - "The Pioneer Policy" policy land reveal ability works upon establishing a colony instead of colonist arrival.
    - "go_to" in messages no longer refers to wrong interface.
    - Prestige -100 displayed correctly on the UI.
    - 100% Artillery mercs are now possible to script.
    - A Large City: Golden era tracking number shows the correct progress numbers now (x/30 instead of x+2/32).
    - Added country modifier for "Unlawful Imperial Territory" in Government tab.
    - Added info about the number of favours you owe other countries to Diplomatic Feedback flavours slider.
    - Added info on average autonomy and average home autonomy to development tooltip in economy view.
    - Added text for sitting_in_my_tribal_land_opinion and sitting_in_my_friends_tribal_land_opinion modifiers.
    - Added tooltip explanation of the percentage in the support rebels dialog.
    - Adding a map mode to map mode quick bar and selecting a different hotkey no longer reverts previous map to first map on list.
    - Armies no longer stop before reaching enemy forts.
    - Army travel time is now correctly displayed.
    - Assaulting fort siege option no longer divides damage taken by attacking regiments to a whole army.
    - At start date, for unscripted personalities, 3rd personality is now selected instead of waiting for the next monthly tick if ruler in place for more than 25 years already.
    - Attacking army casualties are no longer covered by the army UI.
    - Attrition losses in home territory are now counted in the war screen.
    - Battles Results now Chronological on first opening (Warscore Overview).
    - Blocked renew influence popup when there are no diplomats to enable you to do it.
    - Bonus for members of the same Culture as the Leader no longer applies to negative values.
    - Bonuses to manpower are now applied correctly.
    - Borgia Pope can no longer be "incorruptible".
    - Building cost no longer differs between map and macro builder for a colony...
    - Call to Arms asking ally to purge heresy of own religion is not going to happen.
    - Call to arms through the diplomacy tab now costs favors.
    - Can Detach Siege when you have 1000 more units than needed (was a > needed to be a >=).
    - Can no longer GP Intervene against my ally with CtA open.
    - Can no longer form a Personal Union between Shia & Coptic nations.
    - Can no longer send multiple merchants to same node via the trade node interface.
    - Can no longer voluntarily black flag yourself using military access and abusing Fort ZOC rules.
    - Can view/edit monument build/upgrade progress after a tag change.
    - Cavalry to Infantry ratio calculated for each country in the battle.
    - Central Doab Center of Trade Modifier Icon is no longer overlapped by Center of Trade.
    - Christiaan Huygens is now a Natural Scientist.
    - Claim fabrication no longer results in display of a misleading text.
    - Clicking "Exit" in tutorial interface no longer minimizes the interface.
    - Closed select buildings view if we change provinces.
    - Co-belligerent war ally now calls to arms his overlord.
    - Cobelligerent allies not always showing quite the correct reasons for war acceptance/rejection is fixed.
    - Colonial nation changes colour on tag switch of overlord.
    - Control of besieged province no longer given to overlord who is not in the same war as the siege winner.
    - Converting religion removes Brahmins modifier "Guaranteed Brahmin Autonomy" from provinces.
    - Coring Cost reduction from temporary claims is now applied when upgrading Territorial Core to Full Core.
    - Correct tooltip on HRE interface when a country is backing themselves.
    - Countries belonging to religions that cannot get PUs do not take dynasties from RM countries either.
    - Countries no longer release Historical Rivals as vassals.
    - Country Economy view, War Reparations are now included in Total Expenses.
    - Crash fixes for missing GUI elements in unit reorder view.
    - Cristobal Columbus name display error fixed.
    - Crush Peasantry cb no longer allows the Emperor to enforce Peasant Rule on peasant republics.
    - Culture change tooltips now have info on who will be angered.
    - Custom Nation can no longer be present in the game with the "Nations" option set to Historical Setup.
    - Custom country rulers and heirs can no longer have the name "No Heir" if unset at the start.
    - Custom nation Theocracy cannot have custom heir.
    - Custom nation ideas use their customized description.
    - Custom nation monarchs match user-set culture/religion.
    - Custom nations unit sprites are of correct culture.
    - Date when edict can be changed or removed is displayed.
    - Decision to form Aotearoa is no longer present after forming said country.
    - Declaring an independence war reduces stability but now warns you about it first.
    - Declaring on colonies as a tributary state no longer calls their overlords even if my capital is in the new world.
    - Defenders desert siege status displays correct value.
    - Defensive call to arms from HRE emperor gives favors.
    - Demand Unlawful Territory is now sent to the overlord of a country which gained a non-core imperial province.
    - Demanding "cede colonial region" that wipes out the main defender then cede provinces from other defenders now works properly.
    - Dhimmi Building Restrictions modifier is removed after removal of Dhimmi estate.
    - Disabled native spawning for all tribal nations.
    - Disloyal colonies no longer help in wars by transferring manpower to overlord.
    - Dutch Colombia can declare Conquest war on natives; the Start War in Colony subject action now recognizes that as a Casus Belli.
    - Edicts turned off for Natives.
    - Enforcing Protestant Faith on to the HRE results in Protestant Emperor.
    - Enforcing a union on a rival gives Power Projection.
    - Enforcing religion on subject country now wipes out rebels of that religion in that subject.
    - Estate statutory rights privilege shows lower autonomy in provinces as soon as it happens instead of after monthly tic.
    - Event culture_religion_events.15 has a go to function.
    - Event trade_policy_event.1 has a go to function.
    - Events increasing province development no longer briefly change development needed to unlock next building slot.
    - Expected arrival date for fleets corrected.
    - Federation advancedment "United Warbands" can no longer be used by federation member to force federation to attack its leader.
    - Fixed "Large Nation in Empire" modifier for exactly 200 development.
    - Fixed AI calculation of how hard a rebel army is to beat.
    - Fixed Burgundy succession tooltip wrong color.
    - Fixed Governing capacity in province and state view.
    - Fixed Iberian wedding cancelling PU mid-independence war.
    - Fixed Production tutorial.
    - Fixed a CTD when clicking the trade company investments alert.
    - Fixed a bug which prevented Pattani to get full access to Pirate missions after accepting the event "The Lin Daoqian Band".
    - Fixed a bug which prevented Potosi from being upgraded in the Spanish mission "Potosi Silver".
    - Fixed annexation cost for province of a Tribal Vassal.
    - Fixed another instance of Shift + add money not quite working in peace deal, when you have less than 100% war score.
    - Fixed apply_sprite_pack effect not persisting in savegames.
    - Fixed client side crash on joining multiplayer game on Linux.
    - Fixed crash at specific point in Ottoman save.
    - Fixed crash playing random new world.
    - Fixed crash when tooltipping siege in outliner.
    - Fixed cultural reason tooltip for not joining a federation.
    - Fixed inconsistency in native institutions behaviour.
    - Fixed incorrect usage of any_neighbor_province in script for native_land_tradition_reform.
    - Fixed ingame lobby playerlist kick button overlap.
    - Fixed issue with fort level modifier not taking into account extra fort levels from modifiers.
    - Fixed message filter defaults for neighbours, enemies.
    - Fixed monopoly extension tooltip.
    - Fixed move capital effect in the event "The Completion of Borobudur".
    - Fixed native tribes in NA getting too much reform progress.
    - Fixed ships on naval missions getting beat, going to port to repair then leaping straight back out again into another battle.
    - Fixed some missing localizations for some culture group assamilizations.
    - Fixed some modifiers displaying without the correct DLC.
    - Fixed some province history typos.
    - Fixed text missing with CB war "revendicate throne" + the future PU is at war with something.
    - Fixed the "can't change unit route when going to a fort" bug.
    - Fixed the Central Algonquian calg_teaching_scrolls idea.
    - Fixed tooltip for Captivate the Terra Firma.
    - Fixed tooltips that displayed incorrect end date of religion conversion and duplicated messages about coring a province.
    - Fixed using return core on vassals.
    - Fixed wrong message in cancel mission dialog.
    - Fixed yearly opinion change tooltip when you have Enemy of my Enemy.
    - Fleets split from larger fleets inherit Mission Settings.
    - Forming new tag during summon the diet no longer blocks summon the diet mechanic.
    - Freeze after pasting multi-line text twice in the input field on Game Browser screen fixed.
    - Game doesn't crash after using command "reload countryreligionview.gui" twice.
    - Game forces capital to remain inside the HRE if a HRE member if possible.
    - Gamma and reflection settings properly reverted when leaving the options menu.
    - Gamma is disabled as an option when it does nothing.
    - Give Subsidies dialog shows correct opinion change for large amounts of money.
    - Gold production is affected by autonomy, now shown on tooltip.
    - Government Reform progress displays correct date about possibility to enact next reforms.
    - Grazing enemy territories gives Tribal Development.
    - Hot spot for units fixed in Denmark Sea and Eastern Coast of Greenland.
    - If Emperor and his underage heir die on the same month the Empress will no longer become the Emperor, elections will be held instead.
    - If the host of a multiplayer game lose, he can spectate, but commands are blocked.
    - If you dismiss alerts, they should reappear more easily if, say, you get a bunch more states able to be created.
    - Ignore Game Over and keep playing after being defeated after loading a game from Observer mode - not any more.
    - Improve relations diplomat popup message arrives on time instead of 1 month late.
    - In a peace deal, giving a province to an ally and releasing a nation that has a core on the same province used to result in a loss of trust.
    - In sue for peace view stopped the coalition warning icon overlapping with nation shields.
    - Increasing Isolationism for non-Shinto vassals no longer possible.
    - Influence Nation plays money out sound effect.
    - Inland bonus in the interface updates correctly and shows the correct thing.
    - Instant truce no longer created when starting at a bookmark with country in superiority_crusade war.
    - Interface for Policies updates properly for observer.
    - Iron Man mode Achivements menu no longer contains unlocalized strings of text in non-English versions.
    - Isabella of Castile event grants personality trait to Isabella instead of current ruler.
    - Join HRE checks for a path to the capital.
    - Large colonial nations give force limit bonus without Leviathan.
    - Last siege status is displayed correctly after loading game from save.
    - Legal document browser is now closed after 10s if not showing intended page (could otherwise get stuck in some cases).
    - Liberating large colonies no longer overflows window.
    - Limit Junior Partner in Personal Union from Ranking up above their Senior Partner.
    - List of Holy Roman Emperors in the ledger no longer includes regents.
    - Loading RB-enabled save into RB-disabled game allows cancelling trade steering.
    - Loading a save when fleet docked to a colonized province leaves after the colony has been burned no longer deletes the fleet.
    - Loading the game with Music Volume set to 0: Main Theme will now start playing regardless.
    - Long text on startup screen for Indian nations in French now fits.
    - Lubeckian mission "A Base in Scotland" reduces separatism in Scottish provinces.
    - Lucrezia Borgia event creates an actual woman advisor.
    - Lübeck mission "Subjugate Norway" highlights Trondelag on map.
    - Macrobuilder courthouse sort by improvement now toggles.
    - Manchu and Vietnamese culture now count for "Empire of China in Name" disaster.
    - Map mode scroll lists now remember location of scroll pointer.
    - Militarists in power in Theocratic Open Public Elections now cause elections.
    - Missing "e" in Andre Hercule de Fleury French event tooltip fixed.
    - Modifier Dhimmi Building Restrictions is removed if country changes religion to non-Muslim religion.
    - Modifier granted by the third Indigenous Idea "The Great Law" is applied after reforming from a tribe.
    - Morale bar is no longer green when drilling armies rented as condottieri.
    - Mothballed fleet now becomes unmothballed when coastal Tribe migrate inland.
    - Names of the Sea Regions are no longer displaced.
    - Napoleon Bonaparte comes from the right Dynasty in the revolution event.
    - Native Advancements no longer show up as string tags in modifiers.
    - Nieszawa Privileges event now has the tooltip for the first option.
    - No longer get notifications about new Trade League leaders about an unknown country.
    - No overflow in AI choice of idea groups.
    - Number of rebels in the text ("Rebels" list) now matches the actual number of rebels.
    - Offer Vassalization tooltip includes -1000 modifier for cases when player cannot vassalize a country (i.e. Free City).
    - Offer loan button is no longer grayed out.
    - On the day the rebels demand go through, you can now open province windows where rebels were present.
    - Opening leader menu for more than one army no longer sometimes causes window to not close.
    - Option of succession war is available after loading a save.
    - PU Subject Liberty Desire no longer ignores Senior Partners Army Size.
    - Peace offer: "concede colonal region" now scrolls to the region itself when selected.
    - Pie charts in trade nodes no longer show incorrect proportions compared to values.
    - Pirate nations get their Ideas and Traditions from events.
    - Player can add islands to existing Client States.
    - Player is no longer able to join imbalanced GP war even if he does not see capital of any country taking part in the war.
    - Playing with Random New World Enabled, Polynesian Triangle Trade Node no longer becomes broken.
    - Polynesian and Siberian migratory tribes can no longer colonize one province and then migrate with their capital.
    - Pop up message about a new guru no longer has two OK buttons.
    - Pop-up no longer indicates you have been kicked when you have been banned.
    - Pressing arrows in Custom Nation subtab no longer closes the tab.
    - Printing Press spread tooltip shows the correct institution.
    - Promoted Settlement Growth notification no longer lacks goto button.
    - Proper prestige penalty for breaking a royal marriage.
    - Province Maui no longer has position of flag and city sprawl under water.
    - Province search partial match improved.
    - Provinces converted by the center of the reformation have their privileges updated.
    - Provinces of a subject undiscovered by the overlord are now revealed upon subjugation.
    - Provinces required to form the Roman Empire as Byzantium are no longer inside of the terra incognita for BYZ.
    - Prussian "add militarization" button now tells you why you might want to do that.
    - RNW no longer fails to assign colonial regions correctly (with some tiles).
    - Random Countries generated by the Random New World now consider chances for their random ideas.
    - Rebels spawned by using new_flavour_nap.4 are now friendly towards the Player.
    - Rebuild Sadhuim mission upgrades centre of trade.
    - Recruiting generals/admirals from the units interface now makes a sound!.
    - Redundant Select Culture window no longer opened through Production Interface.
    - Reformation center uses additional modifiers for missionary strength.
    - Relationship bonus from subsidies no longer disappears immediately when the subsidies end.
    - Releasing and playing pirates event "pirate.2" event now gives TI from overlord nation when triggered for a colonial nation.
    - Reloading game with pending loan payment will no longer break repayment.
    - Removed the "Persecution of the Hussites" modifier set when converting to Hussitism as Bohemia.
    - Republican Tradition increases Government Reform Speed.
    - Restoration of CB peace option has correct tooltip.
    - Revoke the Privilegia tooltip explanation improved to show why nations will become vassals or leave.
    - Revolution Target tooltip now opening properly in Government Reform window.
    - Same religion opinion from harmonization is mutual.
    - Saxon mission "Claim the Borderlands" reduces separatism.
    - Second requirement for mission "Trade Dominance" has correct highlight.
    - Sharing knowledge now ends when the capital state provinces all have the institution, ignoring provinces owned by other countries.
    - Sharing maps tooltip shows points for "Coloniser" correctly.
    - Shortcut "v" was set to both Detach Transport Fleets and closing fleet/army window.
    - Sisterhood government type gives female heirs.
    - Sorting great projects by tier working as expected.
    - Starting German idea uses right icon.
    - Starting a coalition between daimyo now calls in the other coalition members.
    - Stopped AI allies from having human responses on declare war screen when declaring war on a human in MP.
    - Stopped Totemist tribe Chiefs from getting level two personality bonuses.
    - Stopped Zoros getting Coptic events.
    - Stopped merc companies causing AI to freeze.
    - Stopped suicidal conquistadors.
    - Subjects of Subjects no longer have FoW.
    - Subjects released from Tribes get the right amount of reform progress and free reforms.
    - Switching away from "Imperial" mapmode during relevant tutorial, then back, no longer puts the user into the "Diplomatic" mapmode.
    - Switching map modes while in Land Units and Land Templates sub-tabs in Land units tab is displayed permanently.
    - TI no longer has ambient sound.
    - Tags no longer appearing twice in "release nations" box when two different nations can release the same nation.
    - Taking native lands in peace treaties no longer makes them undergo endless colonization.
    - The Central Algonquian Idea "Teaching Scrolls" now decreases ideas cost instead of increasing it.
    - The Holy See interface no longer shows papal influence when you play as the Papal State.
    - The event "The Succession of [Root.Monarch.GetName]"(culture_religion_events.20) can no longer happen to a junior partner.
    - Trade Goods label sorting buttons are now aligned with the text.
    - Trade companies are no longer revoked after forming Prussia from Teutonic Order.
    - Tribal Lands for Susquehannock.
    - Tributaries can no longer enforce peace on overlord.
    - Tributary subjects with Nahuatl religion now use doom.
    - Trigger all_trade_node_member_province has a proper tooltip.
    - Tutorial explains corruption.
    - Tweaked AI strength factor to disregard subunits outside max combat width.
    - Units are now displayed in the middle of the province (ID 4896).
    - Units on full strength now cost ducats to reinforce from attrition.
    - Unknown attitude should make AI less likely to accept alliance offers.
    - Upgrading a navy when you sailor pool is full no longer loses you sailors - they just get added on top of the max.
    - Upgrading monument manually and instantly by mission will upgrade monument.
    - Vassalizing a country breaks its royal marriages with other countries.
    - Vassals not fabricating claims fixed (they were considering fabricating on provinces the overlord wanted, but not prioritising them anywhere above provinces they wanted for themselves).
    - Venetian reform "Disperse Power Across the Cities" triggers elections.
    - Warning shown when changing trading policy to "Maximize Profit" matches behavior of game.
    - We now have mercenary companies in the RNW.
    - Yearly Patriarch Authority is shown properly.
    - You can no longer end up fighting your own colonial nation if integrating a PU with a colony at war with your colony.
    - You no longer lose spy network progress on a nation, when it switches its tag.
    - Made it possible to start panama canal project.
    - Added scroll bar to info popups in case of overflow.
    - Added warning to declare war screen if target is fighting an independence war.
    - Adjusted bankruptcy penalty for colonial maintenance so it applies after everything else.
    - Allow female Defenders of the Faith for Anglican religion.
    - Ally that is allied with enemy but unwilling to join on their side gets green checkmark and can now be called as co-belligerent.
    - Army position in sawokli centered in province.
    - Becoming a subject of a rival will add 25% liberty desire.
    - Building regiment templates in subject which still has some TI no longer gets them stuck.
    - Calls to arms remembered on save.
    - Can autobuild galleys to fleets on hunt pirates mission.
    - Can now close the battle view with esc.
    - Can now rescing colonial subject relationship modifiers.
    - Changed odd tooltips on buttons in trade tab.
    - Clicking on empty privilege slot no longer closes privilege window if already open.
    - Conform to template now persisted.
    - Countries transferring trade power have correct tooltip on trade screen.
    - Culture conversion modifiers are used properly.
    - Death of heir no longer produces 2 heirs immediately after each other.
    - Declaring war and calling in allies only calls them in for that war.
    - define_heir and define_ruler events can now fix stats (adm, dip, mil) and provide a stats offset (change_adm, change_dip, change_mil) (e.g. for the talented and ambitious daughter) depending on what they want.
    - Elevated a few message types when war has started to default to on.
    - Fixed "Rising Shogunate Authority" conditions bug.
    - Fixed Hidden requirement in Milan mission Renaissance City.
    - Fixed Typo in a Ottoman mission description Conquer Greece.
    - Fixed changing culture tooltip repetition.
    - Fixed commission_some_rock_art decision broken localisation.
    - Fixed crash autosaving RNW game.
    - Fixed crash on 1st June while playing as Manipur.
    - Fixed crazy state where a nation had over 100000 loans causing game to freeze.
    - Fixed galley bonus indicator on combat view for coastal seas.
    - Fixed getting the wrong numeral for monarchs when using custom names or the dice button.
    - Fixed government rank displayed on vassalisation tooltips.
    - Fixed insane amount of improve relations bonus available as a custom idea without CoP.
    - Fixed message filter including unknown countries.
    - Fixed message log entry with blank name for new heir.
    - Fixed misaligned text in Spanish and French Options in Main Menu.
    - Fixed missing French word in edict interface.
    - Fixed missing creditor on loan repayment message.
    - Fixed missing royal marriage outcome with republics.
    - Fixed native migration cost out of your own tribal land.
    - Fixed occasional placeholder data in budget panel.
    - Fixed order of releasing nations so that all the ones you ordered get released in that order.
    - Fixed peace deal summary cutting off if length is too long.
    - Fixed privilege estate_church_clerical_ministers giving nothing when playing as muslim nation.
    - Fixed province highlighting on stiff upper lippe achievement.
    - Fixed recommended nations of user-selected days to be the last set of interesting nations from whatever the previous bookmark is.
    - Fixed repeating Theatinerkirche event.
    - Fixed some issues with tribal land not being given correctly in peace deals.
    - Fixed some issues with trigger_switch and trade_goods/has_province_modifier.
    - Fixed sorting by religious unity in Country religion view.
    - Fixed the "core all" button occasionally misreporting what can't be cored.
    - Fixed typos in Turkish ship names.
    - Fixed unreadable numbers in trade part of a province windows.
    - Fixed wrong missionary end date shown in tooltip on the "Make core" button.
    - Forming Florida now annexes your colonial nations.
    - Innovativeness adjustment happens dec->jan.
    - is_subject_of_type = colony is used properly.
    - keep_trigger of monuments no longer crashes the game.
    - Improved history formatting.
    - Loading a custom nation save no longer moves the screen display to new zealand.
    - Losing Court and Country disaster to rebels now penalises rather then rewarding you.
    - Made the Blockade Capacity tooltip on Navies clearer.
    - Made the consequences of "Request Relative as Heir" clearer.
    - No longer get Negative Crownland after selling the titles.
    - No longer impossible to cancel exiting the game if in Tutorial.
    - No more Global Trade institution spam messages when starting later games.
    - No more deterministic rulers from changing away from states general.
    - No more infinite ruler generals if a consort regent becomes the ruler.
    - Prevent stateless society from being picked by released nations if they have more than one province.
    - Prevented selling ships multiple times on one day.
    - Prevented use of console in MP.
    - Province events now have a goto button for the province.
    - Raised papal influence threshold so you can actually excommunicate countries.
    - Reform progress cost applied correctly.
    - Removed "To the ground" policy in non dlc game.
    - Removed dip cost for giving vassal their claims in a conquest cb.
    - Removed notices for hidden province modifiers expiring.
    - Removed terrain type from some non-relevant map mode tooltips.
    - Sharing maps no longer prevented by being at war.
    - Solved at least one method of creating phantom "0,0,0" armies.
    - Sorted the shield lists in the HRE and mission tree interfaces by name.
    - Stopped Jerusalem from getting event meant for The Knights.
    - Stopped a coalition forming against a country with only three members.
    - Stopped estate_regency_events.1 from firing continuously if option 2 is picked.
    - Stopped goto province with the camera sometimes flying up to the arctic.
    - Stopped infantry/cavalry deploying to back line when enough artillery is available.
    - Stopped re-designating colony type making colonies leave wars.
    - Suppress error message for exploring without El Dorado.
    - Threat evaluation modified to take account of acceptable threat.
    - Tidied up macrobuilder buildings UI and tooltips.
    - Tooltip for Siamese Revolution includes all prerequisites.
    - Tooltips now happen when opening institutions window in state view.
    - Removed ability to send fleets to hunt pirates outside of your trade range.
    - Fix for MP CTD when starting game.
    - Fixed issues with GFX with digits in the name
    - Fixed OOS caused by removing a leader from it's federation.
    - AI will control the player's country after being kicked out.
    - Rebel suppressing armies are specified in areas' tooltips in the Unrest Map Mode.
    - Fixed animations not always being run
    - Invite to Trade League tooltip had some issues when there was more than one reason why you couldn't send it.
    - Modifiers no longer added if empty.
    - Fixed game failed to launch on EGS.
    - Fixed some typos and corrected the unit / tech types Inti / Nahuatl countries get when reforming into monarchies.
    - Fix CTD on start when corrupt save is in save folder.
    - Fixed saves marked as incompatible when saved with free dlc.
    - Fixed CTD when scanning for internet-servers.
    - CB granted by Reichskrieg allows player to integrate big countries to the HRE.
    - Regency queen cannot become a general in personality event - so excluded her from the event.
    - native_land_tradition_reform script ai trigger fixed.
    - The mission "Prelate Power" for Italian minors now works if you are catholic.
    - The regency event "No Hard Feelings" and its event chain can now trigger more than once per game.
    - Fixed RNW oos at the start of the game related to Monarch generation.
    - Fixed an issue with not removing players when kicking them from the outliner.
    - Fixed an issue with showing a kicked player in the outliner.
    - Fixed crash related to the UI and controlling OOS when duplicating Personal Deities both encountered using mods.
    - Fixed interacting with server list in Cross Platform Multiplayer will result in selecting all servers at once.
    - Fixed randomlog oos when using different languages.
    - Fixed bug: "Popup Info opens with double click in other interfaces" keyup events could tunnel through.
    - Icon: Fixed issue with changing sprite resulting in the wrong state.
    - Fixed "AMD Radeon display adapter crimson edition driver hides necessary combat interface graphics".
    - Fixed an issue where the Dhimmi Guarantee would be not removed if the Muslim country changes its religion.
    - Fixed tooltip turning all yellow.
    - Fixed broken on_mercenary_recruited on_action.
    - Fixed bug where Tribes development could be negative.
    - Fixed estate privileges view so it closes if you click on the same thing again
    - Fixed issue in savegame due to pending events not fired
    - Fixed nepotism mechanic to use offsets instead of absolutes for ruler attributes.
    - Fixed up African great power power projection entry.
    - Fixed Repairing flag so it doesn't trigger when mothballing.
    - Fixed map update on load.
    - Fixed tooltip and added another in case you have no merchants at all operating.
    - Fixed text incorrectly saying that policies are for free.
    - Fixed so macro builder properly opens when being opened right after closing.
    - Don't allow adding duplicate federation members or invalid country tags.
    - Don't allow setting the federation leader to a non federation member.
    - Name availibility-check now works with hotjoin as well.
    - Fixed OOS_119 caused by a log.
    - Check if connection is valid when processing received data, join/leave callbacks with Nakama.
    - Fixed issue with units not animating near the map wrapping line.
    - Fixed has_estate_loan trigger.
    - Font mods missing animatedtexttypes will no longer crash but get an error log entry.
    - Speed up macrobuilder building list generation.

    # Other
    - You can now see which Paradox Account you are logged in to ingame.
    - Fixed icon not displayed for Epic Games Store
    - Changed Synagogue to Faith for power references.
    - Subscription window will not be displayed when user has all DLC's
  18. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD über Monumente und Achievments

    Vor einiger Zeit ist ein Poster im PDX Forum, Atwix, welcher einen sehr ausführlichen Guide zu PUs geschrieben hat an Leukämie verstorben.
    Ihm zu ehren gibt es ein besonderes Achievment


    Atwix Legacy

    Have 10 personal unions at the same time.

    Mit Origin kommen noch ein paar weitere Achievments

    Imposter Syndrome

    As Sus, have three countries hostile to you (less than 0 opinion of you) after they discovered your spy.


    Ultimate Military

    As Songhai, have Prussia and Nepal as Marches!


    Where are the penguins?

    As a Malagasy country, unite all of Madagascar and hold all the most southern provinces of the world.


    Golden Wind

    As Air, make at least 50 ducats profit per month and have 50% of your income made through gold provinces.


    Mansa Musa - As Mali, give at least 10k Ducats away to another great power without having a single loan or being bankrupt.


    Fugger Banking - As Augsburg, subsidize 3 Great Powers at least 20% of their income while having less than 20 provinces


    This is fine - Have at least +10 Global Unrest and be in a winning coalition war, which was targeted against you.


    KHAAAAAAN - Restore the Mongol Empire before the Age of Absolutism.


    Knights of the Caribbean - As the Knights, own all of the Caribbean and every island in the Mediterranean Sea. (Colonies are NOT allowed)


    Australia - Hungary - Starting as an Australian tribe unite Australia and subjugate Hungary


    Shemot is Not - As a Jewish nation, convert all of Egypt to Jewish while having the Jewish Community Aspect active.


    One Nation to rule them all - As Saruhan, have at least 9 loyal vassals with at least 100 development each.


    Swahili Persuasion - As Kilwa, convert all of the Moluccas and Indonesia.


    I don't like sand - Have the most development of all countries while owning no province with terrain other than desert or coastal desert.


    Surfing USA - Form the USA as Hawaii

    Es kommen auch 52 neue Monumente dazu. Allerdings in einem Format das sehr schlecht zu kopieren ist und ich werde diese nicht alle Abtippen. Für Werte also im PDX Thread nachschauen

    Ein paar Beispiele für Oberverspiele. KI Spanien scheint wieder stark zu sein

    Und zumindest wenn die KI spielt bleibt die Entwicklung aufgrund mehrerer Änderungen im normalen Bereich (keine Superindianer mehr)
  19. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Origin und der Patch sind jetzt draußen.
    Alex86 und Ingo311 gefällt das.
  20. Alex86 Nick der Schlitzer McGurk

    Registriert seit:
    10. März 2015

    Die Änderungen zu Entwicklung konzentrieren und den KI-Verbesserungen hören sich auf dem Papier sinnvoll an.
  21. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Es gibt auch schon die ersten Bug Berichte.

    Vereinzelnd wird von Abstürzen berichtet. Es gibt einen Exploit mit Entwicklung konzentrieren welcher wohl in einem Hotfix geschlossen wird.
    Ebenfalls in einem Hotfix ist das eine PU zu erzwingen jetzt massiv AE gibt. Das bisher PUs kaum AE geben war ein Bug, allerdings bekommt man jetzt sehr viel AE und viele Missionsbäume haben PU Missionen welche man nicht mehr ohne Koalition gegen sich abschließen kann. Zum Beispiel als Österreich Böhmen zur PU zu machen gibt 80-100 AE.
    Ein etwas kurioserer Bug ist das die Armeetradition jetzt die Entwicklungskosten für Provinzen erhöht, aber nur wenn man Conquest of Paradise hat. Das liegt anscheinend mit dem Fix der verhindern sollte das Ureinwohner in Nordamerika so viel Entwicklung bekommen.

    Bisher scheint es aber ein besserer Patch zu sein.
  22. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.32.1 ist als Opt-in Beta verfügbar

    # Gamebalance
    # Governments
    - The Shogunate can no longer switch their primary culture

    # War & Peace
    - Reduced AE gained from PU. Austria no longer gets coalition when enforcing PU with Bohemia.

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" does no longer require you to stay as the Knights to complete it
    - The achievement "Surfing USA" can now be achieved if your country moves the capital to the new world and form the USA manually instead of using a former colonial nation to do so

    # Decisions
    - The decision "Build the Third Temple" now highlights Jerusalem if the conditions are not met to enact this decision
    - United Hawai can now see the "Form American Nation" decision if they have their capital in North or South America. This change is mostly made for the achievement

    # Events
    - The AI will now always choose +1 Stability from the event "The Kingdom Semien" and the Jewish provinces gain a hidden modifier for 25 years, which remove the religious unity contribution. This change was made in order to give players a bigger tine window to conquer these provinces before the AI converts them
    - The event "The Papal State" will no longer trigger for the united Holy Roman Empire

    # Ideas
    - The idea "Devoutness" from the Religious Ideas now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety, +0.5 Yearly Patriarch Authority, +0.1 Yearly Karma Decay, +1 Yearly Doom Reduction and +0.15 Yearly Authority (I doubt the last two modifiers will make a big difference though, but who knows.)
    - The idea "Local Traditions" from the Humanist Ideas now increases Religious Harmonization Speed by +25%

    # Missions
    - The Ajuuraan mission "Hydraulic Expertise" can now be completed if you drop the Ajuuraan ideas
    - The Ethiopian mission "Unite the Horn" no longer requires you to have the province Fazughli colonized
    - The Kilwan mission "The Uncharted South" and the Mutapan mission "Uncover the South" have now an additional mission requirement in order to hinder the African AI to colonize the Cape frequently

    # Modifiers
    - Being over the Governing Capacity now decreases Tribal Development Growth (-100% at 100% over the capactiy)
    - The modifier "Crushed Local Authority" from Court and Country now gives +20 Max Absolutism instead of -20
    - The modifier "Rome Reborn" now gives +1.5 more Prestige, 1 Diplomatic Upkeep, +0.25 Legitimacy, +1 Tolerance of the True Faith, +1% Global Missionary Strength and -25% Mercenary Cost

    # Other
    - The government reform "Tribal Confederacy" is no longer available for other tribes unless they start with it
    - Removed Hampi monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
    - Removed Ellora Caves monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
    - Changed Brandenburg Gate monument Tier 3 Militarization of State to 0.05.
    - Changed Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Tier 3 Area Local unrest to -2.
    - Added Global ship trade power and Prestige from naval battles modifiers to Cartagena de Indias monument.
    - Added Devotion modifier to Malbork Castle monument.

    # Bugfixes
    - Improved great project UI to show GPs that can be built if all criteria are fulfilled other than cost
    - Game will not crash when Mod is lacking icons for the unit tab. There will be entry in error.log instead.
    - The achievement "KHAAAAAAN" is no longer locked behind starting as one of three formables, which don't even exist at the game start
    - The achievement "One nation to rule them all" does no longer require you to start as Saruhan as they don't exist in 1444
    - The achievement "Fugger Banking" has no longer a double negative check for the amount of provinces you own
    - The achievement "Where are the Penguins?" will no longer try to highlight provinces in Iberia
    - The estate rebel events of Mali's disaster now spawn as many rebels as the tooltip says
    - The event "The King of Kongo Converts!" now triggers properly for Kongo and not for anyone else
    - The event "Tribal Succession Crisis" will now give you an heir of your dynasty instead one of your consort's dynasty
    - Army Tradition will no longer decrease Tribal Development Growth
    - Unrest caused by seizing from the estates does no longer stack for 10 years after the land has been seized.
    - Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units
    - The policy "Faith Advisors" now has a monthly piety bonus of +0.1 instead of +10
    - City of Prague vanished after taking province.
    - Imperial City of Hue only gives 1/1.5% karma decay.
    - Changed Fuerte del Morro monument Blockade force required modifier from country to provincial scope.
    - Changed Cartagena de Indias monument modifiers Blockade force required and Hostile fleet attrition from country to province scope.
    - Fixed Malta Forts Hostile disembark speed modifier scope, so now it's provincial instead of global.
    - Fixed bug of Kashi Vishwanath monument (changed 'Keep' trigger requirements to 'Can use' trigger).
    - Repair ships mission will choose province with maximum repair speed when faced with a choice of several that are the same number of days away.
    - Fixed crash when hovering over units integrated from a country with units in TI.
    - FIxed crash for the Yearly Authority modifier.
  23. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Und der erste Hotfix ist auch schon draußen

    # Gamebalance
    # Governments
    - The Shogunate can no longer switch their primary culture

    # War & Peace
    - Reduced AE gained from PU. Austria no longer gets coalition when enforcing PU with Bohemia.

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" does no longer require you to stay as the Knights to complete it
    - The achievement "Surfing USA" can now be achieved if your country moves the capital to the new world and form the USA manually instead of using a former colonial nation to do so

    # Decisions
    - The decision "Build the Third Temple" now highlights Jerusalem if the conditions are not met to enact this decision
    - United Hawai can now see the "Form American Nation" decision if they have their capital in North or South America. This change is mostly made for the achievement

    # Events
    - The AI will now always choose +1 Stability from the event "The Kingdom Semien" and the Jewish provinces gain a hidden modifier for 25 years, which remove the religious unity contribution. This change was made in order to give players a bigger tine window to conquer these provinces before the AI converts them
    - The event "The Papal State" will no longer trigger for the united Holy Roman Empire

    # Ideas
    - The idea "Devoutness" from the Religious Ideas now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety, +0.5 Yearly Patriarch Authority, +0.1 Yearly Karma Decay, +1 Yearly Doom Reduction and +0.15 Yearly Authority (I doubt the last two modifiers will make a big difference though, but who knows.)
    - The idea "Local Traditions" from the Humanist Ideas now increases Religious Harmonization Speed by +25%

    # Missions
    - The Ajuuraan mission "Hydraulic Expertise" can now be completed if you drop the Ajuuraan ideas
    - The Ethiopian mission "Unite the Horn" no longer requires you to have the province Fazughli colonized
    - The Kilwan mission "The Uncharted South" and the Mutapan mission "Uncover the South" have now an additional mission requirement in order to hinder the African AI to colonize the Cape frequently

    # Modifiers
    - Being over the Governing Capacity now decreases Tribal Development Growth (-100% at 100% over the capactiy)
    - The modifier "Crushed Local Authority" from Court and Country now gives +20 Max Absolutism instead of -20
    - The modifier "Rome Reborn" now gives +1.5 more Prestige, 1 Diplomatic Upkeep, +0.25 Legitimacy, +1 Tolerance of the True Faith, +1% Global Missionary Strength and -25% Mercenary Cost

    # Other
    - The government reform "Tribal Confederacy" is no longer available for other tribes unless they start with it
    - Removed Hampi monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
    - Removed Ellora Caves monument requirement for Hindu country with Buddha as personal cult, as it already has Dharmic religious groups as a requirement.
    - Changed Brandenburg Gate monument Tier 3 Militarization of State to 0.05.
    - Changed Baiturrahman Grand Mosque Tier 3 Area Local unrest to -2.
    - Added Global ship trade power and Prestige from naval battles modifiers to Cartagena de Indias monument.
    - Added Devotion modifier to Malbork Castle monument.

    # Bugfixes
    - Improved great project UI to show GPs that can be built if all criteria are fulfilled other than cost
    - Game will not crash when Mod is lacking icons for the unit tab. There will be entry in error.log instead.
    - The achievement "KHAAAAAAN" is no longer locked behind starting as one of three formables, which don't even exist at the game start
    - The achievement "One nation to rule them all" does no longer require you to start as Saruhan as they don't exist in 1444
    - The achievement "Fugger Banking" has no longer a double negative check for the amount of provinces you own
    - The achievement "Where are the Penguins?" will no longer try to highlight provinces in Iberia
    - The estate rebel events of Mali's disaster now spawn as many rebels as the tooltip says
    - The event "The King of Kongo Converts!" now triggers properly for Kongo and not for anyone else
    - The event "Tribal Succession Crisis" will now give you an heir of your dynasty instead one of your consort's dynasty
    - Army Tradition will no longer decrease Tribal Development Growth
    - Unrest caused by seizing from the estates does no longer stack for 10 years after the land has been seized.
    - Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units
    - The policy "Faith Advisors" now has a monthly piety bonus of +0.1 instead of +10
    - City of Prague vanished after taking province.
    - Imperial City of Hue only gives 1/1.5% karma decay.
    - Changed Fuerte del Morro monument Blockade force required modifier from country to provincial scope.
    - Changed Cartagena de Indias monument modifiers Blockade force required and Hostile fleet attrition from country to province scope.
    - Fixed Malta Forts Hostile disembark speed modifier scope, so now it's provincial instead of global.
    - Fixed bug of Kashi Vishwanath monument (changed 'Keep' trigger requirements to 'Can use' trigger).
    - Repair ships mission will choose province with maximum repair speed when faced with a choice of several that are the same number of days away.
    - Fixed crash when hovering over units integrated from a country with units in TI.
    - FIxed crash for the Yearly Authority modifier.
  24. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
  25. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.32.2 gibt es als opt-in beta

    ######################## ###########################

    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" will now ask for the entirety of Sardinia.
    - The achievement "One nation to rule them all" now correctly checks if your subjects are vassals.
    - Fixed a script issue regarding the global unrest for the achievement "This is Fine".
    - Fixed an issue which made the achievement "Fugger Banking" impossible.
    - The achievement "Prestor John" can now be completed even after forming Aksum as Ethiopia.

    # Decisions
    - The decision "Build the Third Temple" will be now hidden if you have the event "The Third Temple" open.
    - The Mamluks can no longer form Israel.
    - Reforming Bulgaria will now update the mission tree.
    - Forming Kurland now allows you to be Anglican or Hussite too.
    - The "Form Italian Nation" decision will no longer tell you twice that you leave the HRE when you form Italy.
    - Forming Somalia will now colonize the provinces Dawa and Ewaso Ngiro.

    # Events
    - Re-added the Institution message event. This changes everything...
    - Added a goto button for the event "Growth of the business of <Province Name>".
    - Added a goto button for the event "Stagnation and Drought in <Province Name>".
    - Added a goto button for the event "Mysore Revolts!".
    - Fixed issues related to the event "Where the Legend Begins".
    - Fixed event target issues for the event "Pirate Stronghold in Angoche".
    - The event "The Great Mosque of Djenné" now has a goto option.
    - The event which end the "Decline of Mali" disaster now gives +100 ADM, +100 DIP and +100 MIL as the +1 Stability was most of the time not needed at this point anymore.
    - The event "Isabella of Castille" now has a mean time to happen of 200 months instead of 1000 months.
    - The explorer from the event "Unexpected Explorer" is now always a female explorer with 10 Tradition.
    - Reformed events will now properly check that the country has the Reformed religion too, and not only the Fervor mechanic.
    - Muslim School events will now properly check that the country has a Muslim religion too, and not only the School mechanic.
    - Orthodox events will now properly check that the country has the Orthodox religion too, and not only the Patriach Authority mechanic.

    # Ideas
    - The Plains Native Ideas no longer conflict with the Southeastern Woodlands Ideas.

    # Missions
    - The mission "Gideon's Revolt" now checks if you actually own the provinces of Semien.
    - The mission "Destroy Majapahit" now highlights the Surabaya area even if Majapahit is already dead.
    - The Songhain mission "Develop Salt and Cloth" no longer has the awkward custom tooltip in the triggers.
    - The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from the mission "Expand Kilwa" now has a duration of 50 years instead of 30 years.
    - The Kilwan mission "Expand Kilwa" can now be completed if the monument in Kilwa has tier 3 too.
    - The Songhain mission "Reform the Army" no longer requests you to be ahead in military tech compared to all other countries in the western tech group.
    - The Kongolese mission "Unite the Congo Tribes" now counts provinces owned by your subjects too and does no longer request you to have cores on them. This means creating colonies will no longer make the mission impossible.
    - The progress for the mission "Temples of Stone" no longer gets reset if you switch your tag.
    - The Dithmarscher mission "The Peasants' War" will now properly check for the victory of the Peasants' War.
    - The Papal mission "New St. Peter's Basilica" now gives +2 Base Tax to Rome if the monument is already on Tier 3.

    # Setup
    - The province Zacatecas is now guaranteed to have gold.
    - Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture.
    - The primary culture of Darfur is now Tunjur.
    - Ogaadeen now has cores on the provinces Degehabur and Werder.
    - The provinces Korofan, Medwa and Kobbe have now the Tunjur culture.
    - The country Geledi has now cores on the Ajuuraan provinces Afgooye, Bardera and Gedo.
    - Changed the name of the province Kosti to Waylula.

    # Modifiers
    - The modifier "The Third Temple is built" now gives normal missionary strength instead of missionary strength against Heretics.
    - The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from Kilwa's mission tree now also increases Global Settler Increase by +25.
    - The modifier "Adalan-Ethiopian War" now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety instead +1. Also fixed the tooltip issue with it, showing the wrong number.
    - The modifier "Prime Herding Rights" from the privilege now gives +25% Local Manpower Modifier instead of 100%.
    - The modifier "Authority Asserted" now increases max absolutism instead of reducing it.
    - Fixed an issue where the modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" affected the West African culture group instead of the Southern African culture group.
    - The modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" now gives +33% Sailor Modifier instead of 0.33 Sailors.

    # Other
    - Added missing dynamic, Greek names for a few provinces.
    - Removed the Razing Power Gain modifier from the Buryat Band merc company.
    - The estates have now learned to check if you can build manufactories in the first place before giving you the task to build manufactories.
    - The estate privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer add a stability when the regency dies.
    - The Malbork Castle Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
    - The Great Walls of China Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
    - The Heddal Stave Church Monument now requires the owner to be Christian too in order to have access to its modifiers.
    - The estate privilege "Religious Society" now also affects syncretic and harmonized religions.

    # AI
    # Economy
    - Improved AI powerspending priorities to primarily encourage lowering inflation and prioritize ideas higher.

    # War
    - Improved AI for considering terrain for threat evaluation.
    - Fixed so AI is less afraid or rebels and more afraid of non-rebels.
    - The Ethopian AI will no longer move its capital while being at war.

    # Bugfixes
    - Fixed a CTD related to tooltip of core creation.
    - Fixed a CTD related to mercenaries when using random new world.
    - Fixed a CTD related to removing lifted FoW.
    - Fixed a CTD related to increasing great project tier.
    - Fixed exploit of concentrating development with the game paused.
    - Fixed a bug where condottieri would not deal morale damage.
    - Fixed issues with displaying the monthly piety modifier.
    - Fixed a few wrong localizations for the provinces "Wadai", "Mayika", "Sulaimaniyah" as well as a localization issue with the country name "Karabakh".
    - The opinion modifier of the Torah Aspect "Abrahamic Roots" no longer gets removed and re-applied periodically.
    - Fixed a bug where [] freezes the game, if used inside a sub section (e.g. OR).
    - Fixed issue with federation names when federation countries form federations.
    - Culture and religion of colony changed correctly in TC region.
    - Fixed bug where stated territorial cores would cost less governing capacity than unstated territorial cores.
    - Fixed OOS related to variable_arithmetic_trigger.
    - Fixed OOS related to army exploration mission.
    - Fixed issue with navy size trigger not displaying properly.
    - Forming a nation with different estates now removes the old estates' privilege modifiers from provinces.
    - No longer possible to colonize provinces cut off from the capital instead of it being reported as a 20,000+ days travel time for the colonist.
    - Fixed an issue being unable to recall a working merchant, also can now right click him on the outliner to cancel.
  26. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    1.32.2 ist live
    ######################## ###########################
    # Script
    # Achievements
    - The achievement "Knights of the Caribbean" will now ask for the entirety of Sardinia.
    - The achievement "One nation to rule them all" now correctly checks if your subjects are vassals.
    - Fixed a script issue regarding the global unrest for the achievement "This is Fine".
    - Fixed an issue which made the achievement "Fugger Banking" impossible.
    - The achievement "Prestor John" can now be completed even after forming Aksum as Ethiopia.

    # Decisions
    - The decision "Build the Third Temple" will be now hidden if you have the event "The Third Temple" open.
    - The Mamluks can no longer form Israel.
    - Reforming Bulgaria will now update the mission tree.
    - Forming Kurland now allows you to be Anglican or Hussite too.
    - The "Form Italian Nation" decision will no longer tell you twice that you leave the HRE when you form Italy.
    - Forming Somalia will now colonize the provinces Dawa and Ewaso Ngiro.

    # Events
    - Re-added the Institution message event. This changes everything...
    - Added a goto button for the event "Growth of the business of <Province Name>".
    - Added a goto button for the event "Stagnation and Drought in <Province Name>".
    - Added a goto button for the event "Mysore Revolts!".
    - Fixed issues related to the event "Where the Legend Begins".
    - Fixed event target issues for the event "Pirate Stronghold in Angoche".
    - The event "The Great Mosque of Djenné" now has a goto option.
    - The event which end the "Decline of Mali" disaster now gives +100 ADM, +100 DIP and +100 MIL as the +1 Stability was most of the time not needed at this point anymore.
    - The event "Isabella of Castille" now has a mean time to happen of 200 months instead of 1000 months.
    - The explorer from the event "Unexpected Explorer" is now always a female explorer with 10 Tradition.
    - Reformed events will now properly check that the country has the Reformed religion too, and not only the Fervor mechanic.
    - Muslim School events will now properly check that the country has a Muslim religion too, and not only the School mechanic.
    - Orthodox events will now properly check that the country has the Orthodox religion too, and not only the Patriach Authority mechanic.

    # Ideas
    - The Plains Native Ideas no longer conflict with the Southeastern Woodlands Ideas.

    # Missions
    - The mission "Gideon's Revolt" now checks if you actually own the provinces of Semien.
    - The mission "Destroy Majapahit" now highlights the Surabaya area even if Majapahit is already dead.
    - The Songhain mission "Develop Salt and Cloth" no longer has the awkward custom tooltip in the triggers.
    - The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from the mission "Expand Kilwa" now has a duration of 50 years instead of 30 years.
    - The Kilwan mission "Expand Kilwa" can now be completed if the monument in Kilwa has tier 3 too.
    - The Songhain mission "Reform the Army" no longer requests you to be ahead in military tech compared to all other countries in the western tech group.
    - The Kongolese mission "Unite the Congo Tribes" now counts provinces owned by your subjects too and does no longer request you to have cores on them. This means creating colonies will no longer make the mission impossible.
    - The progress for the mission "Temples of Stone" no longer gets reset if you switch your tag.
    - The Dithmarscher mission "The Peasants' War" will now properly check for the victory of the Peasants' War.
    - The Papal mission "New St. Peter's Basilica" now gives +2 Base Tax to Rome if the monument is already on Tier 3.

    # Setup
    - The province Zacatecas is now guaranteed to have gold.
    - Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture.
    - The primary culture of Darfur is now Tunjur.
    - Ogaadeen now has cores on the provinces Degehabur and Werder.
    - The provinces Korofan, Medwa and Kobbe have now the Tunjur culture.
    - The country Geledi has now cores on the Ajuuraan provinces Afgooye, Bardera and Gedo.
    - Changed the name of the province Kosti to Waylula.

    # Modifiers
    - The modifier "The Third Temple is built" now gives normal missionary strength instead of missionary strength against Heretics.
    - The modifier "Expansion into the Cape" from Kilwa's mission tree now also increases Global Settler Increase by +25.
    - The modifier "Adalan-Ethiopian War" now gives +0.1 Monthly Piety instead +1. Also fixed the tooltip issue with it, showing the wrong number.
    - The modifier "Prime Herding Rights" from the privilege now gives +25% Local Manpower Modifier instead of 100%.
    - The modifier "Authority Asserted" now increases max absolutism instead of reducing it.
    - Fixed an issue where the modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" affected the West African culture group instead of the Southern African culture group.
    - The modifier "Hegemon of Southern Africa" now gives +33% Sailor Modifier instead of 0.33 Sailors.

    # Other
    - Added missing dynamic, Greek names for a few provinces.
    - Removed the Razing Power Gain modifier from the Buryat Band merc company.
    - The estates have now learned to check if you can build manufactories in the first place before giving you the task to build manufactories.
    - The estate privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer add a stability when the regency dies.
    - The Malbork Castle Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
    - The Great Walls of China Monument now has its garrison size modifier in the correct global modifiers scope.
    - The Heddal Stave Church Monument now requires the owner to be Christian too in order to have access to its modifiers.
    - The estate privilege "Religious Society" now also affects syncretic and harmonized religions.
  27. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD über Teile des kommenden 1.33 Patches

    Paradox arbeitet weiterhin an der AI und an ausstehenden Dingen aus 1.32.2, mit dem nächsten Patch will man sich aber nochmal Asien ansehen. Genauer gesagt China, Manchu und Korea

    Für China wurde die Harmonisierungsmechanik angepasst und derjenige mit dem Mandat des Himmels kann jetzt auch per Reform Tributstaaten vassallisieren, was aber Mandat kostet.
    Nach dem Kollaps von Ming war es meist nicht möglich das der neue Mandatsträger das Reich wieder vereinigt, daher gibt es jetzt auch einen Buff wenn man das Mandat bekommt.

    - The Celestial Empire now has a sixth reform available which allows vassalizing your own tributaries at the cost of Mandate.
    - Confucianism has been buffed:
    - All the modifiers from harmonized religions have been standardized in their power compared to other religions.
    - Reduced the base Yearly Harmony from 1 to 0.25.
    - Increased the Harmony cost of harmonizing a religion from 3 per year to 3.25.
    - Religious Unity now gives +1 Yearly Harmony at 100% Religious Unity (can not go above that).
    - Positive Harmony now gives: +3 Tolerance of the True Faith, -10% Development Cost, +1 Meritocracy, +0.5 Legitimacy, +1 Devotion, -0.5 Yearly Corruption, +50% Harmonization Speed.
    - Negative Harmony now gives: +1 Yearly Corruption, +20% Stability Cost, -1 Legitimacy, -2 Meritocracy, -2 Devotion.
    - Negative Stability now decreases Yearly Harmony by 0.25 per missing stability.
    - Eastern Denominations religions harmonized now unlock monuments requiring it.
    - The new Holder of the Mandate gains the following bonuses atop of their +0.05 Mandate: +12 Force Limit, -10% Land Maintenance, +15% Manpower Recovery Speed.
    - The events of the Ming Crisis disaster now allow you to swap your country with one of the Chinese warlords you release in the event.
    - Force Tributary CB (along with other CB’s with a specific purpose, as Restoration of Union and Subjugation) don’t allow taking of provinces any more.

    Auch die Mongolei und Korea werden etwas geändert
    - Manchuria Overhaul with the addition of Nivkh culture, Korchin having a vassal, redistribution of provinces and addition of the Amur Estuary (mostly following this thread in the Suggestions subforum, as we think it was really well thought:
    - Moved the Vietnamese culture out of the Chinese culture group
    - Added "Sinicize our Culture" for the Vietnamese and Korean cultures, allowing you to move with your culture into the Chinese culture group. The decision requires you to have a Chinese cultural majority in your country or being the Emperor of China
    - Korea's starting heir has been buffed by +1/+1/+1. (The reason being to buff Korea a little bit, while Hyang is a little bit more average of a monarch than the game might suggest. Sickness shortened his life quite a lot, which played a huge factor for us to give him the benefit of doubt and increase his stats a little bit).
    - Hanseong gained +15 Development as it was quite the big city in 1444 and comparable to the many big Chinese cities.
    - Shinto countries now can use Buddhist monuments.

    Paradox konzentriert sich aber nicht nur auf Asien auch in Indien und Europa, besonders in Portugal werden Dinge geändert. Hier versteckt sich auch eine Änderung beim Militär. Bisher haben nur die Moral Pips einer Einheit Moralschaden gemacht während Feuer und Sturm nur Gegner töteten. Jetzt machen diese Pips zusätzlich auch Moralschaden.
    - The Castilian/Spanish mission "Recover Portugal" has been moved. Now it requires the completion of the missions "Subjugate Navarra" and "Reclaim Andalucia". The Restoration of Union CB has been moved accordingly too and is only available to Spain if both missions are completed. This change will make Portugal not so easily PU’d by Castile, as we were seeing this a lot in our nightly AI tests in the first 20 years of the game
    - Portuguese ideas have been buffed, as we felt that they were a bit lackluster compared to other Tier 1 countries, and that Portugal was having a rough time in early game against Castile and other powers:
    - Traditions: +10% Infantry Combat Ability instead of current +15% Trade Efficiency (to give Portugal a bit of punch in early game).
    - Legacy of the Navigator: +10 Naval Morale instead of current -33% Morale hit when losing a ship (on par with Danish NI's).
    - Encourage the Bandeirantes: +15% Trade Efficiency instead of +1 Merchant (basically reshuffling the older tradition into here).
    - Royal Academy of Fortification, Artillery and Drawing: +1 Artillery instead of +10% Artillery Combat Capacity (so it gives some land punch in early-mid game while diminishing in late game, and extra naval punch, which is WAD).
    - The Indian Estates now have access to their versions of powerful estate privileges such as "Strong Duchies", "Religious Diplomats", "Religious Culture" and "Nobility Integration Policy".
    - Added a new decision for Muslim Indian countries, which allow you to replace the Brahmins with the Dhimmi if you own any province outside the Muslim or Dharmic religion groups.
    - Added events for Alcheringa nations, which allow them to unlock their cults without the need to complete their missions. The events, however, have the same requirements to trigger as their mission counterparts.
    - Forming Rome will now convert all provinces of your culture group to Roman.
    - Ottoman missions are now available to Rûm.
    - Regiments’ fire and shock pips now also count toward morale damage in their respective phases. Many of you will know that morale pips have been superior to fire and shock pips. This change will make the pips more equal in value, although morale pips may still be the better pick most of the time. To preserve the overall flow of battles, we’re thinking not to apply this to artillery protection from backrow, as it is asymmetrical.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18. Januar 2022
  28. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu KI Verbesserungen in 1.33
    Nach dem letzten Update löscht die KI gerne alle Festungen um Geld zu sparen wodurch sie leicht überrannt wurde. In 1.33 soll sie intelligenter sein mit wo sie Festungen behält, aufwertet und welche sie in Friedenszeiten einmottet.

    Aufgrund fester scripts feuert die KI alle Berater wenn sie im Krieg ist um Geld zu sparen. Jetzt behält sie öfter Berater (vor allem Admin und Mil).

    Da das alle Geld kostet wurde der KI in anderen Bereichen das Sparen beigebracht.
    z.B. wird sie die Armee nur noch drillen wenn sie es sich leisten kann, nicht mehr so oft die Korruption für Geld erhöhen, Truppen zu Friedenszeiten konsolidieren und aggressiver die Inflation bekämpfen.
    Erst wenn das nichts bringt werden Festungen gelöscht, Berater gefeuert usw.

    Der KI wird auch beigebracht besser mit Mana umzugehen, wann sie techen und wann Ideen kaufen soll usw. KI Republiken verschwenden auch nicht mehr die ganze Zeit Mana weil sie bei immer wiederkehrenden Events zufällig entscheiden.
    Auch hat man die KI jetzt an das "neue" Estate System angepasst so das diese besser ist Kronland zu holen und auch die Privilegien für mehr Mana benutzt

    Küstenlandungen wurden nochmals verbessert

    Ein Poster im PDX Forum hat auch dem Team erklärt wie Kampf in EU4 funktioniert, daher haben sie auch die KI für den Kampf verbessert damit diese besser entscheiden kann wann sie einen Kampf gewinnen kann und wann nicht.
    Das Kampfsystem selbst wird weiter geändert, da jetzt auch Schock/Feuer Pips Moralschaden machen beschützen Kanonen die Einheiten an der Front mit ihren Verteidigungspips vor diesem Schaden.
    Und sobald eine Kanone 0 Moral hat zieht sie sich zurück anstatt wie früher den Platz weiter zu belegen und nichts zu tun. Daher sollte man jetzt mehr Kanonen als Kampfbreite haben.
    Infanterie/Kavallerie erscheint jetzt niemals in der hinteren Reihe, daher ist es jetzt auch möglich mit einer zweiten Armee mit Kanonen zu verstärken. Bisher konnte es sein das die zweite Reihe mit Infanterie gefüllt war und die Kanonen nicht in den Kampf eingreifen konnten.
  29. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD über Änderungen an China und Korea
    Alle Änderungen hier sind bereits als Beta auf Steam verfügbar.

    Bisher war das Problem das wenn Ming zerfallen ist selten wieder ein neues China entsteht. Um das zu ändern bekommen alle Staaten die aus Ming herausbrechen eine eigene Regierungsform

    Diese haben -100 Beziehung mit anderen konfuzianischen Ländern, so das es kein Allianzgeflecht innerhalb Chinas gibt und irgendwann einer alle anderen auffrisst.
    Der China Vereinigen CB wurde auch verbessert

    Korea wird auch etwas geändert. Die KI wird passiver gemacht da eigentlich gewollt ist das Korea Tall spielt.
    Dazu wird das Monument in Korea geändert. Es verliert zwar die Senkung der Technkosten, diese wird auf die nationale Ideen übertragen
    Und das "Innere Perfektion" Privileg wird gebufft

    Die Features "Infrastruktur ausbauen" und "Staat zentralisieren" aus Leviathan werden auch verbessert da niemand sie benutzte (Zahlen nicht final)

    Sonstige Änderungen
    • Winter Palace’s modifiers have been reworked as they didn’t feel right for Russia and the seat of Peter the Great. Now it gives at level 3 the following modifiers:
    • [​IMG]
    • Tibetan (just like Vietnamese and Korean) can now sinicize their culture and adopt a culture of the Chinese culture group. It should be noted here: we are using the Manchu way of doing this as the engine is way too outdated for dynamic culture groups unfortunately.
    • Syncretic religions now give the bonuses of the monuments of the secondary faith. Example: Oirat which has Sunni as Syncretic religion will be able to benefit from the Hagia Sophia.
    • Feudal Theocracies have access to the Divine Ideas Group instead of the Aristocracy ideas.
    • Muslim subjects will no longer enact “Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy” if their Muslim overlord has religious ideas.
    • Roman Empire’s ideas have been buffed to bring them on par with the ideas of the HRE.
    • Selling Crownland now requires you to actually have the 10% to sell.
    • Manpower, Sailors and Forcelimit granted by colonies are reduced by 25%.
    Und mehr als 400 Bugs wurden beseitigt.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2. Februar 2022
  30. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Änderungen an der 1.33 Beta.
    Sollte kein schwerwiegender Fehler entdeckt werden dürfte 1.33 so life gehen
    ######################## ###########################

    # Gamebalance
    # Governments
    - The Chinese Kingdom government reform now gives -100 opinion of countries of the same culture and culture group.
    - The Great Mongol Horde government gives now +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio instead of 25% so you are no longer locked to be Tengri to enjoy 100% Cavalry fun.

    # Units
    - Smolensk Units now prefer to display artillery in their stack (similar how Poland shows cavalry if their stacks have cavalry).
    - The Revolutionary Guard now has -50% Regiment Drill Loss.

    # Other
    - Being a Hegemony now decreases the opinion of other countries around you by 50 instead of 100.
    - Centralize State now decreases State Governing Cost by 25%, and now affects only the state, not the whole country, while State Maintenance is reduced by 20%. It also increases the Local Prosperity Growth by 0.1, while the action now costs 50 ADM.
    - Centralize State Governing Reform now costs 50 Reform Progress instead of 100 due to the newly added Admin cost.
    - Expand Infrastructure now costs 50 ADM, and increases governing cost by 10% + 15 Governing Cost flat instead of 50% Governing cost + 100 Flat Governing Cost. Additionally, it now only increases Local Defensiveness by 5% per level instead of 15% (same goes for Local Garrison Growth). The Monthly Autonomy reduction has been increased from -0.001 to -0.005.
    - Reduced the manpower, sailors and force limit bonuses granted by colonies by 25%.

    # AI
    # Other
    - AI no longer tries to retreat to mountains if those are in neutral territory.
    - The Ethiopian AI will now prefer provinces of its state religion to move their capital.
    - Tuned down fort building, especially when on border and next to existing fort.
    - Added an ai_importance value to the decisions for forming Prussia in order to teach the AI that Prussia is op and should be formed if possible.

    # Interface
    # Icons/Art
    - Added icon for "statewide_governing_cost".
    - Added icon for "monthly_piety_accelerator".

    # Usermodding
    # Modifiers
    - Added relation_with_same_culture modifier.
    - Added relation_with_same_culture_group modifier.
    - Added relation_with_accepted_culture modifier.
    - Added relation_with_other_culture modifiers.
    - Added defines BACK_LINE_MORALE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MODIFIER and BACK_LINE_STRENGTH_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MODIFIER which allows to adjust artillery after recent changes.

    # Other
    - Added the "disables_nobility" government attribute which now disables the Nobles Estate. As a result, Parliaments no longer disable the Nobles Estate on its own anymore. In the context of the vanilla game, however, nothing changes as every government reform with a Parliament has now a "Disables Nobility Estate." trait too.
    - Added on_actions for Centralize State and Expand Infrastructure.

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Fixed a description issue with the "Sinicize our Culture" decision, which talked about Vietnamese culture even if you weren't Vietnamese.
    - Forming Ethiopia no longer requires you to be Coptic.
    - Forming Manchuria as a Tributary subject now triggers an event for the overlord, which removes 50 Mandate (Legitimacy or Horde Unity if the overlord is not the Emperor of China) and releases Manchuria.
    - Forming Yuan will now Sinicize the Mongol cultures (Khalkha, Korchin, Mongol and Oirat).
    - Improved the tooltip for the "Adopt Manchu Identity" decision, showing user how many core Jurchen / Manchu provinces of the required 20 user already have.
    - "Sinicize our Culture" is now for the whole Tibetan culture group instead of just Tibetan.

    # Events
    - Added go to buttons to the Ming disaster events.
    - Corrected a small event description error for the Korean event "Korea and the Rise of the Manchu".
    - Events which were locked behind Ming are now available to the Celestial Emperor (or to a Chinese country in the case the Celestial Empire ceased to exist).
    - Forming Manchuria will now trigger an event for Korea, which allows them to become the tributary of Manchuria in exchange for every province in the Korean peninsula hold by Manchuria. If Manchuria is controlled by a player then a second event will fire, which asks the player if they want to accept Korea as their tributary in the first place.
    - Halved the Mean Time to Happen for the event "The Fate of Neumark".
    - Revolution in a province will increase the local unrest by 0.25 per Absolutism instead of 0.5 local minimum autonomy.
    - Sino-Vietnamese can now trigger events which were locked to normal Vietnamese only.
    - The Napoléon event from the French Revolution disaster now spawns Napoléon as a competent general too when he becomes your ruler.
    - The event "A Helping Hand" now decreases Monument Upgrade Costs for 10 years instead of 5 year and gives now a level 2 Artist advisor with a discount.
    - The event "Earthquake destroys Lisboa" now adds 100 Devastation to Lisboa and decreases local goods produced by 25% instead of a flat 0.66.
    - The event "Mandukhai Khatun" can now properly trigger for Mongolia while they are a horde.
    - The event "Netherlands Declare Independence!" now has a second option, which allows you to play as them. Additionally, the event "Dutch Mobilization" gives them now 500 Ducats and a general with 80 army tradition in order for them to fight for their independence properly.
    - The "Convert Hagia Sophia into a Mosque" for owners of "Star and Crescent" has now the same effect as the event for the ones who don't have the DLC.

    # Ideas
    - Finishing the Maritime Ideas gives now +25% Marine Force Limit. The Maritime/Economic Policy "The Recruitment Act" now gives +25% Marine Force Limit too instead of the previous 5%.
    - Moved the Marine Force Limit of the Maritime ideas from their Ambition to their second idea. The first idea now increases Trade Range by 25% and the ambition now increases Fleet Movement Speed by 1.
    - Quintupled the value of all ideas which increase the Marine Force Limit (Castile for example can now hire 25% of its force limit as Marines instead of 5%).
    - The "Grand Navy" idea of the Maritime Ideas now increases Ship Trade power Propagation by 25%.
    - The Espionage Ideas have been slightly reworked. "Claim Fabrication" is now the first idea, followed by the "State Propaganda" idea. The third idea, "Efficient Spies" now increases Siege Ability by 10%. The Advisor Cost reduction has been moved to the fourth idea, which is "Agent Training".
    - The Naval Idea "Press Gangs" now increases Marines Force Limit by +25% and the bonus idea of Naval Ideas gives now +15% Ship Disengagement Chance instead of +10% Marines Force Limit.

    # Missions
    - Ming's missions are now available to countries which primary culture is of the Chinese culture group (with the Sinicized cultures as the exception).
    - Adjusted the Mongolian mission "Unite the Mongols" so that you don't get soft locked out of when you form Yuan with the new culture change.
    - All missions which have an average autonomy condition no longer consider autonomy of oversea provinces.
    - All vassalized countries from the Lübeck mission "Unite the League" will now become a historical friend of Lübeck.
    - Forming Punjab will no longer devolve your mission tree to the generic ones.
    - Missions which require you to concentrate development three times have now an alternative way to complete them due to the nerf Concentrate Development has received.
    - New World missions, which require you to not being tribal, can be completed while being a Horde.
    - Sino-Altaic now counts as a trigger to obtain the Mongol missions.
    - Sino-Korean now counts as Korean culture for events and missions.
    - The Japanese mission "Pacify the North" now gives claims on the whole Sakhalin island.
    - The Korean mission "Build to Force Limit" now revokes the "Inwards Perfection" estate privilege if done by a player. This change has been done due to the cooldown of the privilege, which would force players to wait 25 years before they can revoke the privilege on their own.
    - The Manchu mission "Invade Joseon" can now be completed when Korea is a tributary state.
    - The mission "L'État c'est moi" now checks for the average autonomy of your non-Oversea provinces instead of all your provinces.

    # Modifiers
    - The triggered province modifier "Paektu Mountain" of the Jianzhou province now requires you to own and have a core on Jianzhou and Gyeongseong.
    - The new Holder of the Mandate gets -0.1 Global Monthly Devastation in order to have an easier time maintaining the Mandate.

    # Setup
    - Adjusted the Terra Incognita so that Ainu, Nivkh, Solon and Orochoni have finally an idea where their neighbors' provinces are located. Also, Solon has learned how to send ships to the sea too!.
    - Fixed a typo in Ogaadeen's Ruler's Name.
    - Korchin now starts as a Tributary State of Ming in order to get not all of the Jurchen obliterated by Ming when they ally Korchin.
    - Passau now produces Salt instead of fish.
    - Korea now starts with an estate privilege flag, which is required for removing the "Inwards Perfection" privilege via the mission tree.

    # Other
    - Added Spanish, French and German proper localization.
    - Being the Defender of Faith gives now +1 Monthly Fervor / +10% Church Power Modifier / +1 Papal Influence. Also fixed an inconsistency where being a Level 3 Defender of Faith didn't grant you War Exhaustion Reduction.
    - Fixed a government name issue which allowed Shia Feudal Theocracies to have the ruler title of Yemen's rulers.
    - Fixed an issue which prevented Confucian and Tengri countries to benefit from the Syncretic / Harmonized religion's monuments. Also, harmonized Buddhism and Dharmic faiths now allows a Confucian country to get the benefits of a monument which religion is Hindu but would require the faith to be Buddhism (in other words: if you have Dharmic harmonized, you still can see the benefits from Angkor Wat if you have Buddhism harmonized too. Before that you had to ensure to convert the province before harmonizing with Hinduism in order to get benefits from the monument).
    - Added a Tibetan dynamic province name file so Chinese names don't override Tibetan names.
    - The privilege 'Inwards Perfection has now a 25 years cooldown when enacted.
    - Added dynamic Japanese names to a whole bunch of provinces.
    - Adjusted the requirements of the Chinese Kingdom government reform so that a released Dali, Yi and Miao can benefit from the reform. Also, all Sinicized cultures such as Sino-Korean or Manchu are allowed to take the Chinese Kingdom government reform too.
    - Being the Revolutionary Target gives now +10% Morale of Navies. It also gives now +25% Manpower and Sailor Recovery Speed instead of +40% Land and Naval Force Limit Modifier.
    - Changed the name of the Sinicized cultures. Now they are called "Sino-<Culture>" instead of "<Culture> (Chinese)".
    - Chinese Kingdoms no longer lock your government type, which means you can get out of the reform by becoming a Republic / Theocracy.
    - Colonialism can now spawn in a country which has an idea unlocked which allows them to hire Explorers. In other words, Norway with their idea "The Call of our Forefathers" for example would not have to invest into Exploration ideas to spawn Colonialism if all the other requirements are fulfilled.
    - Estate Loan Privileges now require you to pay all your loans off to revoke. On the plus side: the privilege will revoke itself if you have no estates loans left to pay.
    - Improved the tooltip for the "Unguarded Nomadic Frontier" disaster so it takes less space on the screen.
    - Increased the institution growth from the Winter Palace monument so that it gives at level 3 exactly +1 Institution Progress per month (before this change, it only gave 1/12 of what was originally intended).
    - Orochon has now its name corrected to Orochoni.
    - References to increased Trade Range from naval basing rights have been removed as this is no longer true.
    - The Revolution and the French Revolution disasters can now be triggered if your capital and 7 other provinces are occupied by rebels while Revolutionary Rebels are active in your country.
    - The Revolution is much less likely to spread to a very stable monarchy (stable means here that the owner has 2 Stability and 90 Legitimacy).
    - The Revolution now prefers to spread in the provinces of the owner of the Center of the Revolution.
    - Revolutionary Rebels are more likely to spawn if you are a monarchy with at least 80 Absolutism and less 80 Legitimacy. Being bankrupt also motivated Revolutionaries to spawn.
    - Revolutionary Rebels no longer spawn before the Age of Absolutism.
    - Revolutionary Rebels now spread the Revolution in your country if the occupied province is on the same continent as the Center of the Revolution or if the occupied province has the Enlightenment and 10 development.
    - Revolutionary Zeal gives now Discipline similar to Absolutism, giving +5% Discipline at 100 Revolutionary Zeal.
    - Seizing Land from the estates will no longer affect the loyalty of estates which have a privilege exempting them from getting their land seized.
    - Sinicized Vietnamese culture now keeps their Vietnamese names for their provinces.
    - Sinicizing Korean culture will no longer rename all your Korean provinces to Chinese names.
    - Sino-Altaic culture gives now access to banners.
    - The Georgian duchies are now called Princedoms instead of Khanate.
    - The Gyeongbok Palace monument now requires you to be Confucian to get the benefit of it.
    - The Imamete government name is no longer locked behind the Yemeni culture. Now it is available for every (Feudal) Theocratic Shia nation.
    - The Louisianan culture lost its last unnecessary "s".
    - The Trade Company Investment "Governor General’s Mansion” now increases your Manpower by a flat 2000 and your Sailors by a flat 400 instead of increasing your available Marines by 2%.
    - The disaster "Crisis of the Ming Dynasty" now has a second monthly event which triggers Nationalist rebels instead of peasant rebels. The AI will always pick the nationalist rebels in order to get a natural Mingplosion too.
    - The disaster "Dutch Revolt" has now a third trigger, which is fulfilled when the owner of the lowlands is the Emperor and has neither 2 stability nor enacted the Fourth Imperial Reform.
    - The disaster "French Wars of Religion" is no longer shown when you reach the Age of Absolutism as it can no longer trigger after the Age of Reformation anyway.
    - The ending event of the "Unguarded Nomadic Frontier" disaster now gives +30 Mandate instead of +20.
    - The estate privilege "Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy" gets no longer taken by the AI if they are a subject nation with an overlord which has religious ideas unlocked.
    - The estate privilege "Command of the Military" is now available to everyone again. However, it is recommended to not enact it unless you like the nobles taking over your government.
    - The estate privilege "Supremacy of the Council" is no longer available if your government has the "Disables Call Diet" government trait.
    - The monument Holy City of Jerusalem gives now +0.25/+0.5/+1 Papal Influence / Monthly Fervor and +5%/+10%/+15% Church Power.
    - The monument Kashi Vishwanath Temple now gives -5%/-7.5%/-10% Core Creation Cost instead of -5%/-10%/-15%.
    - The monument Tenochtitlan now gives +25%/+33%/+50% Local Goods Produced Modifier instead of building slots due to the lack of buildings possible for the province.
    - The monument The Great Wall of China now gives +33%/+66%/+100% Garrison Growth in the province and +25%/+50%/+75% Local Defensiveness in the area.
    - The monuments Jokhang Temple and Erdene Zuu now give additionally +0.01/+0.025/+0.05 Karma Decay.
    - The ruler of a Republican USA is now the President instead of a Consul.

    # Bugfixes
    - Fixed a localization issue for the "Damarwulan’s Victory' event.
    - Some modifiers, that affect only special units, didn't work but they do now.
    - The Mongol Empire will no longer spawn rebels similar to how other formable don't spawn rebels.
    - CTD fix, related to attempting to add tribal land after switching away from being a native tribe.
    - Emperor is now included in the Religious League map mode.
    - Fixed CTD when modifying subject relationship and pressing enter quickly.
    - Fixed a freeze that could happen when saving to cloud.
    - Fixed being unable to take land as defender in some war goals where you were meant to be able to.
    - Fixed numbers in confirmation dialog for State House.
    - Grant Jains Liberties reduces now Absolutism by 10 instead of the wrong 5.
    - Mercenary Companies no longer disband without user input day after loading after clicking on another similar save prior to loading.
    - Named unrest cleared when reloading game.
    - Novgorod "Protect Trade" mission no longer cancelled on day one.
    - Pillage capital now available when becoming war leader after taking over vassal.
    - Religious Culture now has now the advertised influence modifier of 20% instead of 25%.
    - Repay loan now greyed out when not having enough money.
    - Ruler being a general dies, and now stays dead.
    - Settled native tribes can take settled land instead of it just converting to tribal land in peace deals.
    - The War Screen data is now ranked by size.
    - Fixed Colony Force Limit bonuses with and without Leviathan so that tooltip matches effect.
    - Fixed bug which made Colonies unable go to war with each other.
    - Fixed bug that made some province events rarely happen.
    - Fixed a trigger bug regarding AI evaluation for seizing land.
  31. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Patch 1.33 ist live
    Greetings everyone!

    The time has finally come to release 1.33 to the world. This is the exact same build that's been up on the open beta for the last couple of weeks, and the version that's going live is 1.33.2 following the feedback we've received during the testing phase.

    As always, please report any issues in our bug report forum or submit a support ticket. Thank you!

    Save files from 1.32.x SHOULD be compatible with 1.33.2 - although we can never guarantee it. We always recommend that you revert your game version to finish any ongoing saves before updating.


    ######################## ###########################


    # Free Features

    - Added a new reform for the Celestial Empire, which allows the Emperor to convert tributaries into vassals at the cost of Mandate per Development. Subjects of the Tributary become independent.
    - Added 15 new custom nation ideas.
    - Added 8 new Custom Nation colors.


    # Gamebalance

    # Economy
    - Trading range no longer extended by fleet basing rights, but is by non-independent subjects.
    - Vassals and marches don't extend trading range, but PUs and client vassals/marches do.


    # Governments
    - Becoming the new Celestial Empire grant the new Emperor -10% Land Maintenance, +12 Land Force Limit and +15% Manpower Recovery Speed in order to help the AI to unite China.
    - Independent Daimyos lose their government reform should they become subjects of a non-Shogun country.
    - Re-added the "Tribal Identity" government reform for natives.
    - The Chinese Kingdom government reform now gives -100 opinion of countries of the same culture and culture group.
    - The Great Mongol Horde government gives now +50% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio instead of 25% so you are no longer locked to be Tengri to enjoy 100% Cavalry fun.

    # Religion
    - Base Harmony gain has been reduced to 0.25 while Harmony loss during harmonization has been increased to 3.25.
    - Confucian countries get +1 Harmony scaling with Religious Unity (100% Unity = +1 Harmony).
    - New events for the Alcheringa religion have been added, which allow the country to unlock the Dreaming Stories even without having access to the necessary missions.
    - Reworked the Harmonization modifiers, allowing players to harmonize religions in quick succession without suffering horrendous penalties. Also buffed the positive harmony modifiers in order to make Confucian more competitive against other religions.
    - The Yanzhou province has now the Temple of Confucius triggered province modifier if Leviathan is disabled, which gives +0.25 Yearly Harmony, +0.25 Yearly Prestige and +25% Religious Unity as long both the province and its owner are Confucian.
    - The modifiers from the harmonized religions have been buffed.

    # Units
    - Fire and Shock pips now affect morale damage as well.
    - Overlord naval force limit numbers changed from flat to percentage.
    - Smolensk Units now prefer to display artillery in their stack (similar how Poland shows cavalry if their stacks have cavalry).
    - The Revolutionary Guard now has -50% Regiment Drill Loss.
    - Backrow troops now take 40% of the regular morale damage.

    # Other
    - Being over governing capacity will no longer decrease the Tribal Development Growth.
    - Stated but no full cored provinces now have a governing cost of 50% instead of 25%.
    - Council of Trent concludes with the majority vote.
    - Being a Hegemony now decreases the opinion of other countries around you by 50 instead of 100.
    - Centralize State now decreases State Governing Cost by 25%, and now affects only the state, not the whole country, while State Maintenance is reduced by 20%. It also increases the Local Prosperity Growth by 0.1, while the action now costs 50 ADM.
    - Centralize State Governing Reform now costs 50 Reform Progress instead of 100 due to the newly added Admin cost.
    - Expand Infrastructure now costs 50 ADM, and reduces governing cost by 10% + 15 Governing Cost flat. It also now buffs the province in every aspect like for example decreasing local development cost by 5%, Monthly Autonomy by -0.005, Local Goods Produced Modifier by 5%, etc.
    - Reduced the manpower, sailors and force limit bonuses granted by colonies by 25%.


    # AI


    # Economy
    - Fixed Celestial Emperor advisor budgeting issue.
    - Rewrote AI savings logic.
    - Colonial nations spend more money on colonists.
    - Increased AI minimum colonization budget.
    - Reworked AI for mothballing forts, and made rich countries more likely to have at least level 1 advisors.

    # Other
    - AI no longer tries to retreat to mountains if those are in neutral territory.
    - The Ethiopian AI will now prefer provinces of its state religion to move their capital.
    - Tuned down fort building, especially when on border and next to existing fort.
    - Added an ai_importance value to the decisions for forming Prussia in order to teach the AI that Prussia is op and should be formed if possible.
    - Made AI consider flanking again.
    - AI better understands importance of generals' pips.
    - AI now considers units' drill before starting a battle.
    - Fixed bug where AI thought 'coordinated attack' and instead sent individual armies to die.
    - Fixed issue that AIs in debt didn't convert provinces.
    - Fixed multiple issues with scripted ai_army, one of which made it not work at all. It can now also be debugged with the 'mapmode armyeval' command.
    - AI better at consolidating regiments before battle.
    - AI can now declare wars when overextension is up to 50% (previously 25%), but only if already coring everything.
    - AI considers nearby units more when considering a battle.
    - AI will now seize land from estates more often, but raise army/fort maintenance.
    - Added AI priority to a few conquest missions of France and the Ottomans in order to ensure them prioritizing their missions.
    - Better at taking home troops overseas (instead of disbanding).
    - Build a bit more universities.
    - Made AI Care about Beijing, Nanjing, Canton for mandate.
    - Made AI Care about corruption for mandate.
    - Celestial Emperor more aggressive towards countries that refuse to pay tribute.
    - Colonial Nations without debt are now likely to spend all subsidies they get on colonists.
    - Colonial subjects will care more about wars against countries in their colonial region.
    - Coordinated offensives will now focus on committed sieges.
    - Fixed AI army ignoring terrain for some threat evaluation.
    - Fixed bug that AI sometimes ignored armies with insufficient troops for siege.
    - Fixed bug that caused exiled armies to behave erratically.
    - Fixed bug that made AI less afraid of non-rebel armies, when it should be rebel armies.
    - Fixed bug that made AI not declare easy wars as often.
    - Fixed bug that made colonial nations not colonize islands in their own colonial region.
    - Fixed issue where armies would refuse to do things nearby, because it was assigned to a region far away.
    - Fixed issue with colonists not being recalled when they should be.
    - Fixed issues sometimes preventing AI upgrading forts to higher level.
    - Fixed issues with colonial budgeting (causing bankruptcy spirals).
    - Fixed that autonomous sieging could go back and forth between provinces that were flipped back by a fort.
    - Improved AI understanding of native uprising risks (less Africans getting stack wiped taking a shortcut).
    - Improved AI handling of estate privileges.
    - Improved army quality calculations.
    - Improved handling of corruption.
    - Improved handling of inflation.
    - Improved logic for where to build forts.
    - Improved national focus (mana) handling.
    - Improved the AI decision making for Orthodox events.
    - Increased budget priority for saving money.
    - Made AI less eager to demand return core treaty unless it likes the benefactor.
    - Made AI less eager to go over naval force limit.
    - Made AI less likely to mothball forts when risky.
    - Lowered AI priority on building great projects over other buildings.
    - Lowered AI safety margin when attacking to compensate for other fixes.
    - Made AI aware of risk of rebels spawning in a province.
    - Made AI chase your small armies in more cases.
    - Made all Chinese countries want to conquer the 3 Mandate cities, if they have 1 already.
    - Made AI armies which are afraid of enemies, prefer safe terrain even more.
    - Made AI more likely to enforce rebel demands (peace treaty) in the rare case that it can do so.
    - Made AI more likely to promote cultures (with large development).
    - Reduced maximum budget for subsidies to the 10% of income.
    - Several fixes and improvements regarding advisors.
    - Somewhat more competent at naval invasions for large empires.
    - Subjects with loans will keep a standing army again (although it will be small).
    - The Ethiopian AI will no longer move its capital while being at war.
    - Tweaked AI siege priorities.
    - Very small countries with scary neighbors will now keep a larger army when at peace.
    - Made small AI countries more careful with Seize Land.
    - Made AI less likely to split armies in threatening places.
    - Made AI more happy to hunt nearby armies.
    - Army AI only takes its own armies on fleets.
    - Fixed small AIs militarizing also when Rights of Man DLC disabled.
    - Improved Strong Duchies AI.


    # Interface


    # Icons/Art
    - Added icon for "statewide_governing_cost".
    - Added icon for "monthly_piety_accelerator".
    - Updated the flags of Yeren (now Xibe) and Donghai (now Nanai).
    - The Dreaming Stories of the Alcheringa no longer have all the same icon.
    - Added new icon for alert "GREAT_PROJECT_CAN_BE_UPGRADED".
    - Added new icons for "free_land_leader_pool" "free_navy_leader_pool".
    - Fixed .zip file that was showing inquisitor instead of master of mint.
    - Added new scrollbar track for timeout date bar.
    - Changed Jewish rebels flag.
    - Added new map mode icons for "religion" and "religious leagues".
    - Buda Castle GFX fixes.
    - Added new icon for "Torah aspects can be selected".
    - Fixed Polynesian Masters of Mint share the same icon with Inquisitors.
    - Fixed some Visual artifacts in the country view windows.

    # Tooltips
    - Added a tooltip mention for the Free Cities during the Tutorial.
    - Improved the tooltip for the privilege "Expansionist Zealotry" in order to make it clear that both morale modifiers don't cancel each other out.
    - The tooltip of the requirement of the mission "Expand Overseas" has been improved in order to show that you need 5 provinces in 3 different Trade Company Regions.
    - The name of the decision "Confederal Kingdoms: Arrange Internal Marriage" has been shortened.
    - Improved the devastation map mode tooltips.
    - Tooltip fix for new Reform's Diplo Action.

    # Unitmodels

    # Other
    - Added alert for when a monument can be upgraded.
    - Added more information to the naval quality ledger.
    - Removed message for losing a claim if the province is already a core of yours.
    - Stopped parliament background behaving like a giant button.
    - Don't get idle merchant alerts if you can't send them anywhere.


    # Usermodding


    # Effects
    - Added exile_consort_as effect which exiles current consort.
    - Added set_consort effect which set new consort of the king.

    # Modifiers
    - Added a "Piety Accelerator" modifier that accelerates your piety towards (or away from if negative) Legalism or Mysticism, depending on where your piety is to start with.
    - Added relation_with_same_religion and relation_with_heathens (used the same way as relation_with_heretics).
    - Added is_marine_modifier / is_banner_modifier / is_streltsy_modifier / is_cossack_modifier added.
    - Added land_forcelimit and naval_forcelimit static modifiers added to give bonuses per x amount of force limit
    - Added new modifiers free_land_leader_pool and free_navy_leader_pool to work in conjunction with free_leader_pool to determine how many free leaders each country gets.
    - Added relation_with_same_culture modifier.
    - Added relation_with_same_culture_group modifier.
    - Added relation_with_accepted_culture modifier.
    - Added relation_with_other_culture modifiers.
    - Added defines BACK_LINE_MORALE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MODIFIER and BACK_LINE_STRENGTH_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MODIFIER which allows to adjust artillery after recent changes.

    # Triggers
    - Added a "trade_node_value = <value>" trigger.
    - Added a "num_of_provinces_owned_or_owned_by_subjects_with = {}" trigger scope.
    - Added on_capital_moved on_action which is triggered when capital is moved.
    - Added on_institution_embracement on_action which is triggered when institution is embraced.
    - Added on_national_focus_change on_action which is triggered when national focus is changed.
    - Added on_war_ended with FROM being the loser and ROOT being the winner.
    - Added triggers uses_meritocracy, uses_horde_unity and uses_republican_tradition.

    # Other
    - Added the "disables_nobility" government attribute which now disables the Nobles Estate. As a result, Parliaments no longer disable the Nobles Estate on its own anymore. In the context of the vanilla game, however, nothing changes as every government reform with a Parliament has now a "Disables Nobility Estate." trait too.
    - Added on_actions for Centralize State and Expand Infrastructure.
    - Due to modders request, the new government reforms have been sorted into the government_reforms_monarchies and government_reforms_tribes files.


    # Script


    # Decisions
    - Added a new decision, which allows Muslim countries without the Dhimmi estate to gain access to said estate. The decision will replace the Brahmins with the Dhimmi in case of an Indian country taking this decision.
    - Forming a nation in the New World as a former colonial nation will no longer remove all cores in the Old World. Nations from the Old World, which tag switch into New World tags will still release their former tag in the Old World though.
    - Forming the Roman Empire will now convert all of your culture group to the Roman culture instead of just your primary culture.
    - The decisions "Confirm Thalassocracy" trigger tooltip now takes so much space anymore.
    - A new decision has been added, which allows Korea, Tibetan (the whole Culture Group) and Vietnamese countries to Sinicize their culture, changing the primary culture and all of its provinces to a custom culture, which is part of the Chinese culture group.
    - The Vietnamese culture has been moved into the Mon-Khmer culture group. Also a new decision has been added, which allow Dai Viet to Sinicize their culture, changing the primary culture and all Vietnamese provinces to a custom Vietnamese culture, which is part of the Chinese culture group.
    - Forming Ethiopia no longer requires you to be Coptic.
    - Forming Manchuria as a Tributary subject now triggers an event for the overlord, which removes 50 Mandate (Legitimacy or Horde Unity if the overlord is not the Emperor of China) and releases Manchuria.
    - Forming Yuan will now Sinicize the Mongol cultures (Khalkha, Korchin, Mongol and Oirat).
    - Improved the tooltip for the "Adopt Manchu Identity" decision, showing user how many core Jurchen / Manchu provinces of the required 20 user already have.

    # Events
    - Ayutthaya's events now address your current ruler instead of having talking about a king which never existed for you.
    - France will no longer declare war upon Burgundy during the Burgundian Inheritance Incident while France is already at war with Burgundy's overlord.
    - Increased the inflicted inflation from Mali's Pilgrimage event chain from 0.2 to 0.25 per Trade Income compared to Total Income.
    - Added event options to the Ming Crisis disaster events, which allow the player to switch the tag to the Chinese minor tags.
    - Fixed a tooltip issue for the country who receives the gold from the Mansa during the Pilgrimage event chain.
    - Fixed issues with the Congolese events, which would put players without Origins at a high disadvantage.
    - Joan II de Trastámara is now the same person for both Navarra and Aragon. If he dies in either country then he also dies in the other.
    - Mali can no longer give itself inflation if they move their capital to a region their Mansa is about to visit during the Privilege event chain.
    - Pirates with the reform "War Against the World Doctrine" now stay true to their word and will no longer get the "Slave Trader" event.
    - Removed the stability gain from the event "The Third Temple" when the player decides to delay the reconstruction of the temple.
    - Semi Randomly generated advisors now allow Muslim countries to actually get a Parsi Zoroastrian advisor as it was originally intended.
    - The AI now chooses the options of the republican events more wisely in order to maintain a high amount of Republican Tradition.
    - The Center of Revolution can no longer spawn within the Celestial Empire as the Emperor of China cannot go through the Revolution Disaster.
    - The Jewish event "Build the Third Temple" now triggers through the decision only and can now be fired more than once per game.
    - The Mali Pilgrimage event will no longer periodically let the player know that the Mansa has arrived in their region. The message was clear after the first time already.
    - The Mali event "The many options of European Trade Outposts" now has an option, which can be always chosen.
    - The Polish event "Elective Monarchy in Poland" will now always trigger regardless if Poland has already enacted four privileges for the Nobility. Should Poland have Golden Liberty revoked before they gain the Elective Monarchy then a noble privilege will be replaced with the Golden Liberty privilege.
    - The Polish events regarding the Elective Monarchy are no longer bound to the Polish culture but to the tag of Poland.
    - The Surrender of Maine event now has a custom casus belli, which acts as an usual Restoration of Personal Union cb for England, but is like a Reconquest cb for France.
    - The Swiss events about Calvin can now only trigger in the Age of Reformation in order to prevent him returning from his grave.
    - The event "Administrating A Tributary Network" requires 10 Tributary State when you have only Kingdom rank to fire.
    - The event "An important matter in sabbath" now gives +50 adm power if you have 3 stability / -100 adm power if you have -3 stability. It also no longer shows you that you have the Rights of Man DLC enabled.
    - The event "Dubious Spending Practices" will now properly increase the dev of the province of the corrupt advisor.
    - The event "Growing Imperial Influence" can now actually fire.
    - The event "Lost Animal" costs now 0.25 years of income in the first option instead of flat 50 Ducats. The second option now increases the Migration Cost by 50% instead of reducing it by 10%.
    - The event "Tribal allegiance" for the Mossi Confederal Kingdom will no longer trigger every 20 days until the end of the game.
    - The event "Where the Legend Begins" can no longer trigger if you have already the legendary location explored.
    - The event "Winter Siege" now triggers between November and April.
    - The event "[Root.GetName] Is in Debt!" for Private Enterprise Colonies reduces now corruption by -2 in the first option.
    - The options of the event "Ku Demands a Sacrifice" are now available even if you have -3 stability.
    - Increased the mean time to happen for the stability hit event of Maili's disaster by 100 days.
    - The Mutapan event "Regression of Zimbabwe" will no longer fire if the mission "Restore Zimbabwe" has been completed before.
    - The Polish event no longer removes the Command of the Military privilege as Poland cannot enact it.
    - The Third Temple event now puts the monument always on level 3.
    - Added go to buttons to the Ming disaster events.
    - Corrected a small event description error for the Korean event "Korea and the Rise of the Manchu".
    - Events which were locked behind Ming are now available to the Celestial Emperor (or to a Chinese country in the case the Celestial Empire ceased to exist).
    - Forming Manchuria will now trigger an event for Korea, which allows them to become the tributary of Manchuria in exchange for every province in the Korean peninsula hold by Manchuria. If Manchuria is controlled by a player then a second event will fire, which asks the player if they want to accept Korea as their tributary in the first place.
    - Halved the Mean Time to Happen for the event "The Fate of Neumark".
    - Revolution in a province will increase the local unrest by 0.25 per Absolutism instead of 0.5 local minimum autonomy.
    - The Napoléon event from the French Revolution disaster now spawns Napoléon as a competent general too when he becomes your ruler.
    - The event "A Helping Hand" now decreases Monument Upgrade Costs for 10 years instead of 5 year and gives now a level 2 Artist advisor with a discount.
    - The event "Earthquake destroys Lisboa" now adds 100 Devastation to Lisboa and decreases local goods produced by 25% instead of a flat 0.66.
    - The event "Mandukhai Khatun" can now properly trigger for Mongolia while they are a horde.
    - The event "Netherlands Declare Independence!" now has a second option, which allows you to play as them. Additionally, the event "Dutch Mobilization" gives them now 500 Ducats and a general with 80 army tradition in order for them to fight for their independence properly.
    - The "Convert Hagia Sophia into a Mosque" for owners of "Star and Crescent" has now the same effect as the event for the ones who don't have the DLC.
    - The event "Estate's Leadership Challenged" can no longer trigger for countries which are a junior partner.

    # Ideas
    - Portugal's ideas have been rebalanced, making them more competitive compared to their neighbors.
    - The Plains Native Ideas no longer conflict with the Southeastern Woodlands Ideas.
    - The ideas of the Roman Empire have been buffed to get on par with the ideas of the Holy Roman Empire.
    - Finishing the Maritime Ideas gives now +25% Marine Force Limit. The Maritime/Economic Policy "The Recruitment Act" now gives +25% Marine Force Limit too instead of the previous 5%.
    - Moved the Marine Force Limit of the Maritime ideas from their Ambition to their second idea. The first idea now increases Trade Range by 25% and the ambition now increases Fleet Movement Speed by 1.
    - Quintupled the value of all ideas which increase the Marine Force Limit (Castile for example can now hire 25% of its force limit as Marines instead of 5%).
    - The "Grand Navy" idea of the Maritime Ideas now increases Ship Trade power Propagation by 25%.
    - The Espionage Ideas have been slightly reworked. "Claim Fabrication" is now the first idea, followed by the "State Propaganda" idea. The third idea, "Efficient Spies" now increases Siege Ability by 10%. The Advisor Cost reduction has been moved to the fourth idea, which is "Agent Training".
    - The Naval Idea "Press Gangs" now increases Marines Force Limit by +25% and the bonus idea of Naval Ideas gives now +15% Ship Disengagement Chance instead of +10% Marines Force Limit.

    # Missions
    - Adal's mission "Subjugate Ajuuraan" now properly requests of Ajuuraan's states.
    - Added missing country shields for some British missions.
    - Adjusted Japanese missions in regarding the Kurils change.
    - Adjusted the estate requirements for some missions of the Mughals.
    - Castile now gains its PU CB against Portugal after the missions "Reclaim Andalucía" AND "Subjugate Navarra" are completed.
    - Chagatai and Yarkand have now access to the generic Tartar missions.
    - Ethiopia's mission "Conquer Adal" gives now a claim on the province Werder too.
    - Forming Rûm will now give access to the Ottoman missions.
    - Forming a new country while having the Alcheringa religion will no longer get your missions overridden with Alcheringa missions.
    - Kongo's mission "Absolute Rule" is no longer soft locked through the usage of Trade Companies.
    - The Ayutthaya mission "Populate <Capital>" can now be completed by either concentrating dev twice or by developing the capital five times.
    - The Ethiopian mission "Unite the Horn" no longer requires you to have the province Fazughli colonized.
    - The German mission "Concert of Europe" now has an alternative condition of having 2500 total development instead of having 75 Power Projection.
    - The Holy War cb from the generic Central African mission "Expand our Religious Views" gets no longer removed after the first month tick.
    - The Hungarian mission "Bibliotheca Corviniana" now upgrades the Bibliotheca Corviniana monument to Tier 1.
    - The Italian mission "Alpine Defenses" now allows to be completed when the required provinces have better forts than castles.
    - The Mali mission "Protect West African Trade" gives now the proper Global Trade Goods Produced modifier instead of the local one.
    - The Spanish mission "Recover Portugal" has been moved. It now requires the missions "Subjugate Navarra" and "Reclaim Andalucía" in order to be completed. Additionally, Castile / Spain has now access to the two generic European missions "Global Dominance" and "Faith's Bastion". They are NOT required for the Forever Golden achievement.
    - The Venetian mission "Expand The Doge's Palace" now also upgrades the Doge's Palace monument when Leviathan is enabled.
    - The Venetian mission "Expand The Doge's Palace" now improves the base tax of Venice when Leviathan is disabled.
    - The conquistador Hernan Cortés from the mission "Claim Hispaniola" has now his name back.
    - The mission "Construct the Kiel Canal" will now properly check if you are constructing the Kiel Channel monument when Leviathan is enabled.
    - The mission "Sankore University" can now be fulfilled when the Sanko Madrasah monument has level 3 reached too.
    - The native mission "Uniting the Tribes" can now be completed if you have 20 or more provinces.
    - Ming's missions are now available to countries which primary culture is of the Chinese culture group (with the Sinicized cultures as the exception).
    - Adjusted the Mongolian mission "Unite the Mongols" so that you don't get soft locked out of when you form Yuan with the new culture change.
    - All missions which have an average autonomy condition no longer consider autonomy of oversea provinces.
    - All vassalized countries from the Lübeck mission "Unite the League" will now become a historical friend of Lübeck.
    - Forming Punjab will no longer devolve your mission tree to the generic ones.
    - Missions which require you to concentrate development three times have now an alternative way to complete them due to the nerf Concentrate Development has received.
    - New World missions, which require you to not being tribal, can be completed while being a Horde.
    - The Japanese mission "Pacify the North" now gives claims on the whole Sakhalin island.
    - The Korean mission "Build to Force Limit" now revokes the "Inwards Perfection" estate privilege if done by a player. This change has been done due to the cooldown of the privilege, which would force players to wait 25 years before they can revoke the privilege on their own.
    - The Manchu mission "Invade Joseon" can now be completed when Korea is a tributary state.
    - The mission "L'État c'est moi" now checks for the average autonomy of your non-Oversea provinces instead of all your provinces.
    - Removed the power projection requirement for the Songhai mission "Take the Empire Title" as it could not really compare the power projection of Mali to Songhai and power projection is not the best for mission requirements due to their limited nature.

    # Modifiers
    - The triggered province modifier "Paektu Mountain" of the Jianzhou province now requires you to own and have a core on Jianzhou and Gyeongseong.
    - The new Holder of the Mandate gets -0.1 Global Monthly Devastation in order to have an easier time maintaining the Mandate.

    # Setup
    - Korean's heir Hyang Yi has gained +1 stat in every category and the capital Hanseong has gained +5/+6/+4 dev in order to make Korea a little bit more accurate.
    - Non-tributary subjects now join the wars of their overlord in the wars of the bookmarks (for example: all of France's vassals are now at war with England during the English-French Hundred Years War in 1447).
    - Added a birthday for the ruler of Morocco.
    - Added starting rulers for Wadai and Ogaadeen.
    - Added the Nivkh culture to the Kamchatkan culture group and changed the cultures of Nivkh and its provinces.
    - Assam has now the proper Indian unit types instead of the Chinese units.
    - Bunyoro now starts with the Acholi culture as an accepted culture.
    - Burgundy can no longer get rid of Charles.
    - Byzantium has now discovered the Mashriq in 1444.
    - Changed several province and capital names of the Manchuria region.
    - Changed the name of the province Kosti to Waylula.
    - Changed the setup of the owned provinces of the countries in the Manchu region.
    - Countries, which start with the "Rajput Kingdom" government reform while Dharma is inactive start now with a fallback government reform.
    - Ogaadeen now has cores on the provinces Degehabur and Werder.
    - The Kurils and Sakhalin (renamed into Enchiw) are now owned core provinces of Ainu.
    - The Yanzhou province is now a holy site of Confucianism.
    - The following countries have been renamed: "Donghai" into "Nanai", "Udege" into "Orochoni", "Yeren" into Xibe.
    - The province Deren (now called Tyr) has now the Amur Estuary, giving it +10 Local Trade Power.
    - The provinces Korofan, Medwa and Kobbe have now the Tunjur culture.
    - The provinces Qaraqorum and Sain Noyom have been swapped. Sain Noyon has been renamed into Bayankhongor.
    - The ruler of AQ has remembered that he is the older brother and is now 10 years older than his heir.
    - The ruler of Pegu has gained 10 years of life experiences.
    - Adjusted the Terra Incognita so that Ainu, Nivkh, Solon and Orochoni have finally an idea where their neighbors' provinces are located. Also, Solon has learned how to send ships to the sea too!.
    - Korchin now starts as a Tributary State of Ming in order to get not all of the Jurchen obliterated by Ming when they ally Korchin.
    - Passau now produces Salt instead of fish.

    # Other
    - Theocracies no longer gain an opinion bonus of Jewish countries.
    - Fuerte del Morro monument moved to Boriken province (Puerto Rico), and now has the correct modifier regarding Overlord Naval Limit.
    - Added Greek names for Albanian provinces.
    - Added Korean Colony Names for Colonial Australia and Colonial Eastern America.
    - Added Starting Screen Flavor Text for the Mechanics of Hussite, Totemism, Judaism, Zoroastrian and Alcheringa.
    - Added a version of the Strong Duchy estate privilege for nations, which have only access to the Maratha estate.
    - Added more Roman names for provinces.
    - Added new colonial cultures, two of them for the French culture group.
    - Added new versions of the "Integration Policy" for the Rajput and Maratha estates.
    - Added new versions of the Religious Diplomats and Religious Culture for the Brahmins estate if there is no access to the Clergy Estate.
    - Added some female names to Kongo culture group.
    - Adjusted the tooltip for the War chapter of the Tutorial in order to make new players aware of waiting for their casus belli first.
    - Custom Nations are now allowed to have native government reforms when they have their capital in Australia and have the Aboriginal tech group.
    - Fixed a regnal number issue with the rulers of Aksum.
    - Imperial City of Hue now gives 10/15% karma decay in Tiers 2 and 3.
    - Korean province names have been added for the Dai Viet provinces. Fixed also some Korean names for Chinese provinces.
    - Muslim Countries with the Western Technology are now allowed to have the Dhimmi.
    - Nerfed Pyramid of Cheops reduced Advisor Cost to -15% at Tier 3.
    - Nerfed reduced General Cost for Sankin Kotai Palaces to -10% at Tier 3.
    - Removed Pagan religion requirement to City of Khami.
    - Ship names of Sweden no longer have a break-line character in their names.
    - The Burgher Agenda "Discover <Province>" will no longer automatically fail if you have another idea which allows you to recruit explorers.
    - The Clergy estate privilege "Clerical Ministers" now gives properly +0.05 Yearly Karma Decay.
    - The Noble estate privilege "Command of the Military" is now only visible to Dai Viet as it was never intended to be a privilege used by other countries.
    - The Parliament of the Byzantine and the Roman Empire is now called "The Senate".
    - The disaster "Unguarded Nomadic Frontier" gets no longer cancelled when a neighboring horde nation gets the Mongol Horde reform.
    - The estate privilege "Flexible Cults" and "Choice of Personal Deities" now mention that the decisions are costing the equivalent of legitimacy.
    - The estate privilege "Gain Political Control" is now available for countries which don't have access to the Burghers, and is no longer locked behind the religion.
    - The government reform "Tribal Confederacy" is no longer available for other tribes unless they start with it.
    - The privilege "Religious Diplomats" now also affects country whose religion was harmonized by you.
    - Fixed that has_idea_group trigger sometimes failed validation erroneously (causing false error messages).
    - Fuerte del Morro monument moved to Boriken province, and now has the correct modifier regarding Overlord Naval Limit.
    - Adjusted the costs of several custom nation ideas to be more in line with other ideas.
    - Fixed the Karma gain / loss for the Custom nation ideas.
    - The Clergy estate privilege "Religious Culture" now has an influence modifier of 20% instead of 30% and gives now -10 Absolutism instead of -5.
    - The clergy privilege "Embrace Singular Cult" will no longer grant you a stability on ruler death when you have the States General government reform.
    - The province war score cost custom nation idea has been adjusted in order to bring it in line with the war score cost against other religion idea.
    - Added Spanish, French and German proper localization.
    - Being the Defender of Faith gives now +1 Monthly Fervor / +10% Church Power Modifier / +1 Papal Influence. Also fixed an inconsistency where being a Level 3 Defender of Faith didn't grant you War Exhaustion Reduction.
    - Fixed an issue which prevented Confucian and Tengri countries to benefit from the Syncretic / Harmonized religion's monuments. Also, harmonized Buddhism and Dharmic faiths now allows a Confucian country to get the benefits of a monument which religion is Hindu but would require the faith to be Buddhism (in other words: if you have Dharmic harmonized, you still can see the benefits from Angkor Wat if you have Buddhism harmonized too. Before that you had to ensure to convert the province before harmonizing with Hinduism in order to get benefits from the monument).
    - The privilege 'Inwards Perfection has now a 25 years cooldown when enacted.
    - Added dynamic Japanese names to a whole bunch of provinces.
    - Being the Revolutionary Target gives now +10% Morale of Navies. It also gives now +25% Manpower and Sailor Recovery Speed instead of +40% Land and Naval Force Limit Modifier.
    - Colonialism can now spawn in a country which has an idea unlocked which allows them to hire Explorers. In other words, Norway with their idea "The Call of our Forefathers" for example would not have to invest into Exploration ideas to spawn Colonialism if all the other requirements are fulfilled.
    - Estate Loan Privileges now require you to pay all your loans off to revoke. On the plus side: the privilege will revoke itself if you have no estates loans left to pay.
    - Improved the tooltip for the "Unguarded Nomadic Frontier" disaster so it takes less space on the screen.
    - Increased the institution growth from the Winter Palace monument so that it gives at level 3 exactly +1 Institution Progress per month
    - References to increased Trade Range from naval basing rights have been removed as this is no longer true.
    - The Revolution and the French Revolution disasters can now be triggered if your capital and 7 other provinces are occupied by rebels while Revolutionary Rebels are active in your country.
    - The Revolution is much less likely to spread to a very stable monarchy (stable means here that the owner has 2 Stability and 90 Legitimacy).
    - The Revolution now prefers to spread in the provinces of the owner of the Center of the Revolution.
    - Revolutionary Rebels are more likely to spawn if you are a monarchy with at least 80 Absolutism and less 80 Legitimacy. Being bankrupt also motivated Revolutionaries to spawn.
    - Revolutionary Rebels no longer spawn before the Age of Absolutism.
    - Revolutionary Rebels now spread the Revolution in your country if the occupied province is on the same continent as the Center of the Revolution or if the occupied province has the Enlightenment and 10 development.
    - Revolutionary Zeal gives now Discipline similar to Absolutism, giving +5% Discipline at 100 Revolutionary Zeal.
    - Seizing Land from the estates will no longer affect the loyalty of estates which have a privilege exempting them from getting their land seized.
    - Sino-Altaic culture gives now access to banners.
    - The Georgian duchies are now called Princedoms instead of Khanate.
    - The Gyeongbok Palace monument now requires you to be Confucian to get the benefit of it.
    - The Trade Company Investment "Governor General's Mansion" now increases your Manpower by a flat 2000 and your Sailors by a flat 400 instead of increasing your available Marines by 2%.
    - The progress of the "Crisis of the Ming Dynasty" disaster now increases by 3 instead of 5 per month when the Mandate is less than 30. Additionally, it reduces Global Trade Goods Modifier by 30% instead of 50%.
    - The disaster "Crisis of the Ming Dynasty" now has a second monthly event which triggers Nationalist rebels instead of peasant rebels. The AI will always pick the nationalist rebels in order to get a natural Mingplosion too.
    - The disaster "Dutch Revolt" has now a third trigger, which is fulfilled when the owner of the lowlands is the Emperor and has neither 2 stability nor enacted the Fourth Imperial Reform.
    - The disaster "French Wars of Religion" is no longer shown when you reach the Age of Absolutism as it can no longer trigger after the Age of Reformation anyway.
    - The ending event of the "Unguarded Nomadic Frontier" disaster now gives +30 Mandate instead of +20.
    - The estate privilege "Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy" gets no longer taken by the AI if they are a subject nation with an overlord which has religious ideas unlocked.
    - The estate privilege "Supremacy of the Council" is no longer available if your government has the "Disables Call Diet" government trait.
    - The monument Holy City of Jerusalem gives now +0.25/+0.5/+1 Papal Influence / Monthly Fervor and +5%/+10%/+15% Church Power.
    - The monument Kashi Vishwanath Temple now gives -5%/-7.5%/-10% Core Creation Cost instead of -5%/-10%/-15%.
    - The monument Tenochtitlan now gives +25%/+33%/+50% Local Goods Produced Modifier instead of building slots due to the lack of buildings possible for the province.
    - The monument The Great Wall of China now gives +33%/+66%/+100% Garrison Growth in the province and +25%/+50%/+75% Local Defensiveness in the area.
    - The monuments Jokhang Temple and Erdene Zuu now give additionally +0.01/+0.025/+0.05 Karma Decay.
    - The ruler of a Republican USA is now the President instead of a Consul.


    # Bugfixes

    - Call for arms dialog no longer claims targeted country is an imperial free city when it isn't.
    - Calling an ally who's a subject to a war checkbox tooltip is fixed.
    - Can no longer annihilate powerful AI enemies through multiple peace deals with all of your allies as they'll unconditionally surrender if on -100% war score and won't accept any other peace offers until the war leader has peaced out. Also, when forts are reverted back to owner after a peace treaty their garrisons are refilled.
    - Can select armies that are on an ally's transports.
    - Colonial nation's tag switch no longer recolors the overlord.
    - European nations being forced to change religion to Mayan don't explode.
    - Fixed a script bug for the Maratha's Conquest Agenda.
    - Fixed getting Great Power Club messages about nations that haven't been discovered by the player.
    - Fixed wrong scope in trigger of 'Ancestral Temple' in ideagroups.txt.
    - Human players don't lose land when settled and the federation leader enacts the last reform.
    - Inquisitionists can't be of a different faith as they speed missionary progress.
    - It is no longer possible to get the Buddha deity through the decision of re-choosing your deity when you didn't have the Buddha deity unlocked in the first place.
    - Kongo's passive event, which grant them a cardinal, will no longer fire if the Papacy is not active or if Kongo has already 7 Cardinals.
    - Merc companies scale nicer for big nations; only take total dev into account up to a maximum amount so that there's still variety in company size.
    - Monuments no longer provide area bonuses to provinces not owned by the monument's owner.
    - Request Relative as Heir penalties firing for countries that match recipient's religion/dynasty.
    - Royal marriage make sure you discover each other's capitals so you can interact diplomatically.
    - Stability loss window no longer appears after Monarch's death despite having 'Embrace Singular Cult' privilege.
    - Swedish Sten Sture's Regency event adds a modifier to Denmark instead of Demak.
    - Taking land from your rivals' subjects gives Power Projection if you're taking it yourself.
    - Text change when taking tribal land in a peace treaty to reflect what's happening (otherwise it could look like you're taking land from yourself or from nobody).
    - Autonomous sieging units won't get stuck sieging forts they're not big enough for, and won't start to fear non-existent armies.
    - Condottieri while at peace alert doesn't popup if the price Player is paying is 0 ducats.
    - Extend_province_modifier adds to the modifier's duration.
    - Fixed inflation calculation for peace treaties when you've given away monopolies on trade goods.
    - Local_years_of_nationalism doesn't show in country modifiers.
    - No longer can multiple nations can get 'New Guru' event, which leads to skipping more than one Guru.
    - Other half of subject's shield on Subjects tab is now clickable.
    - Removed extra info from merchants tooltip that's already in the outliner (could cause overflow).
    - Revolutionary republics that have the revolution crushed don't release revolutionary vassals.
    - Trade steering arrangements are thrown away if you don't have the right DLC.
    - When reforms are invalidated a country is switched to the first available reform in that tier so you can't exploit the game leaving no reform selected (e.g. for republics/absolutism).
    - Biased the AI desire for "demand unlawful territory" by factors such as dependency, alliance, opinion, trust, AE, rivalry and left a define in to be able to modify it if the recipient is at war if modders want to but by default its effect will be 0.
    - "Add to Trade Company" dialog displays correct list of modifiers.
    - "Candidates Vie for Opportunities" event no longer changes factions' influence by 15 instead of 10.
    - "Colonist Placement" base chance is counted double (actually WAD but the tooltip is a bit misleading).
    - "Force Tributary" CB disables taking provinces.
    - "Grant claim" is now unavailable if subject already has claim on that province.
    - "Monthly Production Income" in development tooltip is calculated correctly.
    - "Province trade power" can no longer exist without any owned province.
    - "Religious Culture" estate modifier works with ongoing changes made to cultures.
    - "Ship Lost!" notifications have a Go-To button to allow the player to see where it happened.
    - "States" tab of Production Interface shows correct income for territories.
    - "yesman" causes AI to accept call to arms.
    - A New Flagship event has a go to.
    - AI can handle reassigning merchants.
    - AI no longer sells provinces to charter cheaply, and added new malus for presence of great projects in the province too.
    - AI no longer uses pillage capital state when it has nothing to gain from it.
    - AI will try harder to hire advisors now.
    - ALLOW_ZERO_BASE_VALUES define is now working properly.
    - Added information about ship cost to tooltips in military page.
    - Adding War Reparations to a peace deal no longer makes the AI reject the deal.
    - Advisors no longer missing from advisor pool.
    - Aggressive Expansion predicted in a peace deal window is accurate.
    - Alert for embracing institutions now says which ones can be embraced.
    - Alliance with enemy considered in opinion or when forming an alliance.
    - Attached mercenary stack no longer disappears after moving them with transports.
    - Automatic diplomat focused on Threatening Countries will no longer focus allies.
    - Bonus to estates from Hampi works.
    - Builder in a building construction saved/loaded correctly between versions.
    - Buryat Band mercenary company no longer has a useless modifier.
    - CTD Fix related to development distribution to estates.
    - Caddo receive SE Woodland Ideas.
    - Cahokia Monument gives the devastation modifier to migratory tribes.
    - Call to arms inside HRE can no longer bypass negative opinion to call Emperor.
    - Can drill armies in subject controlled provinces.
    - Can no longer give away centers of revolution to client states.
    - Can no longer invite federation members into the same federation.
    - Can no longer use Ctrl + RMB to explore TI sea with non-explorable navies.
    - Can use "Repair damaged ships" when all ships in fleet are damaged.
    - Claim throne uses same threshold for heir claim weakness as the UI.
    - Condottieri do morale damage.
    - Conscript Cawa via state interface recruits all possible Cawa for the state, not the whole country.
    - Consorts made into generals die at the same time as each other.
    - Crash fix for failing to read the custom message types.
    - Crash fix related to mods reading invalid IDs for font characters.
    - Crossing penalty warning displayed correctly.
    - Crown Colony autonomy modifier not shown twice.
    - Custom nations can correctly use the "beloved relative" choice in election event.
    - Define ruler to general makes sure the names of both match.
    - Drafting transports always done at a discount.
    - Territorial core governing capacity corrected.
    - Emperors of the HRE that are not in the HRE are displayed on the Imperial map mode.
    - Female heirs are generating normally, only locked to female advisor chance modifier if it is present.
    - Fixed "0th Rank Great Power" tooltip when losing GP status.
    - Fixed "Federation Federation Federation" type names.
    - Fixed AI abandoning cores too easily.
    - Fixed CTD in endgame screen related to missing GUI elements in script.
    - Fixed CTD related to attempting to display natives buildings when UI elements were missing in script.
    - Fixed CTD when referencing non-existent reform for legacy_equivalent.
    - Fixed CTDs in game setup related to missing UI elements in script.
    - Fixed The Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire achievement localization bug.
    - Fixed Trust Build Up for Subjects.
    - Fixed a CTD related to clicking on the rebel flags.
    - Fixed a CTD related to removing lifted FoW.
    - Fixed a bug which allowed the player to get an agenda to assist the Pope in his quest for changing his religion.
    - Fixed a few tooltip issues for the Spanish localization.
    - Fixed a particular save freezing in "initializing game" loading screen.
    - Fixed an issue for the Tortuga Island monument, where the Blockade Force Required modifier was a global modifier instead of an area modifier.
    - Fixed artillery wrongly getting deployed to the front row.
    - Fixed being able to use stored variables from the trigger in variable_arithmetic_trigger custom_tooltip (use [<trigger_name>.GetValue] in the loc).
    - Fixed building alert tooltip to show more than one type of building.
    - Fixed crash from units not having any location.
    - Fixed crash when failing to access the file for saving custom message settings.
    - Fixed error in the code for spices.
    - Fixed excessive colonist time.
    - Fixed exploit in concentrating development when paused.
    - Fixed issue with the number of promoted cultures after forming Prussia.
    - Fixed issue with units not animating near the map wrapping line.
    - Fixed misleading tooltip for Annul Treaties peace term when country is guaranteed.
    - Fixed misleading tooltip in "Replace Governor" subject interaction.
    - Fixed misleading tooltip of Ferocity in uncolonized province view.
    - Fixed mismatch of culture and name for CN ruler.
    - Fixed missing metadata for the soundtrack files.
    - Fixed occasional -1 -1 -1 regency council event.
    - Fixed offering loans to other countries.
    - Fixed possible confusion when a new unit arrives as a battle ends between attacker and defender.
    - Fixed reading in of script files for console run command.
    - Fixed several missing descriptions of modifiers.
    - Fixed some instances of black flags not being issued after the end of a war.
    - Fixed that when drill was >0, it also scaled regiment-based global modifiers (e.g. infantry combat ability).
    - Fixed the "already called to wars" bug trying to call allies to war after loading.
    - Fixed the on_mercenary_recruited on_action.
    - Fixed tooltip of unaccepted culture in province view to take into account effects of trade company.
    - Fixed weird behavior of ships on "Protect Trade" mission in the Caribbean when starting from certain provinces.
    - Forming Aksum now requires the provinces to be owned, which are highlighted by the decision.
    - Fort level map mode shows zones of control of allied forts.
    - Game will no longer crash after loading save from cloud without Steam Cloud enabled. It will print an error in the log instead.
    - Got AI to choose its Native Trading Policies more carefully.
    - Government map mode shows reforms of natives.
    - Guarantees of nations which have been released through war now expire.
    - Hussite Church power Parliament Bribe added, while Coptic can no longer pay with non-existent Patriarchal Authority.
    - If units are lost at sea as a result of their ships sinking underneath them, then Merc leaders die with the first unit to sink, and regular leaders die with the last unit to sink. Stop exploiting cheap good merc leaders!.
    - Improved great project UI to show GPs that can be built if all criteria are fulfilled other than cost.
    - Income now shown for Trade Companies in the Subject view.
    - Iroquoian Federation Ideas now have proper descriptions.
    - It is no longer possible to force Colonial Nation to declare Independence War as its overlord.
    - It is now possible to change trader task that is already on node.
    - List of countries affected by Hostile Trading is now shown correctly in tooltip and confirmation dialog.
    - Loan Offer (diplomacy economic action) is now working.
    - Loan due popup shows right interest.
    - Machu Picchu Event upgrades Monument.
    - Made Borderless Fullscreen default.
    - Mansa Musa achievement triggered by 10k gift.
    - Mercenary Discipline works properly (was missing from a military tactics calculation in combat).
    - Money war score cost fixed. You can now demand fractions of ducats in peace deals.
    - Monthly Piety tooltips shown correctly.
    - Monuments will no longer degrade on nation release.
    - Music no longer stops playing before the slider reaches its minimum point.
    - New World Nations / Natives reform after the overlord of a Colonial Nation, not the Colonial Nation itself.
    - No Personal Union on Monarch Death when playing as Italian Signoria.
    - No longer get unnecessary "Infidels embraced one true faith" message in history window while completing a colony.
    - PUing rival now grants extra liberty desire to the subject correctly.
    - Penalty for allying country with your victory card shows properly in the tooltip.
    - Prints an error when attempting to override an already existing character in fonts.
    - Progress tooltip for Russian mechanics only shows full name for Consorts.
    - Prosperity no longer has two values in macro builder.
    - Province modifiers for settlers increase are now shown.
    - RNW games in multiplayer with different languages between host and client no longer crash.
    - Random Countries generated by the Random New World now really consider chances for their random ideas.
    - Rebel flag is not grayed out on dialogs any more.
    - Rebel particularism stack on an island can now leave.
    - Rebel stack now disappears with a message if they spawn on unsiegeable fort.
    - Repair ships mission will choose province with maximum repair speed when faced with a choice of several that are the same number of days away.
    - Revoking a guarantee only creates unilateral truce again.
    - Ruler tooltips now show inauguration date correctly and "unknown" if no birth date specified.
    - Fixed that Scottish event flavor_sco.6 uses a Scottish modifier instead of a Portuguese one.
    - Settle button produces more sane results when tribal dev is above 10.
    - Siege now starts in province when attached units are led by condottieri.
    - Sort by Trade Power from Light Ships and Merchants on trade node view now works properly.
    - Special characters are now displayed properly on Steam Rich Presence.
    - Stopped condottieri alert if you have no armies to hire out.
    - Streltsy units cost manpower.
    - Terra Incognita in lobby works properly.
    - Text about innovativeness in a completed Idea no longer appears without Rule Britannia DLC.
    - The "Explorer ready!" alert is now removed when sending the Explorer on an exploration mission.
    - The "Invite Kongsi Federation" decision now has actual description to it.
    - The "Pay Debt Shame Pole" decision has now a proper name and description.
    - The "War Horses" policy now has a description to it.
    - The Oyo Cavalry merc company has now a home province, preventing it being hired from countries which are on the other side of the world.
    - The city of the province Hamheung has been renamed into the province name instead of the area name.
    - The hansa_incident.2 event has now a proper title.
    - The opinion modifier of the Torah Aspect "Abrahamic Roots" gets no longer removed and re-applied periodically.
    - The province "Yareyu" has been renamed into "Yapeyú".
    - Trade Company Goods Produced bonus is applied correctly.
    - Trade goods persist in tribal land after migration.
    - Trade range extended only by PUs and client vassals/client marches, and trading cities give a 20% boost to trading range from them. Time to create those trading cities!.
    - Trade goods in Tribal Land no longer reset upon loading the game.
    - Tweaked auto ship repair port selection so that in peace time ships will go to the province that means they will be repaired in the shortest time. In war time they will still heavily bias towards just getting to port fast.
    - Unique ship models used in all sea provinces.
    - Updated AI to use new leader limits per type.
    - View on store button works on Epic.
    - War Exhaustion hit after starting a war without Casus Belli is reinstated.
    - War Score Panel: historical war start dates are displayed correctly.
    - War reparations tooltip sorted from biggest to smallest.
    - Winter Siege event no longer missing go to.
    - Yearly Patriarch Authority, Yearly Doom Reduction and Yearly Authority are now not shown if player are not benefitting from them.
    - [usermodding] [] no longer freezes the game, if used inside a sub section (e.g. OR).
    - [usermodding] change_national_focus effect tooltip is working correctly.
    - Added explanation of why you cannot cancel missions to tooltip.
    - Added go to buttons for diet agenda events.
    - Back row units not fighting can now move to the front row if they could engage the enemy from there.
    - Better AI for seizing/burning colonies.
    - Cannot have negative province trade power.
    - Changed "Trade Favors for Ducats" to use the yearly income * 15% as the basis for the amount received.
    - Closed loophole for natives building ships through the template interface.
    - Correct attitude set for subject of my subject.
    - Define_ruler_to_general uses the right name.
    - Define_ruler_to_general works with leader personalities.
    - Destroy_great_project effect works.
    - Draw_river setting no longer affects canals.
    - Duplicate armies discarded on load.
    - Elective monarchies now get ruler personalities.
    - Empire_of_china_reform_passed trigger now working.
    - Expel minority works again.
    - Fixed auto transport paths sometimes going back on themselves.
    - Fixed being unable to recall a working merchant, also can now right click him on the outliner to cancel.
    - Fixed being unable to use scopes on setting culture for create leader effect.
    - Fixed blessings being carried over if changing religion.
    - Fixed console repair command for ships out on the high seas.
    - Fixed crash in PAP mission emp_pap_new_st_peters_basilica.
    - Fixed crash when hovering over units integrated from a country with units in TI.
    - Fixed exploit where exiled armies can be used as transport helicopters for regular armies by attaching to them.
    - Fixed holy war non-participation by other countries of same religion.
    - Fixed inconsistent rounding of numbers in UI (discipline, missionary strength).
    - Fixed misleading tooltip on Market of Europe Songhai mission.
    - Fixed slightly incorrect reporting of war score cost for gold on certain steps.
    - Fixed timeline sequence that was broken when changing tag twice on one day.
    - Fixed typo in Ardabil ideas.
    - Fixed typos in 00_buildings.txt.
    - Fixed wrong culture name in event 4900 ("Natives in ... Adopt ... Culture").
    - Hunting rebels and carpet sieging now cancel auto-transport moves, preventing potentially confusing GFX.
    - Infantry/cavalry in back row will be replaced by artillery from the reserves if available.
    - Made front row deployment take into account flanking range of infantry.
    - Merc companies can set their own cavalry/infantry ratios.
    - Move_great_project effect can use province scopes.
    - No longer able to move monuments from indirect subject states (tributaries).
    - Set_emperor = no longer Dissolves Empire.
    - Sped up macrobuilder building list generation.
    - Stop "leave tier 1 reform blank" loophole for republics by defaulting republics to -40 absolutism and changing all reforms' modifiers by 40 so that the tier 1 reforms are all worth selecting.
    - Stopped AI wanting more provinces despite being given the only one they want in a peace deal.
    - The surabaya area is now highlighted in mnd_mlc_destroy_majapahit.
    - Trade_goods_produced_amount actually checks the amount of trade goods produced rather than duplicating <trade good> = <number> functionality (i.e. counting provinces that produce that good).
    - Tweaked algorithm for calculating best admiral used for naval combat.
    - Fixed countries spawning with no religion.
    - Removed a double province names for Icelandic provinces.
    - Closed the loophole allowing users to exploit army creation to get no manpower penalty from events.
    - Arithmetic variable trigger is no longer causing an OOS.
    - Removed "only friends" filter in the multiplayer lobby search.
    - Fixed OOS related to exploration army pathfinding.
    - Fixed OOS when reaching papal influence maximum amount.
    - Fixed armies with no size OOS.
    - Fixed army exploration mission OOS.
    - Fixed issues with scan internet button in the multiplayer lobby when using filters.
    - Players are now able to send private messages to a player with comma in his username.
    - CTD fix when exiting game related to leaders.
    - Fixed that crossing penalty warning sometimes gets displayed incorrectly.
    - Fixed City of Prague vanishing after taking province.
    - Fixed CTD when loading old save game.
    - Fixed possible 119 oos after reviewing AI use on units.
    - Fixed crash/oos in AI threat update.
    - Fixed so faction description fits it's entry and shows a scrollbar if the text can't fit.
    - Spain now gets a full complement of reforms when they get converted to Mayan religion.
    - Fixed bug where AI accidentally caused rebellion by seizing land.
    - Female advisor chance now biases the heir chance rather than superseding it.
    - Fixed that tribal_development_growth should not affect non-natives if Conquest of Paradise is deactivated.
    - Fixed a localization issue for the "Damarwulan's Victory' event.
    - Some modifiers, that affect only special units, didn't work but they do now.
    - The Mongol Empire will no longer spawn rebels similar to how other formable don't spawn rebels.
    - CTD fix, related to attempting to add tribal land after switching away from being a native tribe.
    - Emperor is now included in the Religious League map mode.
    - Fixed CTD when modifying subject relationship and pressing enter quickly.
    - Fixed a freeze that could happen when saving to cloud.
    - Fixed being unable to take land as defender in some war goals where you were meant to be able to.
    - Fixed numbers in confirmation dialog for State House.
    - Grant Jains Liberties reduces now Absolutism by 10 instead of the wrong 5.
    - Mercenary Companies no longer disband without user input day after loading after clicking on another similar save prior to loading.
    - Named unrest cleared when reloading game.
    - Novgorod "Protect Trade" mission no longer cancelled on day one.
    - Pillage capital now available when becoming war leader after taking over vassal.
    - Religious Culture now has now the advertised influence modifier of 20% instead of 25%.
    - Repay loan now greyed out when not having enough money.
    - Ruler being a general dies, and now stays dead.
    - Settled native tribes can take settled land instead of it just converting to tribal land in peace deals.
    - The War Screen data is now ranked by size.
    - Fixed Colony Force Limit bonuses with and without Leviathan so that tooltip matches effect.
    - Fixed bug which made Colonies unable go to war with each other.
    - Fixed bug that made some province events rarely happen.
    - Fixed a trigger bug regarding AI evaluation for seizing land.
    - "Und" and "Oder" are now separated from the previous words in the German localization.
    - Fixed the "Be the strongest Power in Europe" trigger for the revolution disaster.
    - Trading Cities now only give +20 Max Absolutism instead of this weird mix of +20 Absolutism and -20 Absolutism at the same time.
    - Ruler / Heir will not die when drowned at sea.


    # Other

    - Added new messages to multiplayer lobby search for clarity.

    Gibt auch eine Änderung des Abomodells.
    Abos werden zukünftig über Steam gekauft. Wichtig für diejenigen die ein Abo besitzen, lasst das normale Abo erst auslaufen bevor ihr es über Steam kauft, sonst bezahlt ihr doppelt.
  32. Lurtz lost

    Registriert seit:
    22. Juli 2005
  33. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Der letzte Klein DLC Origins fehlt (gibt nur 10% Rabatt dafür). Rest ist dabei.
    Ob noch mehr DLC kommen weiß man nicht, ich nehme es aber an auch wenn EU5 wahrscheinlich "bald" angekündigt wird.
  34. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    Kleiner Hotfix
    # Usermodding
    # Other
    - Fixed game crash when mod doesn't have MAX_WARSCORE defined.

    # Bugfixes
    - Game crash after trying to use Draft Transport Ships options when at full naval capacity.
    - Game crash when hovering the mouse over a huge amount of ship stacks.
    - Fixed OOS related with death of rulers being also leaders.
  35. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zum nächsten DLC, Patch und neuer Missionsbaum

    Der nächste DLC dreht sich um das Baltikum und Skandinavien. Und es wird natürlich dazu auch einen Patch geben.

    Was das Team aus den letzten DLCs mitgenommen hat:
    • Sich verzweigende Missionsbäume wurden gut angenommen und werden auch in Zukunft benutzt (siehe unten)
    • Gebäude die Entwicklung geben sind zu stark und werden nicht mehr eingebaut
    • Spezielle Truppen sind schwer zu balancen. Mit denen muss das Team noch mehr experimentieren
    • Mali spaltet die Spielerschafft (Man startet mit vielen Desastern). Zwar mögen Spieler es das es am Anfang schwer ist, die andauernden Rebellen nerven aber. Im neuen DLC wird es ebenfalls ein "Land am Abgrund" geben, aber nicht mit Rebellen
    • Mehr Regionsspezifische Estate Privilegien
    Hier ein Missionsbaum des DLCs (Work in Progress)
    Teutonischer Orden


    Die Missionen dieses Baumes hängen stark vom eingeschlagenem Pfad ab.
    Nach den ersten Missionen mit denen man sich mit der preußischen Konföderation auseinander setzt, sein Verhältnis zum Livonischen Orden absteckt und, ganz wichtig, Polen ein paar Gebiete abnimmt muss man mehrere Entscheidungen treffen.

    1. Soll man sich dem HRE Unterwerfen?
    Der Vorteil ist offensichtlich, Schutz vor Polen. Allerdings stellt der Kaiser einige Ansprüche.

    Er fordert nämlich vom Orden das er als Untertan niemals Krieg gegen ein anderes HRE Mitglied führt. Tut man das wird man aus dem Reich geschmissen und der Kaiser verteidigt das angegriffene Land automatisch.

    2. Man entscheidet sich entweder sich langsam zu säkularisieren was darin endet Preußen zu werden, oder man macht als Kreuzfahrerstaat weiter. Je nachdem hat man einen anderen Missionsbaum.



    Später in diesem Pfad kann man sich entscheiden in welche Richtung man sich ausbreiten will, was ebenfalls die Missionen im Baum ändert.
    Sobald man Preußen gegründet hat (mit spezieller Regierungsform) kann man auch wieder im HRE Krieg führen.

    Neben reinem erobern kann man auch versuchen etwas diplomatischer zu agieren. Dann bekommt man statt Ansprüchen Missionen mit denen man sich den Kurfürsttitel kaufen kann (oder man gibt dem Kaiser eins auf die Nase und zwingt ihn dir den Titel zu geben)

    Ist man Preußen wird auch weiter gegen Polen Krieg geführt und man muss entscheiden was man mit den Orthodoxen macht.

    Wählt man stattdessen den Weg des Kreuzzüglers hat man ein klares Ziel. Weiter nach Osten um am Ende Russland zusammen zu kloppen und die Spaltung der Kirche zu heilen (da man aber nicht der Papst ist ist das nicht ganz so überzeugend)
    Dringt man weit genug nach Osten vor bekommt man ebenfalls eine neue Regierungsform, die Heilige Horde

    Im Patch werden auch die anderen christlichen Religionen gebufft um wieder mit dem Katholizismus aufschließen zu können.
  36. Tenko

    Registriert seit:
    14. Januar 2019
    Deus Vult...?
  37. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zum Livonischen Orden
    Der Livonische Orden ist in einer ähnlichen Situation wie der Teutonische, hat allerdings auch starke Bischöfe welche einem das Leben schwer machen. In EU4 wird das durch Privilegien an die Kleriker symbolisiert welche alle einen negativen Effekt haben.


    Diese können wie andere Privilegien widerrufen werden, man hat aber auch 2 Entscheidungen mit denen man Geld oder Stabilität gegen eines dieser Privilegien tauschen kann.

    Hat man sich um die Bischöfe gekümmert und Riga durch Krieg oder Mission annektiert muss man wie bei den Teutonen eine Entscheidung fällen welche Missionen man haben will.


    Wenn man säkularisiert bekommt man diese Missionen. Darunter auch Missionen zur Kolonialisierung weil diese Missionen mit Kurland geteilt werden (nächste Woche)

    Anders wie bei den Teutonen reformiert man nicht einfach in eine spezielle Regierungsform sondern es gibt erstmal Chaos

    Je nachdem was man bei dieser Eventkette antwortet kommt eine von mehreren Regierungsformen dabei raus

    Oder man entscheidet sich weiterhin ein Kreuzritter zu bleiben und bekommt dann ähnliche Missionen wie die Teutonen die Spaltung der Kirche zu heilen. Jedoch mit etwas mehr Augenmerk auf interne Entwicklung als auf Expansion

    Der Orden hat auch wieder spezielle Privilegien die er gewähren kann um z.B. Kirchengebäude zu verbessern
    Oder den Verteidiger des Glaubens noch besser zu machen

    Weiter unten in den Missionen gibt es eine spezielle Regierungsform

    Es wurde ja schon geschrieben das der Patch die anderen christlichen Religionen buffen wird. Hier die Protestanten
    PDX experimentiert auch damit das man einen temporären Buff bekommt wenn man Kirchenaspekte austauscht

    Ein paar neue Tags für diese Region gibt es auch
    Mit eigenen Ideen

    LIV_ideas = {
    start = {
    num_accepted_cultures = 2
    missionaries = 1

    bonus = {
    manpower_in_true_faith_provinces = 0.2

    trigger = {
    tag = LIV
    free = yes

    liv_knights_of_livonia = {
    discipline = 0.05
    liv_hanseatic_merchants = {
    global_trade_power = 0.1
    liv_livonian_castles = {
    fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.15
    liv_baptizers_of_terra_mariana = {
    global_missionary_strength = 0.02
    papal_influence = 1
    church_power_modifier = 0.05
    liv_local_serfs = {
    production_efficiency = 0.1
    liv_promote_local_bishops = {
    tolerance_own = 2
    liv_the_new_infantry = {
    infantry_power = 0.1

    LVA_ideas = {
    start = {
    discipline = 0.05
    num_accepted_cultures = 2

    bonus = {
    global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1

    trigger = {
    tag = LVA
    free = yes

    lva_legacy_of_the_knights = {
    infantry_power = 0.15
    lva_border_between_east_and_west = {
    land_morale = 0.1
    development_cost = -0.05
    lva_livonian_hanseatic_cities = {
    global_foreign_trade_power = 0.25
    lva_livlandischer_landtag = {
    stability_cost_modifier = -0.05
    all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium = 0.1
    lva_livonian_colonization = {
    range = 0.25
    global_colonial_growth = 10
    lva_naval_professionalism = {
    naval_morale = 0.2
    lva_religious_tolerance = {
    tolerance_of_heretics_capacity = 1
    tolerance_heretic = 1

    LTG_ideas = {
    start = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.15
    global_unrest = -1
    bonus = {
    fire_damage_received = -0.1
    trigger = {
    tag = LTG
    free = yes
    ltg_daugava_river_trade = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    ltg_diplomatic_overtures = {
    improve_relation_modifier = 0.3
    ltg_religious_flexibility = {
    tolerance_of_heretics_capacity = 2
    ltg_latvian_people = {
    num_accepted_cultures = 1
    promote_culture_cost = -0.25
    ltg_modernize_livonian_castles = {
    defensiveness = 0.2
    ltg_daina = {
    prestige_decay = -0.01
    ltg_reduction_of_noble_lands = {
    global_autonomy = -0.05
    nobles_influence_modifier = -0.1

    KRL_ideas = {
    start = {
    global_regiment_cost = -0.1
    land_attrition = -0.1

    bonus = {
    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.15

    trigger = {
    tag = KRL
    free = yes

    krl_ladoge_fishing_industry = {
    global_manpower_modifier = 0.15
    krl_between_two_seas = {
    global_ship_cost = -0.1
    krl_the_sestra_river = {
    trade_steering = 0.1
    krl_the_two_karelian_realms = {
    years_of_nationalism = -5
    krl_baltic_shipyards = {
    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.33
    krl_valaam_monastery = {
    global_missionary_strength = 0.01
    yearly_patriarch_authority = 0.005
    krl_from_the_varangians_to_the_greeks = {
    global_trade_power = 0.1
  38. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu Riga und einige Dinge im Patch

    Riga ist zwar nur ein OPM, bekommt dennoch einen eigenen Missionsbaum

    Einige Missionen in diesem Baum sind für den Aufbau von Riga selber und geben der Provinz einen Modifikator solange man weniger als 6 Provinzen hat.

    Es gibt eine militärische Missionen den livonischen und teutonischen Orden zu vassalisieren. Schafft man das werden diese sozusagen "permanente" Vasallen solange ein Gegner sie nicht in einem Friedensvertrag entlässt.

    Man hat auch eine ähnliche Entscheidung wie die Teutonen ob man ins HRE will oder nicht.

    Hat man sowohl den Religiösen als auch Handelsbaum in den Missionen abgeschlossen kann man beides kombinieren
    und anfangen an alle Katholiken Ablasse zu verkaufen

    Das funktioniert nur bei Katholiken und jedes mal wenn Riga das macht steigt der Reformationsdruck.

    Sollte man als Riga der Reformation beitreten geht das natürlich nicht. Daher bekommt man dann das.

    Man kann dann die Reformation durch Kriege verbreiten und dabei noch Kirchen plündern

    Im kostenlosen Patch bekommt ein Russland das durch Nowgorod gegründet wird eine eigene Regierungsform

    Handelsrepubliken haben in Zukunft sowohl die Factions die sie jetzt haben und Estates.

    Es gibt auch neue Regierungsreformen und einige ältere Reformen werden geändert.
  39. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zu kommenden Änderungen am Kampfsystem

    Die letzten Änderungen am Kampfsystem hatten ein paar ungewünschte Nebeneffekte

    • Kämpfe dauern länger
    • Moral ist weniger wichtig
    • Stackwipes wurden seltener
    • Techgruppen haben einen höheren Einfluss

    Einige dieser Dinge werden in 1.34 adressiert

    In 1.33 haben nur Reservetruppen passiven Moralschaden bekommen. Dadurch dauerten Kämpfe viel länger. In 1.34 bekommen aktiv kämpfende Truppen pro Tick 1% Moralschaden und Reservetruppen 2% basierend auf der durchschnittlichen Moral der beteiligten Einheiten

    Es gab sogenannte Zombieregimenter. Wenn die HP eines Regiments innerhalb der ersten 12 Tagen auf 0 reduziert wurde konnte es nicht ausgewechselt werden was Stackwipes erschwerte da sich die Zahl der gegnerischen Regimenter nicht verringerte. Das wurde beseitigt. Stackwipes sollen mit 1.34 wieder etwas einfacher sein, aber nicht so einfach wie in 1.32

    Der Abzug den man bekommt wenn das Verhältnis Infanterie zu Kavallerie nicht passt skaliert jetzt (basierend auf dem Verhältnis der gerade kämpfenden Truppen) und ist kein fester wert,

    Artilleriepips werden neu gebalanced (offensiver als bisher) und auf Leveln bei denen man mehrere Artillerie zur Auswahl hat unterscheiden die sich deutlich (eines Schaden und das andere entweder Defensive oder Moral)

    Es gibt jetzt ein Limit wie schnell sich Artillerie in der 2ten Reihe verstärken kann wenn eine Einheit flieht basierend auf dem Moralwert des Generals.
    Dadurch soll Kavallerie nützlicher werden da man so mehr Artillerie rausschmeißen kann als was täglich versärkt werden kann.


    Die Durchbruch Mechanik wird nicht kommen, aber Modder können sie benutzen.
  40. Ixalmaris gesperrter Benutzer

    Registriert seit:
    16. Juni 2016
    DD zur Überarbeitung von Dänemark

    Dänemark wird im DLC überarbeitet mit neuen Missionen und einer besonderen Regierungsform.

    Der Missionsbaum is zweigeteilt, oben die Kalamarische Union + Beherrschung der Nordsee. Unten die kolonialen Missionen.
    Kolonisierung ist wie gehabt, entdecke dies, kolonisiere das. + etwas die eigenen Länder entwickeln.


    Der obere Missionsbaum ist eng mit der speziellen Regierungsform verknüpft.
    Am Anfang des Spiels ist Dänemark in der Kalamaren Union, ein Verbund von Dänemark, Schweden und Norwegen.


    Die 2 PUs verbrauchen keine Beziehungesslots, aber man kann sie nicht integrieren. Dafür ist der Missionsbaum da.
    Die Kalamare Union hat ein besonderes System wenn es um die Nachfolge geht. Sowohl Norwegen als auch Schweden wählen ihren König, also muss man dafür sorgen das alle den gleichen König wählen.

    Zuerst kann man versuchen die Adligen in Schweden und Norwegen zu bestechen damit sie deinen Nachfolger wählen.

    Der PU Partner kann dann auswählen ob er annimmt, ablehnt oder einen eigenen Adligen als König vorschlägt.

    Was die KI macht hängt von der Loyalität, Prestige Dänemarks und der Anzahl Monarchiepunkte des Nachfolgers ab. Nimmt Dänemark das an muss nochmal gewählt werden.

    Irgendwann kann man keine Alternative mehr vorschlagen und die PUs stimmen zu oder lehnen ab. Tun sie letzteres bleiben sie weiterhin eine PU, das Freiheitsstreben geht aber hoch.

    Die Adligen in Dänemark sind generell nicht glücklich über die Union und stellen alle paar Jahre Forderungen.

    Es gibt 11 verschiedene Forderungen von der eine zufällig ausgewählt wird.

    Folgt man dem Missionsbaum der Union bekommt man mehrmals die Auswahl ob man den PUs mehr Macht geben soll, was dir Nachteile gibt, dafür aber das Freiheitsstreben reduziert, oder ob man sich selbst Boni gibt, aber die PUs verärgert.

    Irgendwann kommt es zum internen Konflikt in Schweden was eine längere Eventkette auslöst mit mehreren möglichen Enden.

    Am Ende kann man dann die Union ratifizieren was das spezielle Nachfolgersystem abschaltet und Schweden und Norwegen zu normalen PUs macht.

    Weitere interessante Missionen sind das man die Wahl des (christlichen) Glaubens hat und je nachdem andere Missionen bekommt.

    Dänemark ist auch nicht bekannt für seine Soldaten und hat sich eher auf deutsche Söldner verlassen welche man auch per Mission freischalten kann.

    Es gibt auch mehrere Entscheidungen für Dänemark. Neben der Gründung von Skandinavien kann man seinen Titel ändern was eher nur fürs Rollenspiel ist.

    Oder spontan Krieg gegen die Hanse führen.

    Dänemark bekommt auch neue Ideen (Seekampf, etwas Handel)
    DAN_ideas = {
    start = {
    navy_tradition = 1 #Prev: ship_durability = 0.05
    global_manpower_modifier = 0.2 #Prev: global_tax_modifier = 0.1

    bonus = {
    global_naval_engagement_modifier = 0.15 #Prev: global_naval_engagement_modifier = 0.10

    trigger = {
    tag = DAN
    free = yes #will be added at load.

    dan_kalmar_union = { #Prev: shock_damage = 0.1
    liberty_desire_from_subject_development = -0.2
    diplomatic_annexation_cost = -0.1
    dan_sound_dues = {
    global_own_trade_power = 0.2 #Prev: global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
    trade_efficiency = 0.05 #Prev: global_sailors_modifier = 0.2
    dan_the_kings_sea = {
    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.5 #Prev: naval_morale = 0.1, disengagement_chance = 0.05
    dan_royal_mercenaries = { #Prev: build_cost = -0.15
    shock_damage = 0.1
    mercenary_discipline = 0.05
    dan_naval_heroes = { #Prev: naval_maintenance_modifier = -0.15
    leader_naval_shock = 1
    naval_morale = 0.15
    dan_colonial_ventures = { #Prev: naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.5
    global_colonial_growth = 15
    dan_danish_absolutism_idea = { #Prev: global_unrest = -1
    global_autonomy = -0.05
    max_absolutism = 10

    Und ganz spontan auch Venedig (ebenfalls Seekampf und Handel)

    VEN_ideas = {
    start = {
    trade_steering = 0.33 #Prev: global_sailors_modifier = 0.20
    republican_tradition = 0.25 #Prev: global_trade_power = 0.1

    bonus = {
    galley_power = 0.25

    trigger = {
    tag = VEN
    free = yes #will be added at load.

    venetian_arsenal = {
    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.25
    ship_durability = 0.05 #Prev: galley_cost = -0.20
    printing_industry = {
    diplomats = 1
    stato_da_mar = {
    trade_efficiency = 0.2 #Prev: trade_efficiency = 0.10
    state_inquisition = {
    global_spy_defence = 0.3
    yearly_corruption = -0.05 #New
    conscription = {
    global_sailors_modifier = 0.33 #Prev: naval_maintenance_modifier = -0.2, sailor_maintenance_modifer = -0.05
    defend_the_law = {
    global_unrest = -2 #Prev: stability_cost_modifier = -0.1, justify_trade_conflict_cost = -0.1
    provveditori_ai_beni_inculti = {
    development_cost = -0.1 #Prev: land_attrition = -0.10, naval_attrition = -0.10

    In Rule Britannia wurden ja Seekampfdoktrinen eingeführt. Mit dem DLC wirds ein paar Neue geben.
    Für Dänemark speziell:


    Region um Holland

    Vielleicht gibts noch mehr, das weis Paradox noch nicht.
    BunkerBert gefällt das.