Bulletstorm - Skillshot Namen für EA zu sexuell

Von Sir8Davren · 28. Februar 2011 · Aktualisiert am 13. März 2011 ·
  1. Bulletstorm - Skillshot Namen für EA zu sexuell

    Die Amis spinnen doch echt! Das Spiel, welches sicherlich einen Guinnessbuch der Rekorde Preis in Sachen Beschneidung in Deutschland verdient hätte, muss jetzt auch in Amerika „geschnitten“ werden.

    Grund? Die anscheinend „sexuellen“ Anspielungen der Skillshots! Zitat: „EA has forced us to change the names into something more kid friendly“! Was ist das denn bitte für ein Oxymoron??? Ein Spiel, das ab 18 ist, soll Kinderfreundlicher werden???!!

    Folgende Namen waren zum Beispiel zu heikel für EA: Topless, Rear Entry, Double Penetration, oder Gag Reflex. Wenn man das Spiel auf Englisch gespielt hat, ist es doch vollkommen eindeutig, was diese Namen zu bedeuten haben… Also ab und zu mach ich mir doch Sorgen um den Geisteszustand der Amis…

    Hier kann man sich nochmal das richtige Zitat durchlesen:

    After getting countless complaints about the sexual nature in Bulletstorm, we finally had to do something about it. I personally had no idea how dirty people’s minds really were. It’s quite sad to see your work get changed like this, but after all the negative attention about this game, EA pretty much forced us to make the words more kid friendly. I’m baffled. I spent some quality time coming up with words that fit the action on screen. How can people associate words like “topless,” “rear entry,” or “gag reflex” as something dirty? These words have very clear intent on the happenings on the screen.

    Topless for example, happens when you successfully cut an enemy in half. What else was I supposed to put there that would be precise to the player? If you look at the bottom half of the dead enemy, you can clearly see he’s missing his top half, ergo the term topless. Rear entry is talking about shooting a guy in the back. The terminology seemed to be basic knowledge to me. People have both a front side, and a back side, which can also be called the rear.

    The one that annoys me the most is gag reflex. You must have a really sick mind to think gag reflex is sexual. Ever take a bite of food to big and start choking? Ever throw up before? You can thank your gag reflex for that. Honestly, to even think that any of these things have a sexual nature, you got to have a really dirty mind to begin with. Sadly it looks like people who won’t even play this game have the dirtiest minds, and EA has forced us to change the names into something more kid friendly.



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